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Vand resurse si Gamemode-uri originale/ Axel

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Acesta nu este un loc în care să se faciliteze vânzarea de produse și/sau servicii care nu au relevanță cu platforma MTA și nici un loc unde să se comercializeze resurse ce țin de platforma MTA pentru care nu există drepturi reale de autor sau acorduri exprese/licențe de comercializare din partea celor care dețin eventuale drepturi de autor asupra respectivelor resurse, fapt pentru care acest topic va fi închis cu mențiunea de a nu mai redeschide altele similare pe acest subiect pentru a evita sancțiuni disciplinare în conformitate cu regulamentul comunității.

În atenția membrilor comunității:


Anyone engaging in selling activities is doing so at their own risk, always take caution in dealing with a seller or buyer, and remember that if it seems too good to be true, it usually is. We recommend to review a member's forum reputation, activity & standing before making decisions. False deals can be either a scam or a person selling something not egilible for sale (not their work, stolen, leaked or public resources and code, etc) or unreasonable deals (qualitatively low value work for a too high price, misrepresentation of features or quality, etc), because of this we advise that if you doubt or aren't an experienced scripter, you call for the help of someone you know can tell if it's a reasonable deal and the product being sold looks good or not. We advise that you always press the seller for full source code and not compiled or otherwise protected, because you should ideally be buying the full rights to a work when you purchase it.

While we cannot guarantee the safety of trading (for which reason we advise you to use common sense and precautions), we will do our best to intervene if a situation related to a scammer looking to make victims, having made victims, or of someone selling unreasonable products is brought forward to us. We kindly request you to submit a topic, post, or PM report in such situations or if you're concerned about anything. By reporting situations you allow us to prevent (scamming) incidents, eventually assist to resolve trading conflicts, or take action against scammers after the fact. Setting out to scam others is rewarded with a permanent ban, eventually a ban from all MTA services.



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