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Disable jumping from the vehicle windows


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To make a specific vehicle (in this case, vehicle ID 480) open its doors like all other cars in MTASA, you can use the setVehicleHandling function to modify the "vehicleanim" attribute of the vehicle's  handling data. This attribute determines the animation that plays when the player enters or exits the vehicle, so setting it to a value that matches other cars in the game should make the doors open in a more conventional manner.

local vehicle = getVehicleByID(480)
local handling = getVehicleHandling(vehicle)
handling["vehicleanim"] = "SALOON_DoorSH_L"
setVehicleHandling(vehicle, handling)


Edited by Anoir Tizaoui
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On 09/04/2023 at 16:57, CastiaL said:

character enters some vehicles by jumping from the window, how can we turn it off ?
for exp vehicle id: 480

function onVehicleStartEnter(player, seat, jacked)
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)
    if vehicle and getElementModel(vehicle) == 480 then
        outputChatBox("You cannot enter this vehicle.")
addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), onVehicleStartEnter)


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