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getting in a server

Guest chilimike159

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i just downloaded this and this is exactly what i did. I installed the program into c:programs>program files>Rockstar games>gta3. I think i did that right. Then i clicked on the gta3 launcher and clicked gta mta. I typed in my nick name and clicked connect to server. I used the ase and it gave me the ip so i didn't type anything different. I went to a soccer game for 2 hours and it still hadn't connected. It just said joining server. Is this supposed to happen or is my computer really slow. I have a cable modem so it shouldn't take that long..... Please help cause i want to play MTA :D

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to gain a connection to the server takes no more than 30 sec usually

there is a little white box in the top right hand corner of the console, if it goes 2 shades of orange within 10 seconds and continues to do so your in =)

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exuse me but do u goto into gta3 first then get into server or server first cuz i go into server first and all what happens is the credits repeat

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ok i fixed it. i downloaded ase and it shows all the servers and i put in the ip address and it works. at the credits, i push send game request and i am playing in 5 seconds

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