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[SELL] VIP Panel in DX


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Hi, I would like to present you a VIP Panel made in DX (I want to mention that this panel is more suitable on freeroam servers).
There are 3 packages for this VIP Panel:

Package #1
Price: 10$ Euros (Only via PayPal!)



- Classic DX interface (square type)
- It contains some information: the name of the player and how many VIPs are on the server


- Max Stats  (Almost all GTA:SA stats will be maxed)
- Health  (You will set 200% health)
- Armour  (You will set 200% armour)
- Invisible  (You will be invisible)
- Invisible Animation  (Smooth invisible animation)
- Jetpack (You will can enable/disable jetpack)
- Godmode (You will be invincible but you will not be able to kill other players
- VIP Blip (You will be visible on the map with a different blip from normal players)


- There will be a list with some vehicles you can spawn as VIP (You can add/remove vehicles from vehicles.xml)
- Destroy (Your vip car will be destroyed)
- Lock/Unlock (You will can lock/unlock your vip car but not the normal ones from admin panel or other resources)
- Engine (You will be able to stop/start your vip car engine)
- Lights (You will be able to turn on/off the headlights of your vip car)
- Warp in vehicle (You will be able to warp in your vip car if it's spawned)
- Car Invisible Animation (Smooth invisible animation)
- Car Rainbow (Smooth car color changer)

Package #2
Price: 10$ Euros (Only via PayPal!)


Everything from Package #1 but the interface will be rounded at corners

Package #3
Price: 20$ Euros (Only via PayPal!)


Everything from Package #1 and Package #2


- Style (A button where you can change the type of interface (Classic or Modern) )
- Theme (A button where you can change the interface color from Dark to Light or from Light to Dark)

You can scroll up/down if you add more cars in vehicles.xml

NOTE: I want to mention that the script will be compiled because I do not want others to make systems using my code

We can talk only on Discord(My discord: Hydra45#6859)






Edited by Hydra
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