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Como Puedo Crear un HOST para mta ?

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Hi, welcome to the forums!

I've moved your thread to the Spanish section as this is the right place to post. Always make sure to use English outside this section.

What do you mean by creating a host for MTA? Would you like to host a server that you own or create an organization that provides hosting for others?

If you'd like to host your own server, you can either do it locally (through your own computer, this article is a good place to start: http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/index.php?title=ES/Manual_del_Servidor) or by using a well-established hosting provider (you can find reputable names on this page https://multitheftauto.com/hosters/).

Edited by Vinyard
Added info about using English when posting outside this section.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hola , Primero tienes que Descargar MTA En :  https://multitheftauto.com/ ( Creo que ya lo hiciste XD)

Ahora tienes que dirijorte a estas carpetas "C:\Program Files (x86)" y Buscas la carpeta donde tengas MTA en mi caso en otro disco Duro "D:\MTA SA"

Ahora Vas a "D:\MTA SA\server\mods\deathmatch" ahora editar el ACL con la linea en codigo en El grupo : "Admin" y agregas o remplazar uno (recomiendo hacer esto o asi lo tengo yo) la primera linea "user.TUNOMBRE" y "resource.*"

 <group name="Admin">
      <acl name="Moderator" />
      <acl name="SuperModerator" />
      <acl name="Admin" />
      <acl name="RPC" />
     <object name="resource.*" />
        <object name="user.filif" />

Y luego encendes el server descargas recursos en https://community.multitheftauto.com/

y los pones en resources luego los encendes en Panel "P" o admin , Recorda logearte y registrate con el nombre que pusiste en ACL   una guia mas detallada busca en Youtube XD gracias

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