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Global ban

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Доброго времени суток. Сразу извиняюсь за такой английский, я его плохо знаю и пишу через переводчик. 
Играю в MTA Province Server #6. Банов за читы и подобные баны наказываемые разработчиками не получал. Заказал себе новый ПК, как мне сказали, всё содержимое новое и собранное уже у них в магазине, чеки все имеются. На ноутбуке играю спокойно, без бана, а вот на новом ПК не получается зайти в принципе. 
Вот мой серийный номер - [removed]
Скажите пожалуйста какой срок блокировки. Если перманентный бан, возможно ли сокращение бана до месяца-двух?
Очень надеюсь на ваше понимание, помогите пожалуйста.


Good day. I immediately apologize for such English, I do not know it well and write through a translator.
I play MTA Province Server #6. I did not receive bans for cheats and similar bans punished by developers. I ordered a new PC for myself, as I was told, all the contents are new and already assembled in their store, all receipts are available. I play calmly on a laptop, without a ban, but on a new PC I can’t log in at all.
Here is my serial number - [removed]
Please tell me how long the lock is. If a permanent ban, is it possible to reduce the ban to a month or two?
I really hope for your understanding, please help.
Edited by Tut
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On 22/04/2022 at 23:14, hardin said:


Доброго времени суток. Сразу извиняюсь за такой английский, я его плохо знаю и пишу через переводчик. 
Играю в MTA Province Server #6. Банов за читы и подобные баны наказываемые разработчиками не получал. Заказал себе новый ПК, как мне сказали, всё содержимое новое и собранное уже у них в магазине, чеки все имеются. На ноутбуке играю спокойно, без бана, а вот на новом ПК не получается зайти в принципе. 
Вот мой серийный номер - скину в лс
Скажите пожалуйста какой срок блокировки. Если перманентный бан, возможно ли сокращение бана до месяца-двух?
Очень надеюсь на ваше понимание, помогите пожалуйста.


Good day. I immediately apologize for such English, I do not know it well and write through a translator.
I play MTA Province Server #6. I did not receive bans for cheats and similar bans punished by developers. I ordered a new PC for myself, as I was told, all the contents are new and already assembled in their store, all receipts are available. I play calmly on a laptop, without a ban, but on a new PC I can’t log in at all.
Here is my serial number - send in private messages
Please tell me how long the lock is. If a permanent ban, is it possible to reduce the ban to a month or two?
I really hope for your understanding, please help.


Sorry for the spam, I wanted to hide the serial number. I can fully explain the situation to you, just listen and understand please, I beg you
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5 hours ago, hardin said:


Sorry for the spam, I wanted to hide the serial number. I can fully explain the situation to you, just listen and understand please, I beg you

I've removed the serial number from your original post.

I'm sorry I don't have an answer to your appeal at this time

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I would like you to listen to me. 
The fact is that a few days ago I bought myself a new PC, the components are all new except for the video card, it has already been used. 
Just the day before yesterday I tried to go to my favorite MTA server, as I get the following window - https://yapx.ru/v/Ryioy


I have never used cheats and never intend to. To be honest, I was very upset when I saw the global ban. 
And that's how I found a way to appeal. I have a purchase receipt and, of course, correspondence where we agreed to buy a PC. 
I can provide you with both to convince you that the cheats were used not by me, but by the previous owner of the video card.


I very much hope for you and your understanding. I hope I can play again on my favorite server, with my friends and have a great time.
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Don't think I'm not trying to deceive you. I am telling the honest truth, because I really want you to understand me and help. 
This game is very important to me, I specifically bought a PC so that the FPS was high, and then a ban. 
I only hope for you, for your understanding.
I can really prove that I didn't. I agree to any checks, as long as I can play again
Edited by hardin
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