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Game mode suggestions!

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Here are a few game mode suggestions I have:

:arrow: Gone in 60 seconds:

If you're the robbers your job is to get the required cars back to yourr garages. The cars appear as different colored dots on the map. Each stolen car is 3 points.

If you're the cops your job is to stop them. You can't see which cars they have to bust, but when they take one they will appear on your radar as a different colored dot. To stop them from stealing their car you have to kill the guy in the car, without blowing up the car, and take it back to headquarters. You can also pull them out of the car and "bust" them, gaining an extra point. Returning a car is 3 points.

:arrow: Weapons:

Robbers: UZI + Chainsaw (doors on cars will be locked)

Police: Pistol + Armor + Nightstick (or whatever that police melee weapon is called)

If possible give the police spike strips.

:arrow: Vehicles:

Robbers: Very poor pieces of ****. Like the Idaho or Grey Vans. Some can seat more passengers than others.

Police: Cop cars and S.W.A.T. vans.

Target cars to be stolen: Fast cars!

:arrow: Options (server sets it)

Cars must have x amount of health to be stolen/returned to the teams garage.

1 hit kill magnum pistol also added to robbers spawn and picked up if wanted.

Special weapons hidden randomly, like the M4 or sniper.

Target cars can also be set to different ones.

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:arrow: Turf war (king of the hills)

There are certain areas which can be aquired, but there's a rival gang who also wants the property. It's war!

Your teams gains a certain amount of money depending on how many, or which properties are owned. This money can be used to buy guns at an AMMUNATION nearby.

Whoever controls ALL the properties, or a certain percentage, wins and the game is restarted.

:arrow: Weapons

Both teams come standard with a pistol. More can be bought at an AMMUNATION near spawn (if possible).

:arrow: Vehicles

The gang's standard vehicles, like the VOODOO for the Hatians (spelling?).

:arrow: Options

Server can set what percentage needs to be controlled to win.

Server can also turn off AMMUNATION and select what teams spawn with what weapons.

Post any ideas you have! :D

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and that would entail what?

i mean you could have a fall-off and die scenario where its last man standing with the aim of uzi-ing or knocking your opponent off, but that would just be a demolition derby for vc :roll:

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