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I Received 2 Years Ago Unfair Ban

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Hi Tut, how are you?

My name is Paulo Mikhael Gomes Soeiro, I am a 3d modeler and I did services for Multi Theft Auto server owners, in 2020 I was called to do services for a man named Marlon, he owned "Brasil Infinity Roleplay", I did so many services of 3d modeling for him that in the end he put me as the official modeler of his server, in mid-May, Marlon was banned from the MTA and his server went to the Black List, I didn't really understand what had happened, but he he said it would be ok and kept paying me to do 3d modeling for him, until on 06/06/2020 he said he would be selling the server to a man from portugal, that's when I went to the MTA discord to to know if there would be a way to remove the Black List from the server, because even if Marlon did something very serious, the server was no longer in his possession, I waited for an answer and they put me in a private room, I said what happened and before I received the answer I was banned from discord d by "RTK CLAN" (First Image Below This Text), I without understanding went to the MTA forum and asked why I had been banned from discord without even getting an answer, so I waited and to my misfortune I was banned from the MTA without receiving any response and without justification of the bans (Second Image Below This Text), so I gave up, closed the mta and went to play another game. However, when I went back to the MTA and tried to join a server, it had written that I had been banned for the reason "RTK Clan DDOS" (Third Image Below This Text), I got desperate and started asking in places and they told me that this clan knocked down servers to benefit them, so since there was nowhere for me to go, I went after an MTA moderator who spoke Portuguese-Brazilian, I found one called DNL291, he heard my story and said he was going to talk to whoever had banned me, Dutchman101, then he came back saying that Dutchman101 would not unban, DNL291 told me that this story was very wrong, because I was not part of any clan, I had never even joined their group, DNL291 tried to help me, so much so that Dutchman101 started to ignore him, so he said he couldn't help anymore as only Dutch could unban me. I tried everything, I made several accounts on the forum, I spoke through the tab to appeal bans, I spoke in private messages, and I was always banned, the day I told him my story, he banned me and in the justification he said he couldn't believe in stories other than his, so I gave up and only came back 1 year later, in June 2021 I tried to talk to Dutchman101 again saying that the ban was wrong and that he listen to my story, he again just banned me, banned my ip and banned the nickname "Soeiro" from the forum so that I wouldn't create any more accounts with my name, so I went again to an MTA moderator who spoke Brazilian Portuguese, but now I spoke to one called henriquehoffo, he said it made no sense Dutchman101 banned me PERMANENTLY as he had nothing against me, he then tried to talk to Dutchman101 and he just ignored the MOD.

Now I'm here in 2022 again asking them to review my ban, I've been banned for 2 years and those responsible for the bans never came to see my story, they just ignored it. I love Multi Theft Auto, if I didn't I would have already bought another computer, changed the IP to circumvent the ban, but I want to be cleared, because I've never done anything against the MTA, thank you in advance!

Email: [removed]
Discord: PaulooSoeiro#5131
Instagram: @[removed]
Serial: B72248C83EE64E42935E56BDFB59E8F4
IP Address : [removed]

(First Image)


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(Third Image)


(Written in Portuguese)
Não haja que nem o Dutchman101 e reveja meu banimento, pois todo mundo que me conhece e até gente que não me conhece sabe que nunca fiz nada contra o Multi Theft Auto. Obrigado!

Edited by Tut
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Sorry I'm not able to help with your ban, but I have gone ahead and edited out personal information about you from your post - please keep in mind you're posting to public forums

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Tut, foi intencional a colocação de informações minha, para mostrar que não tenho nada a esconder, é sério isso? Vou continuar banido permanente por injustiça e imaturidade de um da equipe MTA? Duas pessoas da mesma equipe a favor de mim e continuarei banido por um ser maior que todos? Não existe isso em nenhum lugar! Acho isso um completo desrespeito do MTA com seus jogadores... Estou a 2 anos BANIDO!!! Banido permanentemente por algo que nunca fiz parte, qual a dificuldade de ver minha história e pelo menos diminuir o banimento injusto! Desde já agradeço pela a resposta, mesmo que seja uma resposta infeliz da parte do MTA.

(The above line was written in Portuguese out of indignation, let's talk on discord please, I'm feeling completely embarrassed about all this.)

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Are you going to stay the same? I've been banned for two years for something I didn't even know existed, and will I stay banned? Wasn't two years enough for this unjust banishment? Or are these two years after something to incriminate me, and since there's nothing, I'm going to stay banned because they don't want to assume they're wrong? This is a complete disrespect to the MTA community, without a shred of justice... Go MTA Team, I want to see you come here to show some evidence that you have against it, you won't come, because you don't have it! Total disrespect! Thank you first of all, and I appreciate if you respond.

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Since Mr Tut asked, I'll put what I had written with indignation in Portuguese here in English:

Saturday at 10:05 am

"Tut, it was intentional to put my information, to show that I have nothing to hide, is this serious? Will it remain permanently banned for equality and immaturity of one of the MTA team? Two people from the same team in my favor and will I remain banned by a being greater than all? It doesn't exist anywhere! I think this is a complete disrespect of the MTA with its players... I'm BANISHED for 2 years!!! Banned by story banning that I was never a part of, how difficult is it to see mine and at least decrease it! Thanks in advance for the answer, even if it is an unfortunate answer on the part of the MTA"

I will be very grateful if you solve my case! Thanks.

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Eu só quero que vocês removão esse banimento de mim, desculpe se eu estava no servidor errado na hora errada, mas não consigo mais suportar ser banido por algo que eu não participei. Eu vou agradecer muito se fecharem meu caso e removerem meu banimento, eu só quero voltar.

Just now, Paulo Mikhael Gomes S. said:

Eu só quero que vocês removão esse banimento de mim, desculpe se eu estava no servidor errado na hora errada, mas não consigo mais suportar ser banido por algo que eu não participei. Eu vou agradecer muito se fecharem meu caso e removerem meu banimento, eu só quero voltar.

(Speech translated into English)
I just want you to remove this banishment from me, sorry if I was on the wrong server at the wrong time, but I can not bear to be banned by something I did not participate in. I'll thank you very much if you close my case and remove my ban, I just want to go back.

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Locking this for now, as it keeps generating new replies and we don't have an answer for you right this moment.
I've left a note, so rest assured it isn't getting forgotten about ;)


Unlocked, but please keep your comment section clear for us to respond. Thanks

Edited by Tut
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