Patlik Posted December 28, 2021 Share Posted December 28, 2021 The problem is this error message. Photo Please somebody help me? ( sorry for my bad english) and this is the said line function initTrafficGenerator() traffic_density = {peds = 0.0025,cars = 0.0027,boats = 0.003,planes = 0.003} population = {peds = {},cars = {},boats = {},planes = {}} element_timers = {} players = {} for plnum,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do players[player] = true end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,addPlayerOnJoin) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,removePlayerOnQuit) square_subtable_count = {} setTimer(updateTraffic,1000,0) end function addPlayerOnJoin() players[source] = true end function removePlayerOnQuit() players[source] = nil end function updateTraffic() server_coldata = getResourceFromName("server_coldata") npc_hlc = getResourceFromName("npc_hlc") colcheck = get("npchlc_traffic.check_collisions") colcheck = colcheck == "all" and root or colcheck == "local" and resourceRoot or nil updateSquarePopulations() generateTraffic() removeEmptySquares() end function updateSquarePopulations() if square_population then for dim,square_dim in pairs(square_population) do for y,square_row in pairs(square_dim) do for x,square in pairs(square_row) do square.count = {peds = 0,cars = 0,boats = 0,planes = 0} square.list = {peds = {},cars = {},boats = {},planes = {}} square.gen_mode = "despawn" end end end end countPopulationInSquares("peds") countPopulationInSquares("cars") countPopulationInSquares("boats") countPopulationInSquares("planes") for player,exists in pairs(players) do local x,y = getElementPosition(player) local dim = getElementDimension(player) x,y = math.floor(x/SQUARE_SIZE),math.floor(y/SQUARE_SIZE) for sy = y-4,y+4 do for sx = x-4,x+4 do local square = getPopulationSquare(sx,sy,dim) if not square then square = createPopulationSquare(sx,sy,dim,"spawn") else if x-3 <= sx and sx <= x+3 and y-3 <= sy and sy <= y+3 then square.gen_mode = "nospawn" else square.gen_mode = "spawn" end end end end end if colcheck then call(server_coldata,"generateColData",colcheck) end end function removeEmptySquares() if square_population then for dim,square_dim in pairs(square_population) do for y,square_row in pairs(square_dim) do for x,square in pairs(square_row) do if square.gen_mode == "despawn" and square.count.peds == 0 and == 0 and == 0 and square.count.planes == 0 then destroyPopulationSquare(x,y,dim) end end end end end end function countPopulationInSquares(trtype) for element,exists in pairs(population[trtype]) do if getElementType(element) ~= "ped" or not isPedInVehicle(element) then local x,y = getElementPosition(element) local dim = getElementDimension(element) x,y = math.floor(x/SQUARE_SIZE),math.floor(y/SQUARE_SIZE) for sy = y-2,y+2 do for sx = x-2,x+2 do local square = getPopulationSquare(sx,sy,dim) if sx == x and sy == y then if not square then square = createPopulationSquare(sx,sy,dim,"despawn") end square.list[trtype][element] = true end if square then square.count[trtype] = square.count[trtype]+1 end end end end end end function createPopulationSquare(x,y,dim,genmode) if not square_population then square_population = {} square_subtable_count[square_population] = 0 end local square_dim = square_population[dim] if not square_dim then square_dim = {} square_subtable_count[square_dim] = 0 square_population[dim] = square_dim square_subtable_count[square_population] = square_subtable_count[square_population]+1 end local square_row = square_dim[y] if not square_row then square_row = {} square_subtable_count[square_row] = 0 square_dim[y] = square_row square_subtable_count[square_dim] = square_subtable_count[square_dim]+1 end local square = square_row[x] if not square then square = {} square_subtable_count[square] = 0 square_row[x] = square square_subtable_count[square_row] = square_subtable_count[square_row]+1 end square.count = {peds = 0,cars = 0,boats = 0,planes = 0} square.list = {peds = {},cars = {},boats = {},planes = {}} square.gen_mode = genmode return square end function destroyPopulationSquare(x,y,dim) if not square_population then return end local square_dim = square_population[dim] if not square_dim then return end local square_row = square_dim[y] if not square_row then return end local square = square_row[x] if not square then return end square_subtable_count[square] = nil square_row[x] = nil square_subtable_count[square_row] = square_subtable_count[square_row]-1 if square_subtable_count[square_row] ~= 0 then return end square_subtable_count[square_row] = nil square_dim[y] = nil square_subtable_count[square_dim] = square_subtable_count[square_dim]-1 if square_subtable_count[square_dim] ~= 0 then return end square_subtable_count[square_dim] = nil square_population[dim] = nil square_subtable_count[square_population] = square_subtable_count[square_population]-1 if square_subtable_count[square_population] ~= 0 then return end square_subtable_count[square_population] = nil square_population = nil end function getPopulationSquare(x,y,dim) if not square_population then return end local square_dim = square_population[dim] if not square_dim then return end local square_row = square_dim[y] if not square_row then return end return square_row[x] end function generateTraffic() if not square_population then return end for dim,square_dim in pairs(square_population) do for y,square_row in pairs(square_dim) do for x,square in pairs(square_row) do local genmode = square.gen_mode if genmode == "spawn" then spawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,"peds") spawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,"cars") spawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,"boats") spawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,"planes") elseif genmode == "despawn" then despawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,"peds") despawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,"cars") despawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,"boats") despawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,"planes") end end end end end skins = {7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,43,44,46,47,48,49,50,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,76,77,78,79,82,83,84,88,89,91,93,94,95,96,98,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,141,142,143,147,148,150,151,153,157,158,159,160,161,162,170,173,174,175,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,206,210,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,231,232,233,234,235,236,239,240,241,242,247,248,250,253,254,255,258,259,260,261,262,263} vehicles = {581,462,521,461,602,496,589,587,474,410,445,507,546,467,580,550,540,421,420,408,596,598,609,422,482,554,534,567,576,402,603,429,541,415,480,562,565,411,559,561,560,506,451,558,555,477,424,483,508,500,} skincount,vehiclecount = #skins,#vehicles count_needed = 0 function spawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,trtype) local square_tm_id = square_id[y] and square_id[y][x] if not square_tm_id then return end local square = square_population and square_population[dim] and square_population[dim][y] and square_population[dim][y][x] if not square then return end local conns = square_conns[square_tm_id][trtype] local cpos1 = square_cpos1[square_tm_id][trtype] local cpos2 = square_cpos2[square_tm_id][trtype] local cdens = square_cdens[square_tm_id][trtype] local ttden = square_ttden[square_tm_id][trtype] count_needed = count_needed+math.max(ttden*traffic_density[trtype]-square.count[trtype]/25,0) while count_needed >= 1 do local sqpos = ttden*math.random() local connpos local connnum = 1 while true do connpos = cdens[connnum] if sqpos > connpos then sqpos = sqpos-connpos else connpos = sqpos/connpos break end connnum = connnum+1 end local connid = conns[connnum] connpos = cpos1[connnum]*(1-connpos)+cpos2[connnum]*connpos local n1,n2,nb = conn_n1[connid],conn_n2[connid],conn_nb[connid] local ll,rl = conn_lanes.left[connid],conn_lanes.right[connid] local lanecount = ll+rl if lanecount == 0 and math.random(2) > 1 or lanecount ~= 0 and math.random(lanecount) > rl then n1,n2,ll,rl = n2,n1,rl,ll connpos = (nb and math.pi*0.5 or 1)-connpos end lane = rl == 0 and 0 or math.random(rl) local x,y,z local x1,y1,z1 = getNodeConnLanePos(n1,connid,lane,false) local x2,y2,z2 = getNodeConnLanePos(n2,connid,lane,true) local dx,dy,dz = x2-x1,y2-y1,z2-z1 local rx = math.deg(math.atan2(dz,math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy))) local rz if nb then local bx,by,bz = node_x[nb],node_y[nb],(z1+z2)*0.5 local x1,y1,z1 = x1-bx,y1-by,z1-bz local x2,y2,z2 = x2-bx,y2-by,z2-bz local possin,poscos = math.sin(connpos),math.cos(connpos) x = bx+possin*x1+poscos*x2 y = by+possin*y1+poscos*y2 z = bz+possin*z1+poscos*z2 local tx = -poscos local ty = possin tx,ty = x1*tx+x2*ty,y1*tx+y2*ty rz = -math.deg(math.atan2(tx,ty)) else x = x1*(1-connpos)+x2*connpos y = y1*(1-connpos)+y2*connpos z = z1*(1-connpos)+z2*connpos rz = -math.deg(math.atan2(dx,dy)) end local speed = conn_maxspeed[connid]/299 local vmult = speed/math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) local vx,vy,vz = dx*vmult,dy*vmult,dz*vmult local model = trtype == "peds" and skins[math.random(skincount)] or vehicles[math.random(vehiclecount)] local colx,coly,colz = x,y,z+z_offset[model] local create = true if colcheck then local box = call(server_coldata,"createModelIntersectionBox",model,colx,coly,colz,rz) create = not call(server_coldata,"doesModelBoxIntersect",box,dim) end if create and trtype == "peds" then local ped = createPed(model,x,y,z+1,rz) setElementDimension(ped,dim) element_timers[ped] = {} addEventHandler("onElementDestroy",ped,removePedFromListOnDestroy,false) addEventHandler("onPedWasted",ped,removeDeadPed,false) population.peds[ped] = true if colcheck then call(server_coldata,"updateElementColData",ped) end call(npc_hlc,"enableHLCForNPC",ped,"walk",0.99,40/180) ped_lane[ped] = lane initPedRouteData(ped) addNodeToPedRoute(ped,n1) addNodeToPedRoute(ped,n2,nb) for nodenum = 1,4 do addRandomNodeToPedRoute(ped) end elseif create and trtype == "cars" then local zoff = z_offset[model]/math.cos(math.rad(rx)) local car = createVehicle(model,x,y,z+zoff,rx,0,rz) setElementDimension(car,dim) element_timers[car] = {} addEventHandler("onElementDestroy",car,removeCarFromListOnDestroy,false) addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode",car,removeDestroyedCar,false)[car] = true if colcheck then call(server_coldata,"updateElementColData",car) end local ped1 = createPed(skins[math.random(skincount)],x,y,z+1) warpPedIntoVehicle(ped1,car) setElementDimension(ped1,dim) element_timers[ped1] = {} addEventHandler("onElementDestroy",ped1,removePedFromListOnDestroy,false) addEventHandler("onPedWasted",ped1,removeDeadPed,false) population.peds[ped1] = true local maxpass = getVehicleMaxPassengers(model) if maxpass >= 1 and math.random() < 0.5 then local ped2 = createPed(skins[math.random(skincount)],x,y,z+1) warpPedIntoVehicle(ped2,car,1) setElementDimension(ped2,dim) element_timers[ped2] = {} addEventHandler("onElementDestroy",ped2,removePedFromListOnDestroy,false) addEventHandler("onPedWasted",ped2,removeDeadPed,false) population.peds[ped2] = true end if maxpass >= 2 and math.random() < 0.25 then local ped3 = createPed(skins[math.random(skincount)],x,y,z+1) warpPedIntoVehicle(ped3,car,2) setElementDimension(ped3,dim) element_timers[ped3] = {} addEventHandler("onElementDestroy",ped3,removePedFromListOnDestroy,false) addEventHandler("onPedWasted",ped3,removeDeadPed,false) population.peds[ped3] = true end if maxpass >= 3 and math.random() < 0.25 then local ped4 = createPed(skins[math.random(skincount)],x,y,z+1) warpPedIntoVehicle(ped4,car,3) setElementDimension(ped4,dim) element_timers[ped4] = {} addEventHandler("onElementDestroy",ped4,removePedFromListOnDestroy,false) addEventHandler("onPedWasted",ped4,removeDeadPed,false) population.peds[ped4] = true end setElementVelocity(car,vx,vy,vz) call(npc_hlc,"enableHLCForNPC",ped1,"walk",0.99,speed) ped_lane[ped1] = lane initPedRouteData(ped1) addNodeToPedRoute(ped1,n1) addNodeToPedRoute(ped1,n2,nb) for nodenum = 1,4 do addRandomNodeToPedRoute(ped1) end end square.count[trtype] = square.count[trtype]+1 count_needed = count_needed-1 end end function removePedFromListOnDestroy() for timer,exists in pairs(element_timers[source]) do killTimer(timer) end element_timers[source] = nil population.peds[source] = nil end function removeDeadPed() element_timers[source][setTimer(destroyElement,20000,1,source)] = true end function removeCarFromListOnDestroy() for timer,exists in pairs(element_timers[source]) do killTimer(timer) end element_timers[source] = nil[source] = nil end function removeDestroyedCar() element_timers[source][setTimer(destroyElement,60000,1,source)] = true end function despawnTrafficInSquare(x,y,dim,trtype) local square = square_population and square_population[dim] and square_population[dim][y] and square_population[dim][y][x] if not square then return end if trtype == "peds" then for element,exists in pairs(square.list[trtype]) do destroyElement(element) end else for element,exists in pairs(square.list[trtype]) do local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(element) local destroy = false for seat,ped in pairs (occupants) do --THATS THE 408 LINE if not population.peds[ped] then destroy = false end end if destroy then destroyElement(element) for seat,ped in pairs(occupants) do destroyElement(ped) end end end end end Link to comment
gubi Posted December 29, 2021 Share Posted December 29, 2021 (edited) You can just check if there are any occupants, and if soo just continue to execute rest of the function (i have no clue why the code spacing is soo weird...) for element,exists in pairs(square.list[trtype]) do local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(element) local occupantsCount = 0 for seat, player in pairs(occupants) do occupantsCount = occupantsCount + 1 end if occupantsCount > 0 then local destroy = false for seat,ped in pairs (occupants) do --THATS THE 408 LINE if not population.peds[ped] then destroy = false end end if destroy then destroyElement(element) for seat,ped in pairs(occupants) do destroyElement(ped) end end end end Edited December 29, 2021 by gubi 1 Link to comment
The_GTA Posted December 29, 2021 Share Posted December 29, 2021 13 minutes ago, gubi said: (i have no clue why the code spacing is soo weird...) Hello gubi, you are mixing tabs with spaces. You can fix it by converting tabs to a sequence of 4 spaces or the other way round. The SciTE text editing program can do that for you very easily... 1 1 Link to comment
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