Leinad Raiz Posted November 18, 2021 Share Posted November 18, 2021 I have a phone script so when a person calls a mechanic the script identifies which people are in the mechanic acl to notify them that someone needs a mechanic only he uses an (Acl) to identify and I have an agency script that he uses getplayerelement so I was wondering how do I replace the acl by element: elseif type == "mecanico" then outputChatBox("#00BFFFVocê chamou o mecânico, aguarde", client, 255, 255, 255, true) for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isPlayerInACL(player, (Grupo2)) then outputChatBox(getPlayerName(client).." precisa de um mecânico em "..city, player, 255, 255, 255, true) displayServerMessage(player, removeHex(getPlayerName(client)).." precisa de um mecânico em "..city, "warning") blip[client] = createBlipAttachedTo(client, 27) setElementVisibleTo(blip[client], root, false) setElementVisibleTo(blip[client], player, true) timer[client] = setTimer(function(b) if isElement(b) then destroyElement(b) end end, 120000, 1, blip[client]) end end That's the mechanic, this one is the agency script when you get the job: function MecanicoAirNew () local Level = getElementData ( source, "Level" ) or 0 if Level >= 0 then TudoInvisivel () setElementVisibleTo ( Mecanico, source, true ) setElementData ( source, "AirNew>Encaminhamento", "Mecanico" ) outputChatBox ( "Você foi aceito no Emprego de Mecânico", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "Para Iniciar os Serviços siga o Checkpoint Vermelho em seu Radar", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) setElementData ( source, "Emprego", false ) end end addEvent( "Encaminhar>Mecanico", true ) addEventHandler( "Encaminhar>Mecanico", getRootElement(), MecanicoAirNew ) Link to comment
Administrators Tut Posted November 18, 2021 Administrators Share Posted November 18, 2021 Closing this as a duplicate - it's ok to create two threads in two different languages if it's to translate a tutorial, but when asking for help we suggest you only create 1 thread so that you don't receive replies on both threads, where users might not know what you've already tried or what advice has already been given. Link to comment
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