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Unban Appeal.. Banned for "Malicious Activity"

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Hello, I have been banned by MTA for malicious activity, which I indeed did, but it wasn't just for no reason. All of my victims were toxic rats, who deserved that. I was enough merciful to not even destroy their PCs... But in the first place, I was not behind the infections. Let's begin from my first victim, a player named Eddy. My friend is a close friend of Eddy, let's call my friend "Jonathan". So Jonathan asked me how to setup njRAT (that's when I remembered about njrat's existence, proof: https://prnt.sc/1u265a7). It was never working for him, I suggested him opening ports, using ngrok, etcetera. Jonathan was using Eddy to test, and Eddy trusted him. It finally worked for Jonathan when he started using duckDNS and ipjetable, so then he could test the njRAT on Eddy. He said if I wanted to troll him, well I said okay.. He ran my virus on his PC. But there was no next-level pc destroying :~, just for fun, since Eddy wasn't being an asshole at least that time... There was just some trolling rarely, he even knew about all of that. Then my next victim is MADARA, a little angry weeb who has been planning to destroy me since 2020 and he was always a rat that has been plotting against me,  and he was always using me. He asked me for his njRAT, and I know how Madara goes with his enemies and he hacks them and even DESTROYS their PC. I knew what to do with that piece of :~, so I made a decoy njRAT with a virus in it. First he sent it to Eddy, using him as a test-boy. But he got infected, although I was just watching him and he was trying to download njRAT lime edition (proof: https://prnt.sc/1u27b93, that's eddy's PC). How ironic, they got hacked themselves by trying to hack others.. And then Madara's face was exposed as well and leaked for him being a big DOUCHE. I have never done nothing malicious in their PCs, I just gave them a lesson to not hack innocent people or do some crazy :~ and I even recorded how I was hacking them, if MTA will want even more proof, I would gladly share the videos of ratting on google drive. Thanks.

MTA Serial: 99FD6C92B0ADB9644599035266B8E043

PROOF that madara asked for njrat: https://prnt.sc/1u28qw8


NOTE: for more proof add me on discord, DaddyBisbo#6743

Edited by bisbo360
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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team
5 hours ago, bisbo360 said:

Hello, I have been banned by MTA for malicious activity, which I indeed did, but it wasn't just for no reason. All of my victims were toxic rats, who deserved that

There is never any sort of excuse or justification for illegal activity

MTA wants to protect its users against malicious individuals like yourself, which aren't welcome on MTA. You have targetted a lot of players during the past years, sending them RAT viruses and hoping they would be naive enough to open and execute the files you sent them.. so you could remotely hack them. We've been aware of many of these cases, and there is no point in trying to downplay your own role in them (lying), as we know more than you think we do. It's just that we finally decided to get over with it, and conclude all our recent investigations into you with a ban.

Not even the stories about what they "did to deserve it" (as your words go) are believable, i know it's nonsense, but like I said that wouldn't even change anything.

We're totally done with you, and you haven't learned from your past global bans that were also for spreading RAT viruses to people, and other bad activity.. you will never change. Ban appeal denied, you are permanently banned and this ban will never be reconsidered + cannot be appealed again.

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