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Здравствуйте, я был забанен за использование читов в МТА и получил бан. Я признаю свою ошибку, прошу разбанить меня, и не буду впредь такого делать. Я хочу продолжать играть на серверах МТА. Буду благодарен за ответ! Весело конечно, но портить игру игрокам это плохо. Еще раз, я признаю свободу ошибку! 

Скрин:  https://imgur.com/a/HHZTUGi 

Вот серийник: 6C48EC8A89190626C5CFE022986C7EB3



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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team

You can't be serious, as you are posting yesterday that you regret & to not spoil the game for others.. you're already cheating on another fork (Province) as I am writing this, one which happens to block our global bans and thus is even more cheater infested than most forks are due to their lack of anti-cheat support to begin with.

Anyways, you are clearly a massive forks cheater - so we will take further steps: this ban is now permanent (and on you, we activated the official MTA's strong protection against serial changing, which forks lack) and you cannot ruin the game on most of them anymore. We are helping forks get rid of people like you.


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