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[HELP] Model isn't working ingame


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My problem is that someone created a 3d model in Blender for my server, but using Blender's DragonDFF plugin is not possible, beacuse when it comes to exportation it gives error lines. To solve this we tried to export it in FBX, and then export the model with 3ds max's DFF IO plugin. The process was succesful but when I tried to replace the model it gave an error line in the debug. (WARNING: eg_models/custom.lua:102: Bad usage @ 'engineReplaceModel' [Model ID 4718 replace failed])

The script can't be wrong, beacuse we have 20 models already replaced using the same script. So I assume the model is corrupted or something like that.
As I was searching for a solution I found same answers, so the problem may be in the dff file. So can someone help in this?

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Hi Steve, when exporting from 3ds Max could you please use either of the two exporters:

I do not recommend using Goldfish's version of Kam's scripts as DFF's exported can be a bit buggy.
When exporting the model, toggle off normals and toggle on vertex colors.

If all fails could you please zip up DFF and FBX and upload to https://upload.mtasa.com/

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26 minutes ago, SteveP165 said:

I tried both exporters you had sent, but the debug gave the same error message as before. So I uploaded the files as you asked: https://upload.mtasa.com/u/763780526/models.zip_

Thank you - I have inspected the DFF and I can tell it's far too high in scale and detail - objects can only be 512 on each axis so within a 512x512x512 cube. It looks like you might have been working in different units than Meters which is the SA equivalent units. As far as I'm aware collision models can only be 65k triangles/32k vertices and DFF shouldn't go past that either. If not possible to optimize this mesh, I would cut it into several separate models and load them separately.

The DFF is also glitched as far as I can tell, I'm not sure what may have caused this.


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