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Ban appeal

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Sorry for spelling mistakes, but i live in Poland on a daily basis. 

Hello, yesterday I got banned for MINNING BOT TESTER / BOT TEAM MEMBER. I got if after running the file from a stranger from the discord server. Later, as it turned out it was a minning bot, I would like to apologize for the mistake made and i promise not to download files that I don't know anymore. The person who gave me this program was reported by me. Best regards and have a nice day! 


My ID: 


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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team
3 hours ago, NineTiger53 said:


I got if after running the file from a stranger from the discord server. Later, as it turned out it was a minning bot

Nice story bro, not good enough. You can stop lying already.

You were the first person to run the mining bot besides developers, we know that's not a coincidence. Testers (or bot team members, doing things like promotion and sales) are egilible for permanent bans, just like the devs.

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