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[SALE] GM Diamante Roleplay 100% Configurada!


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Good! I come to bring you this gm that I was able to configure and program over months, and I bring them very cheaply so that people who are just starting or more advanced can serve them on their server.

GM has more than 90 Resources all working, The factions are all set.

I show the server by private message since it is a lot and I do not have enough for a post.

Queries to [removed]


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In order to advertise content that you like to sell on our forums, please add enough details for someone to know how much it costs, how to purchase it, and get an idea of what they are purchasing through media or demo's - a few words does not really describe the item that they're looking to purchase.

As a side note please do not create more than one instance of a thread, unless it's to translate it into your own language but make sure to post it to the correct section!

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