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[HELP] Start the sound at a certain vehicle speed.

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I apologize for my bad English.

I'm trying to write a script that will do that if I drive more than 100km/h in the vehicle (vehicle model - 560 (Sultan)), it will start playing speed chime (as in the old Toyota Corolla - click here), but if I drive less than 100km/h, this sound will not play.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do something like that.

Could someone please help me? If yes, I will be very grateful!

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24 minutes ago, Tekken said:

if getElementSpeed(veh, 1) >= 100 then



you can get the useful function 'getElementSpeed' from here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementSpeed

First of all, I would like to thank you very much for your help.

Well.. can script look like this?

function speedchime()
if getElementSpeed(vehicle, 1) >= 100 then


addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), speedchime)

And meta look like this?


<script src="client.lua" type="client"/>
<file src="speedchime.mp3" />



Edited by DatPsychopath
Change the appearance of the script insertion and meta.
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hello you can use timer I edited Tekken's code, you can do it like this

function getElementSpeed(theElement, unit)
    -- Check arguments for errors
    assert(isElement(theElement), "Bad argument 1 @ getElementSpeed (element expected, got " .. type(theElement) .. ")")
    local elementType = getElementType(theElement)
    assert(elementType == "player" or elementType == "ped" or elementType == "object" or elementType == "vehicle" or elementType == "projectile", "Invalid element type @ getElementSpeed (player/ped/object/vehicle/projectile expected, got " .. elementType .. ")")
    assert((unit == nil or type(unit) == "string" or type(unit) == "number") and (unit == nil or (tonumber(unit) and (tonumber(unit) == 0 or tonumber(unit) == 1 or tonumber(unit) == 2)) or unit == "m/s" or unit == "km/h" or unit == "mph"), "Bad argument 2 @ getElementSpeed (invalid speed unit)")
    -- Default to m/s if no unit specified and 'ignore' argument type if the string contains a number
    unit = unit == nil and 0 or ((not tonumber(unit)) and unit or tonumber(unit))
    -- Setup our multiplier to convert the velocity to the specified unit
    local mult = (unit == 0 or unit == "m/s") and 50 or ((unit == 1 or unit == "km/h") and 180 or 111.84681456)
    -- Return the speed by calculating the length of the velocity vector, after converting the velocity to the specified unit
    return (Vector3(getElementVelocity(theElement)) * mult).length

local soundChime = playSound("speedchime.mp3", true, false)
setSoundPaused(soundChime, true)

function speedchime()
    local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
    if(theVehicle and getElementModel(theVehicle) == 560) then -- is player have vehice and id is 560 ?
       if(getElementSpeed(theVehicle, 1) >= 100) then -- is speed equal or greater then 100 ?
          if(isSoundPaused(soundChime) == true) then -- is sound Paused ?
          setSoundPaused(soundChime, false) -- play sound
          if(isSoundPaused(soundChime) == false) then -- is sound not paused
          setSoundPaused(soundChime, true) -- pause sound
local soundStatusUpdater = setTimer(speedchime, 200, 0)


Edited by Burak5312
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17 minutes ago, Burak5312 said:


hello you can use timer I edited Tekken's code, you can do it like this

function getElementSpeed(theElement, unit)
    -- Check arguments for errors
    assert(isElement(theElement), "Bad argument 1 @ getElementSpeed (element expected, got " .. type(theElement) .. ")")
    local elementType = getElementType(theElement)
    assert(elementType == "player" or elementType == "ped" or elementType == "object" or elementType == "vehicle" or elementType == "projectile", "Invalid element type @ getElementSpeed (player/ped/object/vehicle/projectile expected, got " .. elementType .. ")")
    assert((unit == nil or type(unit) == "string" or type(unit) == "number") and (unit == nil or (tonumber(unit) and (tonumber(unit) == 0 or tonumber(unit) == 1 or tonumber(unit) == 2)) or unit == "m/s" or unit == "km/h" or unit == "mph"), "Bad argument 2 @ getElementSpeed (invalid speed unit)")
    -- Default to m/s if no unit specified and 'ignore' argument type if the string contains a number
    unit = unit == nil and 0 or ((not tonumber(unit)) and unit or tonumber(unit))
    -- Setup our multiplier to convert the velocity to the specified unit
    local mult = (unit == 0 or unit == "m/s") and 50 or ((unit == 1 or unit == "km/h") and 180 or 111.84681456)
    -- Return the speed by calculating the length of the velocity vector, after converting the velocity to the specified unit
    return (Vector3(getElementVelocity(theElement)) * mult).length

local soundChime = playSound("speedchime.mp3", true, false)
setSoundPaused(soundChime, true)

function speedchime()
    local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
    if(theVehicle and getElementModel(theVehicle) == 560) then -- is player have vehice and id is 560 ?
       if(getElementSpeed(theVehicle, 1) >= 100) then -- is speed equal or greater then 100 ?
          if(isSoundPaused(soundChime) == true) then -- is sound Paused ?
          setSoundPaused(soundChime, false) -- play sound
          if(isSoundPaused(soundChime) == false) then -- is sound not paused
          setSoundPaused(soundChime, true) -- pause sound
local soundStatusUpdater = setTimer(speedchime, 200, 0)


Thank you very much! It works exactly as I needed it.

Problem solved, so the post can be locked.

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By the way, if the player suddenly jumps out of the car while driving at 100 kilometers speed, the sound may still work, you can add the following code line for this

if(isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) == false) then setSoundPaused(soundChime, true) end


Edited by Burak5312
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