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Hello my nickname is ZonaSul which translating to English is South Zone, I am a resident of Brazil, I recently started working and bought a computer to play in my spare time, before when I didn't have a computer I watched Brazilian MTA videos, like chasing among others, the computer for an announcement, (arrived today) I already started downloading the programs and steam even downloaded MTA, when I downloaded Multi Theft Auto I came across an error message saying that I was banned by TRAINER, I had never played the game ... can an administrator help me?

Signed: South Zone <3

my serial: * O seu serial é: D6FBE2F89E569C27E4572843FEA65052

(used computer)

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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team

Hey, don't lie about "buying a computer"

You were banned for scamming people with a fake "MTA cheat" called Indep Cheat in 2020. As a fake cheat, your only intentions were to get money from people that wanted to cheat in MTA. When confronted about your practises earlier on, you were very disrespectful and said you would only go on to scam more people.

Ban appeal denied, you are no longer welcome on MTA @Zona Sul

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