gyrosos14 Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 A kérdés a következő lenne, hogy birnék az accountData-ba a játékos által beírt szöveget megadni. Benne van a scriptben amit Worthless is csinált (direkt letöltöttem és bemásoltam azt a részt), de úgy sem jó. local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize(); local relX, relY = sx/1680, sy/1050; local isPanelVisible = true; local panelState = "1"; -- 1 = Bejelentkezés, 2 = Regisztráció, 3 = Karakter létrehozás showCursor(true); setPlayerHudComponentVisible("all", false); showChat(true); local panelPosition = {0.79, 0.25}; local buttonColors = { [1] = tocolor(210, 155, 65, 150); [2] = tocolor(207, 83, 52, 150); }; local headerText = ""; local accountData = { -- Beviteli mezők tartalma [1] = { -- Bejelentkezés [1] = "", -- Felhasználónév [2] = "", -- Jelszó }, [2] = { -- Regisztráció [1] = "", -- Felhasználónév [2] = "", -- Jelszó [3] = "", -- E-Mail }, }; local dataPointer = false; addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() dxDrawRectangle( sx*panelPosition[1], sy*panelPosition[2], relX*300, relY*500, tocolor( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) ); dxDrawRectangle( sx*panelPosition[1], sy*panelPosition[2], relX*5, relY*500, tocolor( 210, 155, 65, 255 ) ); dxDrawText("ViolantGaming", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.08), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.005), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.1), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.05), tocolor( 210, 155, 65, 255 ), relX*2, relY*2, "default-bold", "center"); dxDrawText(headerText, sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.08), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.03), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.1), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.6), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); -- Login felület if (panelState == "1") then headerText = "Bejelentkezés"; -- Felhasználónév dxDrawText("Felhasználónév", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.08), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.075), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.1), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.07), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); --dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.2), relX*275, relY*50, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255)); dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.1), relX*275, relY*50, tocolor( 95, 95, 95, 150 ) ); -- // Felső mező \\ -- if (panelState == "1") then -- Bejelentkező ablak if (dataPointer == 1) then -- Mező kijelölve dxDrawText(accountData[1][1].."|", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.11), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9),tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); else if (accountData == "") then else text = string.rep("*", string.len(accountData[2][2])); dxDrawText(accountData[1][1], sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.11), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); end end end dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.2), relX*275, relY*50, tocolor( 95, 95, 95, 150 ) ); dxDrawText("Jelszó", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.08), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.175), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.1), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.07), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); -- // Bejelentkezés : Jelszó \\ -- if (panelState == "1") then -- Regisztrációs ablak local text; if (dataPointer == 2) then -- Mező kijelölve text = string.rep("*", string.len(accountData[1][2])); dxDrawText(accountData[1][2].."|", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.21), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); else if (accountData == "") then else dxDrawText(accountData[1][2], sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.21), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); end end end dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.34), relX*275, relY*50, buttonColors[1]); -- Bejelentkező gomb dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.40), relX*275, relY*50, buttonColors[2]); -- Regisztrációs gomb dxDrawText("Bejelentkezés", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.35), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*2, relY*2, "default-bold", "center"); dxDrawText("Regisztráció", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.41), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*2, relY*2, "default-bold", "center"); elseif (panelState == "2") then headerText = "Regisztráció"; -- Felhasználónév dxDrawText("Felhasználónév", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.08), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.075), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.1), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.07), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.1), relX*275, relY*50, tocolor( 95, 95, 95, 150 ) ); -- // Felhasználónév : Regisztráció \\ -- if (panelState == "2") then -- Regisztrációs ablak if (dataPointer == 1) then -- Mező kijelölve dxDrawText(accountData[2][1].."|", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.11), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); else if (accountData == "") then else dxDrawText(accountData[2][1], sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.11), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); end end end -- // Regisztrációs ablak : Jelszó \\ -- dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.18), relX*275, relY*50, tocolor( 95, 95, 95, 150 ) ); dxDrawText("Jelszó", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.08), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.16), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.1), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.07), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); if (panelState == "2") then -- Regisztrációs ablak local text; if (dataPointer == 2) then -- Mező kijelölve text = string.rep("*", string.len(accountData[2][2])); dxDrawText(text.."|", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.19), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); else if (accountData == "") then else text = string.rep("*", string.len(accountData[2][2])); dxDrawText(text, sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.19), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); end end end dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.26), relX*275, relY*50, tocolor( 95, 95, 95, 150 ) ); dxDrawText("E-Mail", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.08), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.24), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.1), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.07), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); if (panelState == "2") then -- Regisztrációs ablak if (dataPointer == 3) then -- Mező kijelölve dxDrawText(accountData[2][3].."|", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.27), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); else if (accountData == "") then else dxDrawText(accountData[2][3], sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.27), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.17), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.9), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center"); end end end dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.34), relX*275, relY*50, buttonColors[1]); -- Regisztrációs gomb dxDrawRectangle( sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.40), relX*275, relY*50, buttonColors[2]); -- Vissza gomb dxDrawText("Regisztráció", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.35), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.175), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.34), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*2, relY*2, "default-bold", "center"); dxDrawText("Visszalépés", sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.01), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.41), sx*(panelPosition[1]+0.175), sy*(panelPosition[2]+0.34), tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), relX*2, relY*2, "default-bold", "center"); end end); addEventHandler("onClientCursorMove", root, function (cX, cY) if (isPanelVisible) then if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.34) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.39) ) then -- Gombon van a kurzor buttonColors[1] = tocolor(210, 155, 65, 255); else -- Nincs a gombon a kurzor buttonColors[1] = tocolor(210, 155, 65, 150); end if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.40) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.45) ) then -- Gombon van a kurzor buttonColors[2] = tocolor(207, 83, 52, 255); else -- Nincs a gombon a kurzor buttonColors[2] = tocolor(207, 83, 52, 150); end end end); addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(button, state) if (isPanelVisible) then local cX, cY = getCursorPosition(); if ( ( button == "left" ) and ( state == "down" ) ) then if (panelState == "1") then if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.1) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.15) ) then dataPointer = 1; end if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.2) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.25) ) then dataPointer = 2; end elseif (panelState == "2") then if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.1) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.15) ) then dataPointer = 1; end if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.16) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.22) ) then dataPointer = 2; end if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.27) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.31) ) then dataPointer = 3; end end if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.34) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.39) ) then if ( panelState == "1" ) then execLogin(); elseif ( panelState == "2" ) then execRegister(); end end if ( (cX >= panelPosition[1]+0.01) and (cY >= panelPosition[2]+0.40) and (cX <= panelPosition[1]+0.175) and (cY <= panelPosition[2]+0.45) ) then if ( panelState == "1" ) then panelState = "2"; elseif ( panelState == "2" ) then panelState = "1"; end end end end end ); addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", resourceRoot, function(char) if (isPanelVisible == true) then if (dataPointer > 0) then accountData[panelState][dataPointer] = accountData[panelState][dataPointer][char] end end end ); function execLogin() outputChatBox("Bejelentkező gomb működik!"); end function execRegister() outputChatBox("Regisztrációs gomb működik!"); end Link to comment
ExTa Posted August 30, 2021 Share Posted August 30, 2021 Tudod állitani a tábla értékeit. local accountData = { -- Beviteli mezők tartalma [1] = { -- Bejelentkezés [1] = "", -- Felhasználónév [2] = "", -- Jelszó }, [2] = { -- Regisztráció [1] = "", -- Felhasználónév [2] = "", -- Jelszó [3] = "", -- E-Mail }, }; --// példa accountData[1][1] = "gyrosos14" accountData[1][1] = fhText -- Változót is megadhatsz értéknek Link to comment
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