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Everything posted by ExTa

  1. Tudod állitani a tábla értékeit. local accountData = { -- Beviteli mezők tartalma [1] = { -- Bejelentkezés [1] = "", -- Felhasználónév [2] = "", -- Jelszó }, [2] = { -- Regisztráció [1] = "", -- Felhasználónév [2] = "", -- Jelszó [3] = "", -- E-Mail }, }; --// példa accountData[1][1] = "gyrosos14" accountData[1][1] = fhText -- Változót is megadhatsz értéknek
  2. Meg még a radarba kell irnod egy eventet amit meghivsz a backup rendszerbe ,ha blippet is szeretnél amit jelez a radaron.
  3. function Botao2 (_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if isCursorOnElement ( screenW * 0.3937, screenH * 0.5759, screenW * 0.5276, screenH * 0.6435 ) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) createVehicle(441, x+10,y,z) end end end end addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, Botao2 ) X, Y, Z are where you want them to be
  4. If its a server side script then try this. if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then -- first line in the function -- what was in the function end -- last line in the function
  5. Hey! I want to apologise for what I did. I just want to play again in the MTA world. My original serial was: 0B99257822C15A53BD1650A9B0BFC334 But I bought a new SSD so my serial now is : 803E3753A01815C5C4415C79C03539C2
  6. Hey! Please can you check whats happened? My both PC got banned with "MASS SERIAL CHANGING" reason. What can I do? My main PC serial: 0B99257822C15A53BD1650A9B0BFC334
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