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(Help) tables in inventory system


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hello, i created this script, but i dont know how i can make to show only the items the player have, and how to save and load the player item list, someone can help me?



 __                      __      __                                     __         
/\ \                    /\ \    /\ \__                                 /\ \        
\ \ \        ___     ___\ \ \/'\\ \ ,_\   ___   __  __     __      ____\ \ \/'\    
 \ \ \  __  / __`\  / __`\ \ , < \ \ \/  / __`\/\ \/\ \  /'__`\   /',__\\ \ , <    
  \ \ \L\ \/\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \\`\\ \ \_/\ \L\ \ \ \_/ |/\ \L\.\_/\__, `\\ \ \\`\  
   \ \____/\ \____/\ \____/\ \_\ \_\ \__\ \____/\ \___/ \ \__/.\_\/\____/ \ \_\ \_\
    \/___/  \/___/  \/___/  \/_/\/_/\/__/\/___/  \/__/   \/__/\/_/\/___/   \/_/\/_/
 By Looktovask, Mantenha os creditos!

Items =  {
	{"Cachorro Quente"},
	{"Agua Mineral"},
	{"Primeiros Socorros"}

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ()
        JanelaInventario = guiCreateWindow(0.80, 0.56, 0.19, 0.42, "Inventario", true)
        guiWindowSetSizable(JanelaInventario, false)
        guiSetAlpha(JanelaInventario, 0.90)

        ListaInventario = guiCreateGridList(0.03, 0.07, 0.94, 0.79, true, JanelaInventario)
        guiGridListAddColumn(ListaInventario, "Items", 0.9)
        for i = 1, 23 do
        for i,v in ipairs(Items) do
        	local Nome = Items[i][1]
        	local row = guiGridListAddRow ( ListaInventario )
        	guiGridListSetItemText ( ListaInventario, row, 1, ""..tostring(Nome).."", false, false )

        guiSetAlpha(ListaInventario, 0.90)
        BotaoUsar = guiCreateButton(0.03, 0.87, 0.45, 0.11, "Usar", true, JanelaInventario)
        guiSetAlpha(BotaoUsar, 0.90)
        BotaoLixo = guiCreateButton(0.52, 0.87, 0.45, 0.11, "Jogar Fora", true, JanelaInventario)
        guiSetAlpha(BotaoLixo, 0.90) 
        guiSetVisible(JanelaInventario,false) -- importante pra não iniciar ligada 

-- esse codigo é pica pra mostrar a tela
bindKey ( "f1", "down", function( )
        local tostate = not guiGetVisible ( JanelaInventario )
        guiSetVisible ( JanelaInventario, tostate )
        showCursor ( tostate )
-- função dos botões
addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick",root, function ()
	if ( source == BotaoUsar ) then
	local itemselecionado = guiGridListGetItemText(ListaInventario, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(ListaInventario), 1) -- a lista, a linha escolhida, e a coluna
    	if itemselecionado == "Cachorro Quente" then
    		local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( localPlayer )
    		local Burger = createObject( 2880, Px, Py, Pz )
			setPedAnimation(localPlayer, "food", "eat_burger")
			exports.pAttach:attach(Burger, localPlayer, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
			triggerServerEvent("CachorroQ", localPlayer)
			setTimer ( function()
			destroyElement( Burger )
			end, 3500, 1 )
    	elseif itemselecionado == "Pizza" then
    		local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( localPlayer )
    		local Pizza = createObject( 2702, Px, Py, Pz )
			setPedAnimation(localPlayer, "food", "eat_pizza")
			exports.pAttach:attach(Pizza, localPlayer, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
			triggerServerEvent("Pizza", localPlayer)
			setTimer ( function()
			destroyElement( Pizza )
			end, 3500, 1 )
    	elseif itemselecionado == "Biscoitos" then
    		local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( localPlayer )
    		local Biscoito = createObject( 2663, Px, Py, Pz )
			setPedAnimation(localPlayer, "food", "eat_burger")
			exports.pAttach:attach(Biscoito, localPlayer, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
			triggerServerEvent("Biscoitos", localPlayer)
			setTimer ( function()
			destroyElement( Biscoito )
			end, 3500, 1 )    	
		elseif itemselecionado == "Marmitex" then
			local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( localPlayer )
    		local Marmita = createObject( 2768, Px, Py, Pz )
			setPedAnimation(localPlayer, "food", "eat_burger")
			exports.pAttach:attach(Marmita, localPlayer, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
    		triggerServerEvent("Marmitex", localPlayer)
			setTimer ( function()
			destroyElement( Marmita )
			end, 3500, 1 )    	
    	elseif itemselecionado == "Agua Mineral" then
    		local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( localPlayer )
    		local Agua = createObject( 1509, Px, Py, Pz )
			setPedAnimation(localPlayer, "food", "eat_burger")
			exports.pAttach:attach(Agua, localPlayer, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
    		triggerServerEvent("AguaM", localPlayer)
			setTimer ( function()
			destroyElement( Agua )
			end, 3500, 1 )    
    	elseif itemselecionado == "Refrigerante" then
    		local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( localPlayer )
    		local Refri = createObject( 2601, Px, Py, Pz )
			setPedAnimation(localPlayer, "food", "eat_burger")
			exports.pAttach:attach(Refri, localPlayer, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
    		triggerServerEvent("Refrigerante", localPlayer)
			setTimer ( function()
			destroyElement( Refri )
			end, 3500, 1 )    
    	elseif itemselecionado == "Primeiros Socorros" then
    		local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( localPlayer )
    		local KitS = createObject( 1575, Px, Py, Pz )
			setPedAnimation(localPlayer, "misc", "scratchballs_01")
			exports.pAttach:attach(KitS, localPlayer, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
    		triggerServerEvent("PrimeirosS", localPlayer)
			setTimer ( function()
			destroyElement( KitS )
			end, 3500, 1 )    
	elseif ( source == BotaoLixo ) then
	 	 local itemselecionado = guiGridListGetItemText(ListaInventario, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(ListaInventario), 1) -- a lista, a linha escolhida, e a coluna
		 outputChatBox( "Jogou Fora " ..itemselecionado )
         triggerServerEvent("Lixo", localPlayer) -- Chama Função Lixo (Jogar Fora)


 __                      __      __                                     __         
/\ \                    /\ \    /\ \__                                 /\ \        
\ \ \        ___     ___\ \ \/'\\ \ ,_\   ___   __  __     __      ____\ \ \/'\    
 \ \ \  __  / __`\  / __`\ \ , < \ \ \/  / __`\/\ \/\ \  /'__`\   /',__\\ \ , <    
  \ \ \L\ \/\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \\`\\ \ \_/\ \L\ \ \ \_/ |/\ \L\.\_/\__, `\\ \ \\`\  
   \ \____/\ \____/\ \____/\ \_\ \_\ \__\ \____/\ \___/ \ \__/.\_\/\____/ \ \_\ \_\
    \/___/  \/___/  \/___/  \/_/\/_/\/__/\/___/  \/__/   \/__/\/_/\/___/   \/_/\/_/
 By Looktovask, Mantenha os creditos!

function jogarfora()
	outputChatBox( "test" )
addEvent( "Lixo", true )
addEventHandler( "Lixo", root, jogarfora )

function SalvarItems()
	-- função

function CarregarItems()
	-- função

function Cachorro(source)
	outputChatBox( "1" )
addEvent( "CachorroQ", true )
addEventHandler( "CachorroQ", root, Cachorro )

function Pitsa(source)
	outputChatBox( "2" )
addEvent( "Pizza", true )
addEventHandler( "Pizza", root, Pitsa )

function Biscoito(source)
	outputChatBox( "3" )
addEvent( "Biscoitos", true )
addEventHandler( "Biscoitos", root, Biscoito )

function Marmita(source)
	outputChatBox( "4" )
addEvent( "Marmitex", true )
addEventHandler( "Marmitex", root, Marmita )

function Agua(source)
	outputChatBox( "5" )
addEvent( "AguaM", true )
addEventHandler( "AguaM", root, Agua )

function Refri(source)
	outputChatBox( "6" )
addEvent( "Refrigerante", true )
addEventHandler( "Refrigerante", root, Refri )

function Socorros(source)
	outputChatBox( "7" )
addEvent( "PrimeirosS", true )
addEventHandler( "PrimeirosS", root, Socorros )


and i have another question, how i can make the player need to wait the function end to click again on "Usar"

Edited by Looktovask
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