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setTimer making fps drop every in 10 seconds


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these codes I wrote do drop fps every 10 seconds.How can I use the setlementCollidableWith function properly? please help friends.


setTimer (function()
for i,peds in ipairs (getElementsByType ("ped")) do
for i,players in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do
setElementCollidableWith (peds,players,false)
for i,vehicles in ipairs (getElementsByType ("vehicle")) do
setElementCollidableWith (peds,vehicles,false)
for i,objects in ipairs (getElementsByType ("object")) do
setElementCollidableWith (peds,objects,false)


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3 hours ago, SoManyTears said:

these codes I wrote do drop fps every 10 seconds.How can I use the setlementCollidableWith function properly? please help friends.

You could apply the effect only when the elements are streamed in, that would be an enormous improved in terms of performance.

-- already streamed in elements
for i,peds in ipairs (getElementsByType ("ped", root, true)) do
  for i,players in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player", root, true)) do
  	setElementCollidableWith (peds,players,false)
  for i,vehicles in ipairs (getElementsByType ("vehicle", root, true)) do
  	setElementCollidableWith (peds,vehicles,false)
  for i,objects in ipairs (getElementsByType ("object", root, true)) do
  	setElementCollidableWith (peds,objects,false)


-- new streamed in elements
local acceptedElementTypes = {player = true, vehicle = true, object = true}
addEventHandler( "onClientElementStreamIn", root,
    function ( )
		local elementType = getElementType( source )
		if acceptedElementTypes[elementType] then
			local peds = getElementsByType ("ped", root, true)
			for i=1, #peds do
				local ped = peds[i]
				setElementCollidableWith (ped,source,false)
		elseif elementType == "ped" then
			-- what if it is a new ped? You can program this step yourself.


Edited by IIYAMA
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37 minutes ago, SoManyTears said:


thank you for your help IIYAMA. i was away from the computer.I tried this but failed.still peds cannot pass through objects.

I assume you filled in the last part? (where my comment is)

Please show me what you cooked from it.

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