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DestroyElement Problem :( (Not destroying the Element or destroying the incorrect element)


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Im working on a script wich create flames on the Thrusters of a vehicle (Mammoth Thruster of GTA Online), works well if you are the only that has a Thruster, but if someone also has a Thruster and gets out the vehicle, your Thruster will keep the attached elements and will not destroy the flames if you get out of the vehicle:

Here is a video of what is happening:


and serverside and clientside scripts that are involved :(

Serverside:             (Functions for creating the flames)

function LightOn(vehicle, x, y, z)
if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
light = createMarker ( x , y , z, "corona", 0.5, 255, 160, 0, 170 )
attachElements(light, vehicle, 0, -0.3, -0.8)
addEvent("lighton", true)
addEventHandler("lighton", getRootElement(), LightOn)

function LightOff()
if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
if light then
addEvent("lightoff", true)
addEventHandler("lightoff", getRootElement(), LightOff)

function ThrustersOn(vehicle, x, y, z)
if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
superhitbox = createObject (3471, x , y , z)
setElementAlpha(superhitbox, 0)
firethrustl = createObject (2031, x , y , z)
firethrustr = createObject (2031, x , y , z)
attachElements(superhitbox, vehicle, 0, -10, -1)
attachElements(firethrustl, vehicle, 0.47, -0.4, -0.2)
attachElements(firethrustr, vehicle, -0.47, -0.4, -0.2)
setElementCollisionsEnabled(firethrustl, false)
setElementCollisionsEnabled(firethrustr, false)
addEvent("thrusterson", true)
addEventHandler("thrusterson", getRootElement(), ThrustersOn)

function ThrustersOff()
if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
if not firethrustl then return end
addEvent("thrustersoff", true)
addEventHandler("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), ThrustersOff)

Clientside: (Functions that triggers serverside events when you are in the Thruster)

Thruster = 465

function SitOnThruster(thePlayer)
    if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
		if ( vehicle and getElementModel (vehicle)  == Thruster ) then
		bindKey("vehicle_fire", "down", shootProjectile)
		triggerServerEvent ( "onthruster", resourceRoot)
		local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
		local h, m = getTime()
		triggerServerEvent("thrusterson", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
		if h > 20 then
		triggerServerEvent("lighton", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
		else return end

addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", root, SitOnThruster )

function Notsit(thePlayer)
        if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end
        if Thruster then
		triggerServerEvent("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
		triggerServerEvent("lightoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
		else return end

addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleExit", root, Notsit )

function killed()
        if Thruster then
		if (isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and Cars[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))]) then
		if getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( localPlayer ) == 1 then return end
		triggerServerEvent("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
		triggerServerEvent("lightoff", getRootElement(), vehicle, x, y, z)
		else return end

addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, killed )

function shootProjectile()
    if not disparado then
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	if ( vehicle and getElementModel (vehicle)  == Thruster ) then
	if isVehicleOnGround(vehicle) == false then
		local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
		projectile = createProjectile(vehicle, 15, x, y+4, z-10)
	disparado = true
	setTimer ( function()
	disparado = false
	end, 1500, 1 )	
    	local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
		createProjectile(vehicle, 15, x, y, z-3)
	disparado = true
	setTimer ( function()
	disparado = false
	end, 1500, 1 )

:( I'm very confused, i'm trying to make the script only create element for each player.

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The reason is that your script only has storage for one flames element, while there can be multiple people. What you need to do is use tables, with the vehicle element as the key, and its flames element as the value. That way, you index the table to get the element, check if it exists, delete it if so, create new one if necessary, etc.

Here, I've fixed one of the functions for you as an example, and you should be able to

-- beginning of serverside code
firethrusters = {
  --structure: [vehicle] = {[1] = firethrustl, [2] = firethrustr}

-- ... the rest of the code here ...

function ThrustersOff(veh, x, y, z) -- you forgot to collect the parameters the event was sending over
  --if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end -- no idea what this line does. localPlayer isn't defined on the server, neither is thePlayer in this function
  if not firethrusters[veh] then return end -- if there is no firethruster for this vehicle, abort here
  firethrusters[veh] = nil -- presence of this data determines whether an attempt will be made to delete, remove this data to prevent potential 'nil passed instead of element to destroyElement' error
addEvent("thrustersoff", true)
addEventHandler("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), ThrustersOff)

You'll need to do the same for the light. You'll also want to handle the event onElementDestroy to catch the vehicle disappearing for whatever reason, and make sure these thruster elements and stuff are also deleted, otherwise they'll remain in the place where the vehicle last was, forever.

Edited by Addlibs
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On 19/12/2020 at 04:04, Addlibs said:

The reason is that your script only has storage for one flames element, while there can be multiple people. What you need to do is use tables, with the vehicle element as the key, and its flames element as the value. That way, you index the table to get the element, check if it exists, delete it if so, create new one if necessary, etc.

Here, I've fixed one of the functions for you as an example, and you should be able to

-- beginning of serverside code
firethrusters = {
  --structure: [vehicle] = {[1] = firethrustl, [2] = firethrustr}

-- ... the rest of the code here ...

function ThrustersOff(veh, x, y, z) -- you forgot to collect the parameters the event was sending over
  --if thePlayer ~= localPlayer then return end -- no idea what this line does. localPlayer isn't defined on the server, neither is thePlayer in this function
  if not firethrusters[veh] then return end -- if there is no firethruster for this vehicle, abort here
  firethrusters[veh] = nil -- presence of this data determines whether an attempt will be made to delete, remove this data to prevent potential 'nil passed instead of element to destroyElement' error
addEvent("thrustersoff", true)
addEventHandler("thrustersoff", getRootElement(), ThrustersOff)

You'll need to do the same for the light. You'll also want to handle the event onElementDestroy to catch the vehicle disappearing for whatever reason, and make sure these thruster elements and stuff are also deleted, otherwise they'll remain in the place where the vehicle last was, forever.

That was a lot of work because i don't know much about tables, but i made the table and i made my script work :) thank you

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