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Help with login Panel.


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Hi Guys. Could someone help me with this please! 

Basically, this login panel is linked to an sql database, but the problem is, when someone register in this panel, it is registered in the database but not to the mta. I don't know if I'm being clear. I see that the functions 'addAccount' and 'logIn' are missing. For example, even if the player logs in in this panel, he's shown as guest in the admin panel, thus I can't add a player in an acl for example.  

Help me Please!

local connection = dbConnect("mysql",exports['ne_mysql']:getSQLData())
local key = ""

addEvent("onCharacterLogin", false)
addEvent("onClientCharacterRequest", true)
addEventHandler("onClientCharacterRequest", getRootElement(),
		playerSource = client
		local id = getElementData(client, "char.accountID")
		local qh = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `account` = ?", id)
		local row = dbPoll(qh, -1)
		if row then
			for k, row in ipairs (row) do
				local id = tonumber(row["id"])
				local x = tonumber(row["x"])
				local y = tonumber(row["y"])
				local z = tonumber(row["z"])
				local rot = tonumber(row["rot"])
				local interior = tonumber(row["intID"])
				local dimension = tonumber(row["dimID"])
				local health = tonumber(row["health"])
				local hunger = tonumber(row["hunger"])
				local armor = tonumber(row["armor"])
				local skin = tonumber(row["skin"])
				local money = tonumber(row["money"])
				local npoints = tonumber(row["npoints"])
				local nsujo = tonumber(row["nsujo"])
				local carlicense = tostring(row["drivinglicense"])
				local bankmoney = tonumber(row["bankMoney"])
				local playedMinutes = tonumber(row["playedMinutes"])
				local lastLogin = tonumber(row["lastlogin"])
				local gender = tonumber(row["gender"])
				local age = tonumber(row["age"])
				local weight = tonumber(row["weight"])
				local height = tonumber(row["height"])
				local adminnick = tostring(row["adminnick"])
				local charname = tostring(row["charname"])
				charname = string.gsub(tostring(charname), " ", "_")
				local walkingstyle = tonumber(row["walkingstyle"])
				local jobID = tonumber(row["jobID"])
				local jobName = tostring(row["jobName"])
				local radiochannel = tonumber(row["radiochannel"])
				local factionID = tonumber(row["factionID"])
				local factionLeader = tonumber(row["factionLeader"])
				local factionRank = tonumber(row["factionRank"])
				local badgeNumber = tonumber(row["badgeNumber"])
				local dutySkin = tonumber(row["dutySkin"])
				local showHUD = tonumber(row["showHUD"])
				local showOOC = tonumber(row["showOOC"])
				local showRadar = tonumber(row["showRadar"])
				local payTime = tonumber(row["payTime"])
				local adminlevel = getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel")
				local adminduty = getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminduty")
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.factionID", tonumber(factionID))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.factionLeader", tonumber(factionLeader))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.factionRank", tonumber(factionRank))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.badgeNumber", tonumber(badgeNumber))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.dutySkin", tonumber(dutySkin))
				setElementData(playerSource, "age", tonumber(age))
				setElementData(playerSource, "weight", tonumber(weight))
				setElementData(playerSource, "height", tonumber(height))
				setElementData(playerSource, "walkingstyle", tonumber(walkingstyle))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.jobID", tonumber(jobID))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.jobName", tostring(jobName))
				if carlicense == "true" then
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.drivingLicense", true)
                setElementData(playerSource, "char.drivingLicense", false)
				setElementData(playerSource, "charname", tostring(charname))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.playedMinutes", tonumber(playedMinutes))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.lastLogin", tonumber(lastLogin))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.UID", tonumber(id))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.skin", tonumber(skin))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel", tonumber(adminlevel))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminnick", adminnick)
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.bankMoney", tonumber(bankmoney))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.money",tonumber(money))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.diamante",tonumber(npoints))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.moneysujo",tonumber(nsujo))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.radio",tonumber(radiochannel))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.payTime",tonumber(payTime))
				setElementData(playerSource, "gender", tonumber(gender))
				setElementData(playerSource, "visibleName", tostring(charname))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.phoneNumber", tonumber(id))
				setElementData(playerSource, "showHUD", tonumber(showHUD))
				setElementData(playerSource, "showOOC", tonumber(showOOC))
				setElementData(playerSource, "showRadar", tonumber(showRadar))						
				setPlayerName(playerSource, tostring(charname))
				local name = string.gsub(tostring(charname), "_", " ")
				setPlayerNametagText(source, tostring(name))
				setElementData(playerSource, "dbid", getElementData(playerSource, "char.UID"))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.health", tonumber(health))
				setPedAnimation(playerSource, false)
				setElementHealth(playerSource, health)
				setPedArmor(playerSource, armor)
				setPedSkin(playerSource, skin)
				spawnPlayer(playerSource, x, y, z+2, rot, skin, interior, dimension)
				setPedWalkingStyle(client, walkingstyle)					
				dbExec(connection,"UPDATE `players` SET `lastlogin`=NOW() WHERE `id`=?",id)
				toggleAllControls(playerSource, true, true, true)
				fadeCamera(playerSource, true)
				triggerEvent("onCharacterLogin", playerSource, charname)
			if getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime") > 0 then
				setElementDimension(playerSource, 60000 + getElementData(playerSource, "charID"))
				setElementInterior(playerSource, 6)
				setElementPosition(playerSource, 263.821807, 77.848365, 1001.0390625)
				setPedRotation(playerSource, 267.438446)	
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime", getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime"))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason", getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason"))
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminJail", true)
				outputChatBox("[Prisão]: Você está na cadeia, motivo: "..getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason")..".", playerSource, 124, 9, 9, true)
				outputChatBox("[Prisão]: Tempo: "..getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime")..".", playerSource, 124, 9, 9, true)
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime", 0)
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason", nil)
				setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminJail", false)
			outputDebugString( "Conexão com o MySQL falhou!")

addEvent("onPlayerLogin", false)
addEvent("onClientLoginRequest", true)
addEventHandler("onClientLoginRequest", getRootElement(),
	function(username, password)
		if (string.len(password)~=64) then
			password = string.reverse((key) .. (password))
		local lgnQuery = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username`=? AND `password`=?", username, password )
		playerSource = client
		local lgnResult = dbPoll ( lgnQuery, -1 )
		if #lgnResult > 0 then
			for k, row in ipairs ( lgnResult ) do
				triggerEvent("onPlayerLogin", playerSource, username, password)
				local id = tonumber(row["id"])
				local pass = tonumber(row["password"])
				local found = false
				for key, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
					local accid = tonumber(getElementData(v, "char.accountID"))
					if (accid) then
						if (accid==id) and (v~=playerSource) then
							found = true
				if not (found) then
					local admin = tonumber(row["admin"])
					local adminduty = tonumber(row["adminduty"])
					local adminjail = tonumber(row["adminjail"])
					local adminJailTime = tonumber(row["adminjail_time"])
					local adminJailBy = tostring(row["adminjail_by"])
					local adminJailReason = row["adminjail_reason"]
					local banned = tonumber(row["banned"])
					if tonumber(admin) == 0 then adminduty = 0 end
					setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel", tonumber(admin))
					local lasethp = tonumber(row["asethp"])
			        local lasetarmor = tonumber(row["asetarmor"])
					local lasethunger = tonumber(row["asethunger"])
			        local lagoto = tonumber(row["agoto"])
			        local lagethere = tonumber(row["agethere"])
			        local lagivemoney = tonumber(row["agivemoney"])
			        local lasetmoney = tonumber(row["asetmoney"])
					local lagiveitem = tonumber(row["agiveitem"])
			        local laadutyminute = tonumber(row["adutyminute"])
			        local lafuelveh = tonumber(row["afuelveh"])	
			        local lafixveh = tonumber(row["afixveh"])
			        local lareply = tonumber(row["areply"])
			        local lapm = tonumber(row["apm"])
			        local lamakeveh = tonumber(row["amakeveh"])
			        local lajail = tonumber(row["ajail"])
			        local laban = tonumber(row["aban"])
					if (banned==1) then
						kickPlayer(source,"Server Name","Sua conta está bloqueada")
						setElementData(playerSource, "char.defaultUserName", username)
						setElementData(playerSource, "char.accountID", tonumber(id))
						setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminduty", tonumber(adminduty))
	                    setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime", adminJailTime)
						setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason", adminJailReason)
						setElementData(playerSource, "admin.sethp", lasethp)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.setarmor", lasetarmor)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.sethunger", lasethunger)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.goto", lagoto)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.gethere", lagethere)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.givemoney", lagivemoney)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.setmoney", lasetmoney)
						setElementData(playerSource, "admin.giveitem", lagiveitem)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.adutyminute", laadutyminute)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.fuelveh", lafuelveh)	
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.fixveh", lafixveh)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.reply", lareply)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.pm", lapm)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.makeveh", lamakeveh)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.jail", lajail)
			            setElementData(playerSource, "admin.ban", laban)
						fadeCamera(playerSource, true)
						requestAccounts(playerSource, id)
						local ip = getPlayerIP(playerSource)
						local serial = getPlayerSerial(playerSource)
						dbExec(connection,"UPDATE `users` SET `ip`=?, serial=? WHERE `id`=?",ip,serial,id)
		exports.vz_info:showBoxS(playerSource, "Nome de usuário ou senha inválidos", "error")

addEvent("onClientTryToCreateAccount", true)
addEventHandler("onClientTryToCreateAccount", getRootElement(),
	function(username, password)
		local value = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM `users`")
		local result = dbPoll (value, -1 )
		local serial = getPlayerSerial(source)
		password = string.reverse((key) .. (password))
		if result then
			for _, row in ipairs ( result ) do
				if string.lower(row["username"]) == username then
				   exports.vz_info:showBoxS(source, "Esse nome de usuário já existe", "error")
				if row["mtaserial"] == serial then
					exports.vz_info:showBoxS(source, "Você já tem uma conta", "error")
		exports.vz_info:showBoxS(source, "Registro bem sucedido!", "info")
		local data = dbExec(connection, "INSERT INTO users SET username = ?, password = ?, mtaserial = ?", username, password, serial)

addEvent("OnClientTryToCreateCharacter", true)
addEventHandler("OnClientTryToCreateCharacter", getRootElement(),
	function(charname, skins, age, sex)
		local value = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT `charname` FROM `players` WHERE `charname` = ?", tostring(charname))
		local result = dbPoll (value, -1)
		local count = 0
		local pw
		cname = nil
		if result then
			for _, row in ipairs ( result ) do
				cname = string.lower(row["charname"])
			if cname ~= nil then 
				exports.vz_info:showBoxS(source, "O nome desse personagem já existe", "error")
		local accountID = getElementData(source, "char.accountID")
		data = dbExec( connection, "INSERT INTO `players` SET charname=?, account=?, intID=0, dimID=0, x=1481.06226, y=-1770.94824, z=18.79576, skin=0, age=?, gender=?", charname, accountID, age, sex)
		setPlayerName(source, charname)
		requestAccounts(source, accountID)
		triggerClientEvent(source, "createCharacterLogin", source)

function requestAccounts(playerSource, id)
	local requestAcc = {}
	local query = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT id, charname,money, age, gender, skin, DATEDIFF(NOW(), lastlogin) FROM players WHERE account=?", id)
	local result = dbPoll(query, -1)
	if (#result>0) then
		for k, data in ipairs (result) do
			local i = 1
			requestAcc[i] = {}
			requestAcc[i][0] = tonumber(data["id"])
			requestAcc[i][1] = tostring(data["charname"])
			requestAcc[i][2] = tonumber(data["skin"])
			requestAcc[i][3] = tonumber(data["money"])
			i = i + 1
	triggerClientEvent(playerSource, "createCharacterLogin", playerSource, requestAcc, true, true)
addEvent("requestAccounts", true)
addEventHandler("requestAccounts", getRootElement(), requestAccounts)

function saveChar()
	if getElementData(source, "CharLoggedIn") then
		local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source)
		local rot = getPedRotation(source)
		local health = getElementHealth(source)
		local hunger = getElementData(source, "char.hunger") or 0
		local age = getElementData(source, "age")
		local gender = getElementData(source, "gender")
		local armor = getPedArmor(source)
		local interior = getElementInterior(source)
		local dimension = getElementDimension(source)
		local charname = getElementData(source, "charname")
		local skin = getElementData(source, "char.skin")
		local playedMinutes = getElementData(source, "char.playedMinutes")
		local money = getElementData(source, "char.money")
		local npoints = getElementData(source,"char.diamante")
		local nsujo = getElementData(source,"char.moneysujo")
		local factionID = getElementData(source,"char.factionID")
		local factionLeader = getElementData(source,"char.factionLeader")
		local factionRank = getElementData(source,"char.factionRank")
		local badgeNumber = getElementData(source,"char.badgeNumber")
		local dutySkin = getElementData(source,"char.dutySkin")
		local bankMoney = getElementData(source, "char.bankMoney")
		local adminlevel = getElementData(source, "char.adminlevel")
		local jobID = getElementData(source, "char.jobID")
		local jobName = getElementData(source, "char.jobName")
		local radio = getElementData(source, "char.radio")
		local showHUD = getElementData(source, "showHUD")
		local showOOC = getElementData(source, "showOOC")
		local showRadar = getElementData(source, "showRadar")
		local drivingLicense =  tostring(getElementData(source, "char.drivingLicense"))
		local jailTime = getElementData(source, "char.jailTime")
		local jailReason = getElementData(source, "char.jailReason") or "null"
		local adminJail = getElementData(source, "char.adminJail")
		local payTime = getElementData(source, "char.payTime")
		local asethp = getElementData(source, "admin.sethp")
		local asetarmor = getElementData(source, "admin.setarmor")
		local asethunger = getElementData(source, "admin.sethunger")
		local agoto = getElementData(source, "admin.goto")
		local agethere = getElementData(source, "admin.gethere")
		local agivemoney = getElementData(source, "admin.givemoney")
		local agiveitem = getElementData(source, "admin.giveitem")
		local asetmoney = getElementData(source, "admin.setmoney")
		local aadutyminute = getElementData(source, "admin.adutyminute")
		local afuelveh = getElementData(source, "admin.fuelveh")
		local afixveh = getElementData(source, "admin.fixveh")
		local areply = getElementData(source, "admin.reply")
		local apm = getElementData(source, "admin.pm")
		local amakeveh = getElementData(source, "admin.makeveh")
		local ajail = getElementData(source, "admin.jail")
		local aban = getElementData(source, "admin.ban")
		local update = dbExec(connection,"UPDATE players SET x=?, y=?, z=?, rot=?, health=?,hunger=?, armor=?, dimID=?, intID=?, money=?, npoints=?, nsujo=?, factionID=?, factionLeader=?, factionRank=?, badgeNumber=?, dutySkin=?, lastlogin=NOW(), playedMinutes=?, skin=?, charname=?, jobID=?, jobName=?, bankMoney=?, drivinglicense=?, radiochannel=?, showHUD=?, showOOC=?, showRadar=?, payTime=?, age=?, gender=? WHERE id=?",x,y,z,rot,health,hunger,armor,dimension,interior,money,npoints,nsujo,factionID,factionLeader,factionRank,badgeNumber,dutySkin,playedMinutes,skin,charname,jobID,jobName,bankMoney,drivingLicense,radio,showHUD,showOOC,showRadar,payTime,age,gender,getElementData(source, "char.UID"))	
		local update2 = dbExec(connection,"UPDATE users SET lastlogin=NOW(), `admin`=?, adminjail_time=?, adminjail_reason=?, adminjail=? WHERE id = " .. getElementData(source,"char.accountID"),adminlevel, jailTime, jailReason, adminJail)
		local update3 = dbExec(connection,"UPDATE users SET asethp=?, asetarmor=?, asethunger=?, agoto=?, agethere=?, agivemoney=?, asetmoney=?, agiveitem=?, adutyminute=?, afuelveh=?, afixveh=?, areply=?, apm=?, amakeveh=? WHERE id = " .. getElementData(source,"char.accountID"), asethp, asetarmor, asethunger, agoto, agethere, agivemoney, asetmoney, agiveitem, aadutyminute, afuelveh, afixveh, areply, apm, amakeveh, ajail, aban)
addEvent("saveChar", true)
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), saveChar)

	if getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel") >= 5 then -- Administrador acima do nivel *5 pode banir
		local ttime = tonumber ( ttime )
		if targetPlayer and ttime then
		local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.vz_main:findPlayerByPartialNick(source, targetPlayer)
			if (getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.adminlevel") or 0) < getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel") then
				local pSerialC = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer)
				local duration = (ttime*60)*60
				local reason = table.concat({...}, " ")
				local adminName = getElementData(playerSource,"char.adminnick")
				if ttime == 0 then
					dbExec(connection ,"INSERT INTO bans SET accountid=?, bannedBy=?, timeZone=?, playerSerial=?, reason = ?, playername=?",getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.accountID"), adminName ,23414590357, pSerialC, reason, targetPlayerName)
					dbExec(connection ,"INSERT INTO bans SET accountid=?, bannedBy=?, timeZone=?, playerSerial=?, reason = ?, playername=?",getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.accountID"), adminName ,getRealTime()["timestamp"]+duration, pSerialC, reason, targetPlayerName)
				if ttime == 0 then
					text = "Eterno"
					text = ttime .. " hora"
				dbExec(connection, "UPDATE users SET banned=1, banned_by=?, banned_reason=? WHERE id=?", adminName, reason, getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.accountID"))
				kickPlayer(targetPlayer, adminName, reason )
				setElementData(playerSource, "admin.ban", getElementData(playerSource, "admin.ban") + 1)
				outputChatBox("#4169E1[Ban]: #ffffff" ..adminName .. " baniu o jogador " .. targetPlayerName .. "", root, 255, 255, 255, true)
				outputChatBox("#4169E1[Ban]: #ffffffHora do banimento: " .. text .. " - Motivo: #4169E1" .. reason .. "", root, 255, 255, 255, true)
			    outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffVocê não pode banir um administrador superior a você", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true)
				outputChatBox("#4169E1[Ban]: #ffffff"..getElementData(playerSource,"char.adminnick").." tentou banir um administrador do servidor", targetPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
			outputChatBox("#4169E1[Use]:#ffffff /" .. commandName .. " [ID] [hora (0 - eterno)] [motivo]", playerSource, 208, 101, 29, true)

addCommandHandler("offban", -- Administrador acima do nivel *5 pode banir jogadores offline
function (thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, tttime, ...)
	if getElementData(thePlayer, "char.adminlevel") >= 5 then
	    local tttime = tonumber(tttime)
		if not (targetPlayer) or not (tttime) or not (...) then
			outputChatBox("#4169E1[Use]: #ffffff/" .. commandName .. " [Nome Completo] [hora (0 - eterno)] [Motivo]", thePlayer , 255, 255, 255, true)
			local targetPlayer = targetPlayer:gsub(" ", "_")
			local targetPlayerName = targetPlayer:gsub("_", " ")
			local adminName = getElementData(thePlayer,"char.adminnick")
			local reason = table.concat({...}, " ")
			local duration = (tttime*60)*60
			if targetPlayer then
			  if (getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.adminlevel") or 0) < getElementData(thePlayer, "char.adminlevel") then
				local qh = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM players WHERE charname='" .. targetPlayer .. "'")
				local result, num = dbPoll (qh, -1)
				if num == 0 then outputChatBox("#ff0000[Falha]: #ffffffEsse banimento não existe", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return end
				if result then
					for _, row in ipairs ( result ) do
						id = tonumber(row["id"])
						accountid = tonumber(row["account"])
					if (accountid) then
						local qh2 = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='" .. accountid .. "'")
						local result2 = dbPoll ( qh2, -1 )
						if result2 then
							for _2, row2 in ipairs ( result2 ) do
								admin = tonumber(row2["admin"])
								serial = row2["mtaserial"]
								ip = row2["ip"]							
							if (admin) > (getElementData(thePlayer, "char.adminlevel")) then
								outputChatBox("#ff0000[Falha]: #ffffffVocê não tem permissão", thePlayer,  255, 255, 255, true)
							    if tttime == 0 then
					                text = "Eterno"
					               text = tttime .. " Hora"
						    if tttime == 0 then
					            dbExec(connection ,"INSERT INTO bans SET accountid=?, bannedBy=?, timeZone=?, playerSerial=?, reason = ?, playername=?", accountid, adminName ,23414590357, serial, reason, targetPlayer)
				              	dbExec(connection ,"INSERT INTO bans SET accountid=?, bannedBy=?, timeZone=?, playerSerial=?, reason = ?, playername=?", accountid, adminName ,getRealTime()["timestamp"]+duration, serial, reason, targetPlayer)
								setElementData(thePlayer, "admin.ban", getElementData(thePlayer, "admin.ban") + 1)
								dbExec(connection, "UPDATE users SET banned=1, banned_by=?, banned_reason=? WHERE id=?", adminName, reason, accountid)
				                outputChatBox("#4169E1[BAN Offline]: #ffffff" ..adminName .. " baniu " .. targetPlayerName .. "", root,  255, 255, 255, true)
				                outputChatBox("#4169E1[BAN Offline]: #ffffff" .. text .. " - Motivo: #4169E1" .. reason .. "", root,  255, 255, 255, true)
					outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffNenhum resultado encontrado", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
			outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffVocê não pode banir um administrador superior a você", thePlayer, 124, 9, 9, true)
		    outputChatBox("[BAN]:#ffffff "..adminName.." tentou banir um administrador do servidor", targetPlayer, 124, 9, 9, true) -- Quando um administrador tentar banir outro administrador, então aparece para todos administradores essa mensaguem

addCommandHandler( "desbanir", 
	function (playerSource, cmd, target, ...)
		if getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel") >= 5 then
			local reason = table.concat ( { ... }, " " )
			local acc
			local bannedNames = {}
			local bannedSerials = {}
			local bannedAccs = {}
			local bannedBy = {}
			if target and reason then
				local query = dbQuery ( connection, "SELECT * FROM `bans`" )
				local result = dbPoll ( query, -1 )
				if result then
					for k, rows in ipairs ( result ) do
						if string.find( rows["playername"]:lower(), target:lower() ) then
							table.insert ( bannedNames, rows["playername"] )
							table.insert ( bannedSerials, rows["playerSerial"] )
							table.insert ( bannedAccs, rows["accountid"] )
							table.insert ( bannedBy, rows["bannedBy"] )
					outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffNão foi possível encontrar uma punição no nome dado", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true)
				if #bannedNames > 1 then
					outputChatBox("#4169E1[SERVER NAME]: #ffffffTodas punições existentes do servidor", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true)
					for k, bans in ipairs ( bannedNames ) do
					    outputChatBox(bans, playerSource, 208, 101, 29, true)
					bannedName = nil
					bannedSerial = nil
					bannedAccs = nil
					bannedBy = nil
				if #bannedNames == 0 then
					outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffNenhuma punição encontrada", playerSource, 124, 9, 9, true)
				local exec = dbExec ( connection, "DELETE FROM bans WHERE playername = ?", bannedNames[1])
				local exec = dbExec ( connection, "UPDATE `users` SET banned = 0 WHERE `id` = ?", bannedAccs[1])
				outputChatBox("#4169E1[SERVER NAME]: #ffffffVocê desbaniu o jogador com sucesso", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true)
				bannedName = nil
				bannedSerial = nil
				bannedAccs = nil
				bannedBy = nil
				outputChatBox ("#4169E1[Use]: #ffffff/" .. cmd .. " [Nome Completo] [Motivo]", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true)


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