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[Help] Stock system (forex)


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Hello guys , I started working on the stocks system, but I have some problems. I want when the stock is positive ( green ), he gives him money, and when the stock is negative ( red ), he takes money from the player, that is, he buys a stock, and if he loses he loses money , like forex 

Thanks ,



--- Gridlist Value Test ----
for i,d in pairs(data) do
			local r = dgsGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1])
        dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 1, d.name, false, false )
        dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 2, "$ "..round(d.pps,2)*totalMidifier, false, false )
        dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 3, (d.diff[1] and "▲ " or "▼ " )..round(d.diff[2],2).."%", false, false )
        dgsGridListSetItemColor(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 3, d.diff[1] and 0 or 255, d.diff[1] and 255 or 0, 0 )
    for k,s in pairs(playerData) do
        	local r = dgsGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[2])
        dgsGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[2],r, 1, k, false, false )
		dgsGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[2],r, 2, s[1], false, false )
        local old = s[2]*s[1]
        local new = getCompPPS( k )*s[1]
        local change = new-old >= 0 and true
        dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], r, 3, "$"..round(new-old,2), false, false )
		--dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], r, 3, (d.diff[1] and "▲ " or "▼ " )..round(d.diff[2],2).."%", false, false )
		dgsGridListSetItemColor( GUIEditor.gridlist[2],r, 3, change and 0 or 255, change and 255 or 0, 0 )





----- client -----
local c = currentData[selectedBuyRow+1].name
            local n = currentData[selectedBuyRow+1].pps*totalMidifier
		if exports.global:getMoney(localPlayer ) - n >= 0 then
				triggerServerEvent( "onClientStockTransaction", localPlayer, n )
                local temp = localPlayer:getData "Stocks" or {}
                for k,d in pairs(currentData) do
                    if d.name == c then
                        temp[d.name] = {temp[d.name] and temp[d.name][1]+totalMidifier or totalMidifier,currentData[selectedBuyRow+1].pps}
               buyD = true
                saveStocks( )
			--	triggerServerEvent( "onClientStockTransaction", localPlayer, -n )
                outputChatBox( "test")            end
----- Server -----
function round(number, decimals, method)
    decimals = decimals or 0
    local factor = 10 ^ decimals
    if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor
    else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end
addEvent( "TriggerMoneyTest", true )
addEventHandler( "TriggerMoneyTest", root, function( money,n )
	local take = exports.global:getMoney(source, tonumber(money)-n)
    triggerClientEvent( source, "onConfirmPayment", source )
	if decimals >= 0 then
	 exports.global:takeMoney( source, tonumber(take)-n )
	-- decimals === 
	 exports.global:giveMoney( source, tonumber(take)+n )


Edited by STINGX
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This code by timer increase or decrease okay? I don't now how to give player money or take money by this value 

--- This is trigger Client 
triggerServerEvent( "onClientStockTransaction", localPlayer, n )

addEvent( "onClientStockTransaction", true )
addEventHandler( "onClientStockTransaction", root, function( money,n )
	local take = exports.global:getMoney(source, tonumber(money)-n)
    triggerClientEvent( source, "onConfirmPayment", source )
	if decimals >= 0 then
	 exports.global:takeMoney( source, tonumber(take)-n )
	-- decimals === 
	 exports.global:giveMoney( source, tonumber(take)+n )

I tried to give money or lose money but failed 

Edited by STINGX
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6 hours ago, Tekken said:

I don’t see where decimals variable was set, you have what error? /debugscript 3

I don't have error , I failed to create this part of code only cause I don't know how to check decimals decrease or increase to give or take money from player , I added this code in client and server 

function round(number, decimals, method)
    decimals = decimals or 0
    local factor = 10 ^ decimals
    if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor
    else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end


3 minutes ago, STINGX said:

I don't have error , I failed to create this part of code only cause I don't know how to check decimals decrease or increase to give or take money from player , I added this code in client and server 

function round(number, decimals, method)
    decimals = decimals or 0
    local factor = 10 ^ decimals
    if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor
    else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end


and this is trigger using this function in gridlist ,



Edited by STINGX
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Decimal is a number so all you have to do is 

 If NewDecimal > oldDecimal then

—give money

elseif newDecimal < oldDecimal then

—take money


— do nothing if decimal do not change


keep in mind this is very low level you will have to adjust to work with your code.


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  • 1 year later...

Please tell me if there are any improvements in your code because I am also working on a similar project now. I want to make something like the forex market trading website, as I really like this site and in general, I used it myself and was very satisfied. I don't know to program very well yet, but I have already implemented some projects. So I will be glad if you write to me and we can talk about your code. P.s I won't steal your code, but look at another way to solve a common problem

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  • 3 months later...

A very interesting and useful article; it will be very useful for people who are just starting to deal with crypto or bitcoin. I learned what cryptocurrency is a couple of years ago. My colleague at work told me that he found good forex indicators. I also decided to try it and was very pleased.

Just now, AsiaCannon said:

A very interesting and useful article; it will be very useful for people who are just starting to deal with crypto or bitcoin. I learned what cryptocurrency is a couple of years ago. My colleague at work told me that he found good forex indicators. I also decided to try it and was very pleased.

Firstly, in a couple of years, the cryptocurrency has grown in price very much, and secondly, I like the security of money in cryptocurrency. So if someone has doubts, I recommend you read this article again and invest your money as soon as possible.

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