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Together with GamingKrazy we made a Giant-Pinball-Table

(get it here , the map called giantpinball.map)

Shoot Ball


how giant ?


(as you can see the righthandside shown in previous picture is beyond drawing distance)

how high ?


(and thats only to the table , not the backpanel part)

More screens ?


here you can see the 2nd last CP , the two legs and the flippers :D

I did the pinball table outline (its a full table with legs, closed bottom, backside etc , but most of it is invisible in race)

GamingKrazy did the race and objects (beside the two flippers , lol)

some stats ::

6 player race

23 checkpoints

stopped counting after 150 objects used

table covers a total area of about 500x200x500 feet (l/w/h) including backpanel and legs

Big thanks to GamingKrazy

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The map parts won't be invisible in a race, but it will be on the map editor and testing it using the map editor - a problem to fix in future releases.

I like the look of your map. Tell some people to upload it too their servers and test the map.

oh with invisible i meant people wont see the for example the nice closed bottom of the table , because they dont need to be there ..

as in .. its not too obvious when your on the map until the vortex leaves the table and you get to do a overpass with the plane

... and its on my server ;) .. but ill spread the word

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