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Salário vip

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Queria colocar ACL em um salário vip que tenho, mas todas as formas que tento não vai.

function giveSalarioVIP(playerSource)
	if getElementData(playerSource, "isVIPRevolution") or getElementData(playerSource, "isVIPOmega") or getElementData(playerSource, "isVIPSigma") or getElementData(playerSource, "isVIPEpsylon") or getElementData(playerSource, "isVIPAlpha") then
		local account = getPlayerAccount(playerSource)
		local timeAtual = getRealTime().timestamp
		local day = 18000
		local dataUltimaTroca = getAccountData(account, "ultimaTrocaSalario") or timeAtual - day
		local calc = timeAtual - dataUltimaTroca
		if calc < day then
			return outputChatBox("Espere "..secondsToTimeDesc(day - calc).." para receber o salário novamente", playerSource, 255, 0, 0)
		local moneyValue, typeVIP = getMoneyFromACL(playerSource)
		if givePlayerMoney(playerSource, moneyValue) then
			outputChatBox("#00ffff#===========================================================", root, 0, 255, 0, true)
			outputChatBox("["..typeVIP.."] "..getPlayerName(playerSource).." pegou seu salário de $"..convertNumber(moneyValue)..", usando /salario", root, 0, 255, 0, true)
			outputChatBox("#00ffff#===========================================================", root, 0, 255, 0, true)
			setAccountData(account, "ultimaTrocaSalario", timeAtual)
		outputChatBox("Você não tem permissão para usar este comando. Adquira já seu VIP!", playerSource, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler("salario", giveSalarioVIP)

function getMoneyFromACL(player)
	if getElementData(player, "isVIPRevolution") then
		return 80000, "VIP Revolution"
	elseif getElementData(player, "isVIPOmega") then
		return 50000, "VIP Omega"
	elseif getElementData(player, "isVIPSigma") then
		return 40000, "VIP Sigma"
	elseif getElementData(player, "isVIPEpsylon") then
		return 30000, "VIP Epsylon"
	elseif getElementData(player, "isVIPAlpha") then
		return 20000, "VIP Alpha"
	return false

function convertNumber ( number )  
	local formatted = number  
	while true do      
		formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')    
		if ( k==0 ) then      
	return formatted

function secondsToTimeDesc( seconds )
	if seconds then
		local results = {}
		local sec = ( seconds %60 )
		local min = math.floor ( ( seconds % 3600 ) /60 )
		local hou = math.floor ( ( seconds % 86400 ) /3600 )
		local day = math.floor ( seconds /86400 )
		if day > 0 then table.insert( results, day .. ( day == 1 and " dia" or " dias" ) ) end
		if hou > 0 then table.insert( results, hou .. ( hou == 1 and " hora" or " horas" ) ) end
		if min > 0 then table.insert( results, min .. ( min == 1 and " minuto" or " minutos" ) ) end
		if sec > 0 then table.insert( results, sec .. ( sec == 1 and " segundo" or " segundos" ) ) end
		return string.reverse ( table.concat ( results, ", " ):reverse():gsub(" ,", " e ", 1 ) )
	return ""


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Se você quiser usar uma ACL ao invés de usar getElementData tente desta forma:

 local nomeDoPlayer = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) )
     if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..nomeDoPlayer, aclGetGroup ( "Revolution" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..nomeDoPlayer, aclGetGroup ( "Epsylon" ) ) then


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