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Check if vehicle is nearby by vehicle's plate?

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I want to check if the selected vehicle is nearby by the vehicle's plate.

I'm getting the vehicle's plate text from client-side gui (gridlist selection)  then I query that plate from mysql in server-side and want to check if that is nearby or not.

function SetVehicleSellingDB(vehPlate)
local query = dbQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM vehicle WHERE plate=?", vehPlate)
local result = dbPoll(query, -1)
if result then
	local vehicleplate = result[1]["plate"] --- I getting the selected vehicle's plate from client-side gui succesfully
	local vehicle = getNearestVehicle( vehicleplate ) --- this doesn't work
    if vehicle then 
         outputChatBox("Vehicle is nearby")
addEventHandler("SetVehSellingDB",getRootElement(), SetVehicleSellingDB)

It's works until I getting the vehicle's plate text but how can I insert the vehicleplate variable into the getNearestVehicle function?

function getNearestVehicle( player )  
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player )  
    local prevDistance  
    local nearestVehicle  
    for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( "vehicle" ) ) do  
        local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, getElementPosition( v ) )  
        if distance <= ( prevDistance or distance + 1 ) then 
            prevDistance = distance  
            nearestVehicle = v 
    return nearestVehicle or false  

getNearestVehicle function source: 


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  On 19/08/2020 at 22:49, thund3rbird23 said:

It's works until I getting the vehicle's plate text but how can I insert the vehicleplate variable into the getNearestVehicle function?


I am not sure why you want to pass the plate into that function. But the function requires a player, not a plate.


Basically  this would give you the closest vehicle from the player that executed the event:

local vehicle = getNearestVehicle( client )



But if you also want to pass the plate as well, sure that is also possible.

Adding a second argument:

local vehicle = getNearestVehicle( client, vehicleplate )


And adding second parameter:

function getNearestVehicle( player, vehicleplate )  


Note: If you do this, you will have to do something within this function with the plate, else it has no functionality.

Edited by IIYAMA
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local vehicleplate = result[1]["plate"]
local x = result[1]["posX"]
local y = result[1]["posY"]
local z = result[1]["posZ"]

local nearby  = 20

if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, getElementPosition(player)) <= nearby then
	outputDebugString("Vehicle is nearby")


Something like this maybe?

I assumed that you store the vehicle position in the dB, I also assumed the keys for that :)

Edited by Zorgman
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  On 20/08/2020 at 09:53, IIYAMA said:

I am not sure why you want to pass the plate into that function. But the function requires a player, not a plate.



  On 20/08/2020 at 10:27, Patrick said:

Find nearest vehicle by platetext looks unnecessary, if plates are unique.


I'm getting the vehicle plate text from a client-side gui gridlist selection and want to check if the vehicle with the selected plate text is nearby then I can do whatever what I want with the vehicle.

  On 20/08/2020 at 15:59, Zorgman said:
local vehicleplate = result[1]["plate"]
local x = result[1]["posX"]
local y = result[1]["posY"]
local z = result[1]["posZ"]

local nearby  = 20

if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, getElementPosition(player)) <= nearby then
	outputDebugString("Vehicle is nearby")


Something like this maybe?

I assumed that you store the vehicle position in the dB, I also assumed the keys for that :)


I had to modify the positions variable the positions debug is working well but I always getting "Vehicle is not nearby" doesn't matter if I'm close to the vehicle or not.

And the vehicle position doesn't change while the player is in-game. That will change after the player is disconnected so I don't think so that's the good way of the vehicle's position?!

function SetVehicleSellingDB(vehPlate)
local query = dbQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM vehicle WHERE plate=?", vehPlate)
local result = dbPoll(query, -1)
if result then
	local vehicleplate = result[1]["plate"]
	local pos = fromJSON(result[1]["pos"])
    local x = pos[1]
    local y = pos[2]
    local z = pos[3]
	iprint("x: "..x.. " y: "..y.." z: "..z)

local nearby  = 20

if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, getElementPosition(source)) <= nearby then
	outputDebugString("Vehicle is nearby")
    outputDebugString("Vehicle is not nearby")


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  On 20/08/2020 at 17:03, thund3rbird23 said:

That will change after the player is disconnected so I don't think so that's the good way of the vehicle's position?!


You can loop through all vehicles and check if their plate is the same as the item in the database. But it is easier and more efficient to set an identifier when you create the vehicle.

What is used as your database primary key per vehicle?

Edited by IIYAMA
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  On 20/08/2020 at 18:01, thund3rbird23 said:

The vehicle ID is the primary key in database. (id column)




When creating your vehicles you can link the ID to the vehicle in a few ways.


Either by table:

  • No synchronization server/client
  • Across resources if you use exports.
  • More maintenance (if a vehicle gets deleted)
local linkVehiclesToDataBase = {
	element_to_ID = {},
	ID_to_element = {}

function setVehicleByDataBaseID (ID, vehicle)
	linkVehiclesToDataBase.ID_to_element[ID] = vehicle
	return true

function getVehicleByDataBaseID (ID)
	return linkVehiclesToDataBase.ID_to_element[ID]

function setDataBaseIDByVehicle (vehicle, ID)
	linkVehiclesToDataBase.element_to_ID[vehicle] = ID
	return true

function getDataBaseIDByVehicle (vehicle)
	return linkVehiclesToDataBase.element_to_ID[vehicle]


local ID = --...
local vehicle = createVehicle(--[[...]])

setDataBaseIDByVehicle (vehicle, ID)
-- enables: getDataBaseIDByVehicle (vehicle)

setVehicleByDataBaseID (ID, vehicle)
-- enables: getVehicleByDataBaseID (ID)


Or by ID:

setElementID ( vehicle, "vehicle-database-ID:" .. ID) 



  • Less maintenance
  • Synchronization server/client
  • Across resources
  • Problem that can occur: Double ID's created by other resources or ID overwrite by other resources.







Edited by IIYAMA
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