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MTASA R1.11 will NOT run on Linux :(

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So far I've only ever managed to get the first ever MTASA server release to run on the box, it's Debian Linux 3.1, Intel P4 2.8ghz, 1GB ram etc.

Xerces shit is installed fine, but when attempting to run the server,

jani@server548:~/mtasa$ ./mta_server

./mta_server: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot o

shared object file: No such file or directory


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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys !!

I have the same Problem. I am runnig Suse 9.3 on my Server.

I have installed xerces over yast and libstdc++ too.

But my Server shows this Failure:

lani@v333:~/mtaserver-linux-v1.1.1/mtaserver> ./mta_server

./mta_server: error while loading shared libraries: libxerces-c.so.27: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Can someone help me ?



Edit: And if i run the Startscript it says: Bad Interpreter : File or Directory not found......

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lani@v333:~/mtaserver-linux-v1.1.1/mtaserver> ./mta_server

./mta_server: error while loading shared libraries: libxerces-c.so.27: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


locate libxerces-c.so

- if version behind .so > 27, or you're very brave whith a lower number:

ln -s libxerces-c.so. libxerces-c.so.27

- run server again

(The problem is caused by the MTA:SA server only using version 27, as its linked against it. If you have a slightly different version it might work as well. Or install the correct version.

WARNING: all on your won risk ofcourse!

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