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t3rd's figure 8 jump race: Get In On The Mayhem!

Guest t3rd_hugg3r

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I dont understand why no one has commented here. I use up alot of my time on this and no one replies. The reason I put alot of time and effort into these races is because most of the time you should get feedback, and thats what strives us map makers to build more. Maybe I should just give up because what is the point?

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We aren't forced to rate your map or just reply. Most people look at the description and (even more) at the screenshots and then decide wether to download or not. People are lazy and if the map is not something to tell about, most people don't come back to reply.

It's rather annoying that a lot of people try to hold their map show offs high in the list. I think. cool another new map to look at... then I get this...

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