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Welcome message without !command script?

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Hello everyone, I just searched the forum for this and found a lot of posts about it but none of them say if this is possible:

I don't want to install the !commands script (and mIRC) because a lot of ppl keep doing those commands without any reason, which is very irritating.

Now I was wondering if it's possible to add a line to the mtaserver.conf that enables a welcome message that will be sent to everyone who joins the server...

maybe something like:

WelcomeMsg 1 (to enable)

WelcomeMgs=Welcome to my server, you can upload maps at http://www....

Is that possible?

And if not, is it possible to be added to the next release? so everyone who doesn't want to install any scripts or mIRC, like me, can still have a welcome message on their server?

I don't want it to say the name of the person joining cuz that would only take more space... I'm trying to keep the server as plain as possible.

If this has been asked before, I have missed it... and I'm very sorry for the inconvenience! But could I get a link to the reply on that then please?

Thank you very much!

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