GsSchulzZ Posted May 28, 2020 Share Posted May 28, 2020 (edited) O Erro É Na Linha 284, No debugscript 3 aparece como bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got boolean) function penz_darabolas(amount) local formatted = amount while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1 %2') if (k==0) then break end end return formatted end Edited May 28, 2020 by GsSchulzZ Link to comment
Blaack Posted May 28, 2020 Share Posted May 28, 2020 4 minutes ago, GsSchulzZ said: O Erro É Na Linha 285, No debugscript 3 aparece como bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got boolean) function penz_darabolas(amount) local formatted = amount while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1 %2') if (k==0) then break end end return formatted end Se você mandasse o código todo ficaria mais fácil... Link to comment
GsSchulzZ Posted May 28, 2020 Author Share Posted May 28, 2020 6 minutes ago, ~#BlackSCR said: Se você mandasse o código todo ficaria mais fácil... local kepernyom = {guiGetScreenSize()} local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local panelSize = {300, 450} local panelPosX, panelPosY = kepernyom[1]/2-panelSize[1]/2, kepernyom[2]/2-panelSize[2]/2 local font = dxCreateFont("files/Roboto.ttf",9) local font2 = dxCreateFont("files/Roboto.ttf",10) local roboto = dxCreateFont("files/Roboto.ttf",11) local roboto2 = dxCreateFont("files/Roboto.ttf",11) local autoFont = dxCreateFont("files/mesmerize.ttf",25) local carposX, carposY, carposZ = 2129.236328125, -1147.71875, 1419.4497070313 local panelType = "CarShop" function dobozbaVan(dX, dY, dSZ, dM, eX, eY) if(eX >= dX and eX <= dX+dSZ and eY >= dY and eY <= dY+dM) then return true else return false end end function isInSlot(xS,yS,wS,hS) if(isCursorShowing()) then XY = {guiGetScreenSize()} local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition() cursorX, cursorY = cursorX*XY[1], cursorY*XY[2] if(dobozbaVan(xS,yS,wS,hS, cursorX, cursorY)) then return true else return false end end end local selectedColor = 7 local Jelenkocsi = 0 -- cam movement things local cameraMoveable = false local camMovement = "freemode" local fpsX = 0 local fpsY = 0 -- cam movement things local color = {--Szín ,Összeg {228,119,25,50}, {107, 165, 180,50}, {5,81,164,50}, {10,163,78,50}, {197,19,23,50}, {116,3,1,50}, {255,255,255,50}, {108,108,108,50}, {0,0,0,50}, } if fileExists("sourceC.Lua") then fileDelete("sourceC.Lua") end local create = false local pickup = createPickup(2131.7783203125, -1151.0703125, 24.087491989136,3, 1239) function pickupHit(element) if element ~= localPlayer then return end if getPedOccupiedVehicle(element) then return end if not create then fadeCamera(false) setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true) setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true, 0) --backgroundmusic = playSound("files/showroom.mp3", true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, createCarshopPanel) create = true showChat(false) setElementData(localPlayer, "enableall", false) --showCursor(true) setElementDimension(localPlayer, getElementData(localPlayer, "dbid")) showroom = createObject(16642,2131.82421875, -1147.75, 1418.4497070313) setElementDimension(showroom, getElementData(localPlayer, "dbid")) createVehicleFunction () updateCamPosition(true) end, 1000, 1) --addEventHandler ("onClientPreRender",getRootElement(),updateCamPosition) end end addEventHandler("onClientPickupHit", pickup, pickupHit) function onPedKatt(button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY, worldX, worldY, worldZ, clickedElement) if create and button == "left" and state == "down" and panelType == "CarShop" then for index, value in ipairs (color) do if dobozbaVan(sx-index*47, 160, 30, 30, absoluteX, absoluteY) then setVehicleColor(car, value[1], value[2], value[3]) selectedColor = index end end elseif create and button == "left" and state == "down" and panelType == "Vasarlas" then if isInSlot(sx/2-225,sy/2-20,212.5,35) then if sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5] > 0 then if getVehicleLimits(sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1]) >= sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5] and sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5] > 0 then panelType = "CarShop" exports.sas_hud:addNotification("Ennek a járműnek megtelt a limitje!","error") elseif getVehicleLimits(sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1]) < sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5] or sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5] == 0 then local amount = sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][3] + color[selectedColor][4] if getElementData(localPlayer, "money") >= amount then triggerServerEvent("buyVehicle", localPlayer, sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1], color[selectedColor][1], color[selectedColor][2], color[selectedColor][3], amount, Jelenkocsi) else exports.sas_hud:addNotification("Nincs elég pénzed!", "error") end panelType = "CarShop" end end if sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5] == -1 then local amount = sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][3] + color[selectedColor][4] if getElementData(localPlayer, "money") >= amount then triggerServerEvent("buyVehicle", localPlayer, sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1], color[selectedColor][1], color[selectedColor][2], color[selectedColor][3], amount, Jelenkocsi) else exports.sas_hud:addNotification("Nincs elég pénzed!", "error") end panelType = "CarShop" end elseif isInSlot(sx/2+12.5,sy/2-20,212.5,35) then local pp = sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][4] + color[selectedColor][4] if getElementData(localPlayer, "pp") >= pp then triggerServerEvent("buyVehiclePP", localPlayer, sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1], color[selectedColor][1], color[selectedColor][2], color[selectedColor][3], pp, Jelenkocsi) else exports.sas_hud:addNotification("Nincs elég PP-d!", "error") end panelType = "CarShop" end if isInSlot(sx/2-225,sy/2+30,450,35) then panelType = "CarShop" end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), onPedKatt) addEvent("paymentCompleted",true) addEventHandler("paymentCompleted",root,function() exports.sas_hud:addNotification("Sikeresen megvásároltad a kiválasztott járművet!","success") if isElement(car) then destroyElement(car) end fadeCamera(false) setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, createCarshopPanel) create = false showChat(true) setElementData(localPlayer, "enableall", true) --showCursor(false) updateCamPosition(false) panelType = "CarShop" fadeCamera(true) end, 1000, 1) end) function createVehicleFunction () if isElement(car) then destroyElement(car) end Jelenkocsi = 1--math.random(1, #sellVehicle) car = createVehicle(sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1],carposX, carposY, carposZ) randomcolor = math.random(1, #color) setVehicleColor(car, color[7][1], color[7][2], color[7][3], 0, 0 ,0) setElementDimension(car, getElementData(localPlayer, "dbid")) setElementRotation(car, 0,0,1) end local textYplus = 0 local logoIndex = "gta-sa" function createCarshopPanel () --if panelType == "CarShop" then if not cameraMoveable and camMovement ~= "fps" then -- dxDrawImage(0, 0, 1920, 1080, "files/see.png") if sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][6] then logoIndex = sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][6] else logoIndex = "gta-sa" end dxDrawRectangle(0,0,sx,150,tocolor(0,0,0,200)) dxDrawImage(0,10,128,128,"files/logos/"..logoIndex..".png") dxDrawText("AUTÓSZALON",148,0,sx,150,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,autoFont,"left","center") dxDrawText("<",128,sy-130-25-20,sx,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,autoFont,"left") dxDrawText(">",sx-128,sy-130-25-20,sx,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,autoFont,"left") dxDrawRectangle(0,sy-100,sx,100,tocolor(0,0,0,200)) dxDrawText(sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][2],0,sy-130-25-20,sx,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.1,autoFont,"center") dxDrawText("Ár: "..penz_darabolas(sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][3]).." $ vagy "..penz_darabolas(sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][4]).." prémium pont",10,sy-95+textYplus,sx,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto,"left") --dxDrawRectangle(sx-430,sy-80-20,435,42,tocolor(0,0,0,100)) dxDrawText("Kilépés",0,sy-68-20,sx-10-15,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"right") dxDrawText("Navigáció",0,sy-68-20,sx-10-140-20,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"right") dxDrawText("Vásárlás",0,sy-68-20,sx-626+128,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"right") dxDrawText("Szabad kamera",0,sy-68-20,sx-355+20,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"right") dxDrawImage(sx-145-20,sy-75-20,128,32,"files/keys/bcksp.png") dxDrawImage(sx-260-20,sy-75-20,32,32,"files/keys/right.png") dxDrawImage(sx-290-20-5,sy-75-20,32,32,"files/keys/left.png") dxDrawImage(sx-480,sy-75-20,32,32,"files/keys/q.png") dxDrawImage(sx-626,sy-75-20,128,32,"files/keys/enter.png") dxDrawRectangle(sx-430,150,430,50,tocolor(0,0,0,200)) if sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5] > 0 then dxDrawText("Limit: "..getVehicleLimits(sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1]).."/"..sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5],10,sy-75,sx,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto,"left") textYplus = 0 elseif sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5] == 0 then dxDrawText("Limit: "..getVehicleLimits(sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1]).."/"..sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][5],10,sy-75,sx,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto,"left") textYplus = 0 else textYplus = 10 end for index, value in ipairs(color) do -- if isInSlot(sx-index*47, 150, 30, 30) then -- dxDrawRectangle(sx-index*35, 135, 32, 32, tocolor(value[1], value[2], value[3])) --else dxDrawRectangle(sx-index*47, 160, 30, 30, tocolor(value[1], value[2], value[3])) -- end end dxDrawText("Készpénz:\n"..penz_darabolas(getElementData(localPlayer,"money")).." $\nPrémium egyenleg:\n"..penz_darabolas(getElementData(localPlayer,"pp")).." PP",sx-180,35,sx,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto,"left") if panelType == "Vasarlas" then dxDrawRectangle(sx/2-250,sy/2-75,500,150,tocolor(0,0,0,180)) dxDrawText("#7cc576SeeMTA - #FF8C00Jármű vásárlás",sx/2-250,sy/2-95,500,150,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"left","top",false,false,false,true) if isInSlot(sx/2-225,sy/2-20,212.5,35) then dxDrawRectangle(sx/2-225,sy/2-20,212.5,35,tocolor(51, 204, 255,180)) else dxDrawRectangle(sx/2-225,sy/2-20,212.5,35,tocolor(124, 197, 118,180)) end if isInSlot(sx/2+12.5,sy/2-20,212.5,35) then dxDrawRectangle(sx/2+12.5,sy/2-20,212.5,35,tocolor(51, 204, 255,180)) else dxDrawRectangle(sx/2+12.5,sy/2-20,212.5,35,tocolor(124, 197, 118,180)) end if isInSlot(sx/2-225,sy/2+30,450,35) then dxDrawRectangle(sx/2-225,sy/2+30,450,35,tocolor(51, 204, 255,180)) else dxDrawRectangle(sx/2-225,sy/2+30,450,35,tocolor(122, 36, 45,180)) end dxDrawText("Vásárlás [Dollár]",sx/2-225,sy/2-20,sx/2-225+212.5,sy/2-20+35,tocolor(0,0,0,255),1,roboto2,"center","center") dxDrawText("Vásárlás [Prémium Pont]",sx/2+12.5,sy/2-20,sx/2+12.5+212.5,sy/2-20+35,tocolor(0,0,0,255),1,roboto2,"center","center") dxDrawText("Mégsem",sx/2-225,sy/2+30,sx/2-225+450,sy/2+30+35,tocolor(0,0,0,255),1,roboto2,"center","center") dxDrawText("Biztosan megszeretnéd vásárolni a kiválasztott járművet?",sx/2,sy/2-50,sx/2,sy/2-50,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.1,roboto2,"center","center") end end end function getVehicleLimits(vehicleID) local ammount = 0 local breake = false for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementModel(v) == vehicleID then ammount = ammount + 1 if ammount > 1 then breake = true end if ammount == 1 and breake then break end end end ammount = ammount -1 return ammount end function penz_darabolas(amount) local formatted = amount while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1 %2') if (k==0) then break end end return formatted end --killTimer(cameraTimer) --updateCamPosition (true) function updateCamPosition (turning) --setCameraMatrix (2131.8215332031, -1147.7175292969, 1419.2426757813, 2131.8215332031, -1047.7175292969, 1419.2426757813) if turning then fadeCamera(true) exports.sas_system:smoothMoveCamera(2123.3249511719, -1143.9187011719, 1419.943359375, 2210.2468261719, -1191.462890625, 1406.3743896484,2123.3173828125, -1145.7888183594, 1419.943359375, 2218.5229492188, -1171.9772949219, 1404.1306152344 ,6000) cameraTimer = setTimer(function() fadeCamera(false) cameraTimer = setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) exports.sas_system:smoothMoveCamera(2129.1508789063, -1142.5146484375, 1421.7429199219, 2131.4328613281, -1227.7458496094, 1369.4893798828,2129.2783203125, -1147.0057373047, 1421.7438964844, 2131.5603027344, -1232.2369384766, 1369.490234375 ,6000) cameraTimer = setTimer(function() fadeCamera(false) cameraTimer = setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) exports.sas_system:smoothMoveCamera(2128.1186523438, -1143.0627441406, 1419.3438720703, 2190.0141601563, -1219.6978759766, 1402.1395263672,2127.4304199219, -1143.5853271484, 1419.3436279297, 2206.6176757813, -1202.1297607422, 1401.9674072266 ,6000) cameraTimer = setTimer(function() fadeCamera(false) cameraTimer = setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) exports.sas_system:smoothMoveCamera(2130.380859375, -1151.7014160156, 1419.6430664063, 2081.9938964844, -1068.2103271484, 1393.4146728516,2131.6828613281, -1151.5612792969, 1419.6435546875, 2055.6313476563, -1089.2926025391, 1401.2373046875 ,6000) cameraTimer = setTimer(function() fadeCamera(false) cameraTimer = setTimer(function() killTimer(cameraTimer) updateCamPosition (true) end, 1000, 1) end, 5000, 1) end, 1000, 1) end, 5000, 1) end, 1000, 1) end, 5000, 1) end, 1000, 1) end, 5000, 1) elseif not turning then exports.sas_system:stopSmoothMoveCamera() killTimer(cameraTimer) setElementPosition(localPlayer,2131.8981933594, -1148.7214355469, 24.346748352051) setElementDimension(localPlayer, 0) setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) setCameraMatrix(x,y,z,x,y,z) setCameraTarget(localPlayer, localPlayer) offtimer = setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) end, 1000, 1) end end --[[ cameraTimer = setTimer(function() end, 5000, 1) ]] local stoped = false local stop = false addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function(k,v) if not create then return end if k == "backspace" and v then -- killTimer(cameraTimer) if not cameraMoveable and camMovement ~= "fps" then if panelType == "CarShop" then fadeCamera(false) setTimer(function() if isElement(car) then destroyElement(car) end removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, createCarshopPanel) create = false showChat(true) setElementData(localPlayer, "enableall", true) --selectedColor = 0 --showCursor(false) updateCamPosition(false) panelType = "CarShop" stopSound(backgroundmusic) --outputChatBox("key") end, 1000, 1) else panelType = "CarShop" end end if isTimer(timer) then return end timer = setTimer(function() end, 300, 1) elseif k == "arrow_l" and not stoped and panelType == "CarShop" then if not cameraMoveable and camMovement ~= "fps" then --outputChatBox(Jelenkocsi) fadeCamera(false) stoped = true setTimer(function() if Jelenkocsi > 1 then Jelenkocsi = Jelenkocsi - 1 else Jelenkocsi = 1 end setElementModel(car, sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1]) --fadeCamera(true) exports.sas_system:stopSmoothMoveCamera() killTimer(cameraTimer) updateCamPosition (true) setTimer(function() stoped = false end, 1000, 1) end , 1000, 1 ) end elseif k == "arrow_r" and not stoped and panelType == "CarShop" then if not cameraMoveable and camMovement ~= "fps" then fadeCamera(false) stoped = true setTimer(function() if Jelenkocsi < #sellVehicle then Jelenkocsi = Jelenkocsi + 1 else Jelenkocsi = 1 end setElementModel(car, sellVehicle[Jelenkocsi][1]) --fadeCamera(true) exports.sas_system:stopSmoothMoveCamera() killTimer(cameraTimer) updateCamPosition (true) setTimer(function() stoped = false end, 1000, 1) end , 1000, 1 ) end elseif k == "enter" and not cameraMoveable and camMovement ~= "fps" then --outputChatBox(selectedColor) if panelType == "CarShop" then if selectedColor > 0 then panelType = "Vasarlas" end end elseif k == "q" and v and panelType == "CarShop" then --- if camMovement ~= "fps" and cameraMoveable then -- updateCamPosition(true) -- cameraMoveable = false -- camMovement = "" --else if camMovement ~= "fps" then if not cameraMoveable then exports.sas_system:stopSmoothMoveCamera() -- if isElement(cameraTimer) then playSound("files/cammove.mp3") killTimer(cameraTimer) -- end --updateCamPosition(false) cameraMoveable = true camMovement = "freemode" elseif cameraMoveable then playSound("files/cammove.mp3") updateCamPosition(true) cameraMoveable = false camMovement = "" for i = 0, 5 do setVehicleDoorOpenRatio(car, i, 0) end setVehicleOverrideLights(car, 1) end end elseif k == "l" and v and cameraMoveable and camMovement ~= "fps" then playSound("files/lightswitch.mp3") local lights = getVehicleOverrideLights(car) if (lights~=2) then setVehicleOverrideLights(car, 2) elseif (lights~=1) then setVehicleOverrideLights(car, 1) end end end) -- custom cameraMovement addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function() if camMovement == "fps" and not cameraMoveable then dxDrawText("A #d9534fvisszalépéshez #FFFFFFnyomd meg az #7cc576[E] #FFFFFFgombot.",0,sy-100,sx,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"center", "top",false,false,false,true) end if cameraMoveable then --dxDrawImage(0, 0, 1920, 1080, "files/see.png") dxDrawRectangle(sx-600, sy-100, 600, 50, tocolor(0,0,0,200)) dxDrawImage(sx-593-2,sy-90-2,32,32,"files/keys/q.png") local kamX = dxGetTextWidth("Cinematic kamera", 1, roboto2) dxDrawText("Cinematic kamera",0,sy-100,sx-593+32+5+kamX,sy-100+50,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"right", "center") dxDrawImage(sx-405,sy-90-2,32,32,"files/keys/w.png") dxDrawImage(sx-405+37,sy-90-2,32,32,"files/keys/a.png") dxDrawImage(sx-405+37+37,sy-90-2,32,32,"files/keys/s.png") dxDrawImage(sx-405+37+37+37,sy-90-2,32,32,"files/keys/d.png") local kamX2 = dxGetTextWidth("Kamera mozgás", 1, roboto2) dxDrawText("Kamera mozgás",0,sy-100,sx-405+37+37+37+37+5+kamX2,sy-100+50,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"right", "center") dxDrawImage(sx-125,sy-90-2,32,32,"files/keys/e.png") local kamX3 = dxGetTextWidth("Interakció", 1, roboto2) dxDrawText("Interakció",0,sy-100,sx-125+37+kamX3,sy-100+50,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,roboto2,"right", "center") for v in pairs ( getVehicleComponents(car) ) do if v == "door_lf_dummy" or v == "door_rf_dummy" or v == "door_rf_dummy" or v == "door_lr_dummy" or v == "boot_dummy" or v == "bonnet_dummy" then local x,y,z = getVehicleComponentPosition ( car, v, "world" ) local wx,wy,wz = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x, y, z ) if wx and wy then if dobozbaVan(wx-10, wy-10, 20, 20, sx/2, sy/2) then dxDrawImage(wx-75, wy-75, 150, 150, "files/hover.png", 0,0,0) else dxDrawImage(wx-75, wy-75, 150, 150, "files/circle.png", 0,0,0) end if v == "door_lf_dummy" then if getVehicleDoorOpenRatio ( car, 2 ) == 1 then if dobozbaVan(wx+65, wy-10, 20,20, sx/2, sy/2) then dxDrawImage(wx, wy-75, 150, 150, "files/hover.png", 0,0,0) else dxDrawImage(wx, wy-75, 150, 150, "files/circle.png", 0,0,0) --dxDrawRectangle(wx+65, wy-10, 20,20) end end end end end end end end) local _, _, vehicleRotation = 0,0,1 local cameraRotation = vehicleRotation + 60 cameraSettings = { ["distance"] = 9, ["movingSpeed"] = 2, ["currentX"] = math.rad(cameraRotation), ["defaultX"] = math.rad(cameraRotation), ["currentY"] = math.rad(cameraRotation), ["currentZ"] = math.rad(15), ["maximumZ"] = math.rad(35), ["minimumZ"] = math.rad(0), ["freeModeActive"] = false, ["zoomTick"] = 0, ["zoom"] = 60 } local nyitasTiltas = false local differentX, differentY = 0, 0 function kattint( button, press ) if create then if button == "e" and press and camMovement == "fps" then fadeCamera(false) setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) camMovement = "freemode" cameraMoveable = true destroyElement(utas) end, 1000, 1) end if button == "e" and press and not nyitasTiltas and camMovement == "freemode" then -- outputChatBox("e-t nyom") for v in pairs ( getVehicleComponents(car) ) do if v == "door_lf_dummy" or v == "door_rf_dummy" or v == "door_rr_dummy" or v == "door_lr_dummy" or v == "boot_dummy" or v == "bonnet_dummy" then local x,y,z = getVehicleComponentPosition ( car, v, "world" ) local wx,wy,wz = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x, y, z ) if wx and wy then -- outputChatBox(wx) if dobozbaVan(wx-10, wy-10, 20, 20, sx/2, sy/2) then if v == "door_lf_dummy" then doorToOpen = 2 end if v == "door_rf_dummy" then doorToOpen = 3 end if v == "door_rr_dummy" then doorToOpen = 5 end if v == "door_lr_dummy" then doorToOpen = 4 end if v == "boot_dummy" then doorToOpen = 1 end if v == "bonnet_dummy" then doorToOpen = 0 end if getVehicleDoorOpenRatio ( car, doorToOpen ) == 0 then playSound("files/dooropen.mp3") elseif getVehicleDoorOpenRatio ( car, doorToOpen ) == 1 then playSound("files/doorclose.mp3") end setVehicleDoorOpenRatio ( car, doorToOpen, 1 - getVehicleDoorOpenRatio ( car, doorToOpen ), 500 ) nyitasTiltas = true tiltasTimer = setTimer(function() nyitasTiltas = false end, 1000, 1) --outputChatBox(v) end end end if v == "door_lf_dummy" then local x,y,z = getVehicleComponentPosition ( car, v, "world" ) local wx,wy,wz = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x, y, z ) if wx and wy then if getVehicleDoorOpenRatio ( car, 2 ) == 1 then if dobozbaVan(wx+65, wy-10, 20,20, sx/2, sy/2) then fadeCamera(false) setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) sitinSound = playSound("files/sitin.mp3") cameraMoveable = false utas = createPed(7,0,0,0) setElementAlpha(utas, 0) setElementDimension(utas, getElementData(localPlayer,"dbid")) warpPedIntoVehicle(utas, car, 0) camMovement = "fps" --debug against the ped setVehicleEngineState(car, false) setVehicleOverrideLights(car, 1) end, 1000, 1) end end end end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientKey", getRootElement(), kattint ) local plus = 60 --local vehX, vehY, vehZ = getElementPosition(car) --local moveX,moveY,moveZ = vehX + math.cos(2126.986328125), vehY+math.sin(-1141.3154296875), 1420.9494628906 function cameraMoveToVehicle() if cameraMoveable and camMovement == "freemode" then dxDrawImage(sx/2-128/2, sy/2-128/2, 128, 128, "files/arc.png") -- camera assets local vehX, vehY, vehZ = getElementPosition(car) local cameraX = vehX + math.cos(cameraSettings["currentX"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] local cameraY = vehY + math.sin(cameraSettings["currentY"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] local cameraZ = vehZ + math.sin(cameraSettings["currentZ"]) * cameraSettings["distance"] -- setCameraMatrix(moveX+plus,moveY,moveZ, vehX, vehY, vehZ) setCameraMatrix(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ, vehX, vehY, vehZ) if getKeyState("s") then differentY = (-0.01) else if not getKeyState("w") then differentY = 0 end end if getKeyState("w") then differentY = 0.01 else if not getKeyState("s") then differentY = 0 end end if getKeyState("d") then differentX = (-0.01) else if not getKeyState("a") then differentX = 0 end end if getKeyState("a") then differentX = 0.01 else if not getKeyState("d") then differentX = 0 end end --outputChatBox(differentX) local cameraX = cameraSettings["currentX"]- differentX --* cameraSettings["movingSpeed"] local cameraY = cameraSettings["currentY"]- differentX --* cameraSettings["movingSpeed"] local cameraZ = cameraSettings["currentZ"] + (differentY * cameraSettings["movingSpeed"]) / math.pi cameraZ = math.max(cameraSettings["minimumZ"], math.min(cameraSettings["maximumZ"], cameraZ)) cameraSettings["currentX"] = cameraX cameraSettings["currentY"] = cameraY cameraSettings["currentZ"] = cameraZ end if camMovement == "fps" then local uX, uY, uZ = getElementPosition(utas) local x1,y2,z2,lx,ly,lz = getCameraMatrix(utas) --outputChatBox(uX..""..uY..""..uZ) --setCameraMatrix(uX-0.45, uY, uZ+0.3,lx-0.45,ly,lz+0.3) setCameraMatrix(uX, uY, uZ+0.5,2125.9208984375+fpsX, -1043.7624511719, 1415.6937255859+0.5+fpsY) if getKeyState("d") then fpsX =fpsX + 1.5 else --fpsX = 0 end if getKeyState("a") then fpsX =fpsX - 1.5 else --fpsX = 0 end if getKeyState("w") then fpsY =fpsY + 1.5 else --fpsX = 0 end if getKeyState("s") then fpsY =fpsY - 1.5 else --fpsX = 0 end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), cameraMoveToVehicle ) function fadeGenyo() fadeCamera(true) end addCommandHandler("fadegenyo", fadeGenyo) Link to comment
DNL291 Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 O erro tem origem no argumento que é passado na função penz_darabolas, procure pelos usos dessa função pelo código, e depure o valor do argumento passado. Linhas 199 e 233 é onde tem a função. Link to comment
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