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Variables Client/Server

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The case looks like this, I have a variable (Let's call it Ammo) that IS TO be in the giveWeapon function (source, 22, Ammo, true) but the problem is that this Ammo variable has the script type "client" and the function is the server script type, so how can I make this variable in this function? If someone has not understood what is going on, there is still a code to simplify...


-- Client side
local Ammo = 60
local AmmoMarker = createMarker(0, 0, 1, "cylinder", 2.0)
local WeaponMarker = createMarker(0, 0, 1, "cylinder", 2.0)

addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", AmmoMarker, function()
    Ammo = Ammo + 1
addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", WeaponMarker, function()
    -- Here I get a weapon, the variable "Ammo" is the number of bullets

-- Server Side

--??? Problem with importing variable "Ammo"


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8 minutes ago, redditing said:

I know but how?


Basic example: (but doesn't work very well with multiple players, since serverside is 1 environment and clientside an environment per player)


 triggerServerEvent ( "setAmmo", resourceRoot, Ammo)


addEvent("setAmmo", true)
addEventHandler("setAmmo", resourceRoot, 
function (Ammo_) 
	Ammo = Ammo_
end, false)


Edited by IIYAMA
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9 minutes ago, redditing said:

Ok i understand thx

If you find it difficult to work with the event system, you can also try this out:



 Before you can use  the code below


The same as the example:



callServer("setAmmo", Ammo)



function setAmmo(Ammo_) 
	Ammo = Ammo_



Enhanced with callback:



callServer("setAmmo", Ammo, 
function (Ammo_) 
  outputChatBox("Ammo has been set to " .. tostring(Ammo_) .. " on serverside")



function setAmmo(Ammo_) 
	Ammo = Ammo_

	return Ammo_




Edited by IIYAMA
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Okay, I have one problem, when I get into this "cylinder" then it gives me a pistol but with 30 bullets despite the fact that "Ammo" has a value of 72 Can you help me with that?


-- Client side
addEvent("WeaponGetAmmoToServer", true)

local Ammo = 72
local AmmoMarker = createMarker(0, 0, 1, "cylinder", 2.0)
local WeaponMarker = createMarker(0, 0, 1, "cylinder", 2.0)

addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", AmmoMarker, function()
    Ammo = Ammo + 1
addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", WeaponMarker, function()
    addEventHandler("WeaponGetAmmoToServer", root, function()
        return Ammo
    triggerServerEvent("GiveWeaponToPlayer", root)

-- Server Side

addEvent("GiveWeaponToPlayer", true)

addEventHandler("GiveWeaponToPlayer", root, function(prl)
    	local prl = client
    	giveWeapon(prl, 22, triggerClientEvent("WeaponGetAmmoToServer", source), true)

This script return Colt45 with 30 Ammo, but i want 72 from variable

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33 minutes ago, redditing said:

giveWeapon(prl, 22, triggerClientEvent("WeaponGetAmmoToServer", source), true)

You can't use triggerClientEvent to return values. Only MTA-Communication-Enchantment can do that with a callback, like this:




function getPlayerCustomAmmo ()
	return Ammo



addEvent("GiveWeaponToPlayer", true)
addEventHandler("GiveWeaponToPlayer", root, function(prl)
    	local prl = client

	callClient(prl, "getPlayerCustomAmmo", 
	function (Ammo_)   
		giveWeapon(client, 22, Ammo_, true)



And I am not even sure that you need to do that, you can already provide that information on your first triggerServerEvent.

triggerServerEvent("GiveWeaponToPlayer", root, Ammo)


addEvent("GiveWeaponToPlayer", true)

addEventHandler("GiveWeaponToPlayer", root, function(Ammo_)
	local prl = client
	giveWeapon(prl, 22, Ammo_, true)




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53 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

You can't use triggerClientEvent to return values. Only MTA-Communication-Enchantment can do that with a callback, like this:

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function getPlayerCustomAmmo ()
	return Ammo



addEvent("GiveWeaponToPlayer", true)
addEventHandler("GiveWeaponToPlayer", root, function(prl)
    	local prl = client

	callClient(prl, "getPlayerCustomAmmo", 
	function (Ammo_)   
		giveWeapon(client, 22, Ammo_, true)






And I am not even sure that you need to do that, you can already provide that information on your first triggerServerEvent.

triggerServerEvent("GiveWeaponToPlayer", root, Ammo)


addEvent("GiveWeaponToPlayer", true)

addEventHandler("GiveWeaponToPlayer", root, function(Ammo_)
	local prl = client
	giveWeapon(prl, 22, Ammo_, true)





So I have a question (hypothetical question) can I return the value using "callServer", "callClient"?
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11 minutes ago, redditing said:

So I have a question (hypothetical question) can I return the value using "callServer", "callClient"?

yes, but only to a callback function as you can see in the example.

callClient(prl, "getPlayerCustomAmmo", function (Ammo_) end )

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