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Guest khayman

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hi i recently made a map for mta, its called copsvsrobbers after playing around in H8Crime i got abit fed up with the scooter being basicly the indestructible moving thing which lasts for hours on end after taking a beating, so i made a copsvsrobbers map, 3 suspect cars (clover) at the start, with a nitro to give them a head start over the coppers, 3 choppers and all the rest are cop cars and police vans.

if you want to download this map please just type in the search of mta center copsvsrobbers and you should see it

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ok really sry but i forogt to set respawn times on the change car pick ups and nitros :P its fixed now so please update with the latest version, its the same name so just search for copsvsrobbers.

thanks!! and really it wont disapoint now with the changes hehe

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please download this map :) the old version had lots of bugs (sry should of done more testing) about the pick-ups but now everythings fixed, 3 suspects and all the rest are cops police vans and choppers.

enjoy the map!

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I like this map, and many others i like. but, shouldn't we just create a thread where all the cops and robbers maps go? it would be so much easier.

i see you've made a server, do you know the command to change the server name or how do i change the server name?



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