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Game Freezes at Title Screen

Guest Edwards

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I just downloaded MTA, and am able to connect to servers through ASE. However whenever I go to launch GTA to play, it always freezes at the title screen. I have tried launching with the regular exe, through the MTA launcher, and now I am unable to play the game in single player or mult. Any help to this problem is appreciated.

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I'm unable to alt+tab, I can only do a ctrl+alt+delete to get to the task manager to close it. When I open the task manager, I see no error messages in the background.

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That would be it. If you can chat about it with me, I'm currently connected to a MTA server at

Edited by Guest
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I just reinstalled it before I installed the mod. I downloaded that Real GTA3 mod, and it ran slow as hell so I uninstalled and reinstalled the game.

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You can fix the lag problem on real GTA3 patch. I am using a amd athlon XP 2000+, but i can get the game run with a little lagging on certain part of city. You know what, I also add pther mods on the game such as Stuckt-Park & intercity highway. I get to play the game smoothly without any real bad disturbence.

I use this mothod and i found it changed my whole game.

By changing Page File(PF) to other drive which GTA3 and Windows not install on it.

you have to do this changes in SYSTEM->ADVANCED->SETTINGS->ADVANCED->CHANGE

Just Set your current Drive to No PF and your desired drive to have PF with a minimum 500mb to 1gb or 1.5gb.

NOTE: This Process only Can Be done in WinXP(According To My Knowledge)Win98 & 95 & ME dose not have this features

Try this out, you'll be suprised.

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