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[Question] Creating .col file by using DFF and TXD


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you can load in your dff model to Max, clone it, give it a collision GTA COL material and name it `ship_col` for easier scene management.

you'll want to isolate your collision model so that theres nothing else disturbing your overview. apply a multires modifier to stack and optimize your model like you'd do on high poly models to remove detail. 

the thing with collision models is that you don't want an excess of detail, in fact you'll want as few polygons as possible, and there's a strict limit on how many it can have before you'll run into game issues. if you're unable to get down to <5000 polygons for your collision model, you'll have to remodel it on your own. (it's worth noting that the primitives polygon rates doesn't matter as much, since they're calculated different from the actual mesh, although they will still add to the performance loss.)

SA collisions can store multiple objects, for instance, a map object can have spheres, boxes and cylinders (I think cylinders work) as primitives, as well as an editable model for the collision mesh itself. only needed for more complex parts that a box or sphere can't handle. 

if you're looking for more help, please leave model details and eventually files below so that people are able to give you the appropriate help.

please check out my collision guide through my signature for potentially better explanations.

i'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. writing from a low battery phone :sad2:



We since spoke on discord and it looks like the project is terminated for now.

Edited by Tut
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