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Welcome to the Chaos.biz.to! Community, today I will present what the server has, it has varieties of mods, it has Minigames like Versus Zombies vs humans (With that minigame you make money!), It has cinema, it is Freeroam, It has real cars, it has improved hud, it has zombies, it has misterix mod, it has gasoline in the cars for more realism, it has special zombies like the tank or the hunter, it has real gun sounds, it has drop, it has pvp, it has Tsunamis, earthquakes , real sounds of the environment, and more things that may surprise you, such as events too. Join the "Chaos.biz.to" community on the discord community server: https://discord.gg/YHBZbJb , and my name in discord! : Izaaqk#0780 , The server opens on December 25, with all that implemented! Moreover, I will use the MTA Server to test it! When you have entered the "Chaos.biz.to" community, don't forget to message me! Support the server, don't miss it, it's very good!  ( STAFF, Smods, Mods are needed! )

Edited by Izaaqk
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