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Pursuit Mode


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Hiya. I've just been having a blast chasing crooks in appleeaters pursuit server ( A few people spawn in regular cars, the rest in cop cars of some sort. The cops have to chase down and kill the crooks.

It's good fun, but if there were a pursuit mode, it'd work even better. There has been some talk of this (http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... ht=pursuit) but it didn't seem to coherent.

My suggestion is that 'pursuit mode' be a flag in the map editor. Either

a) some spawns are designated as 'criminals', the rest as cops; or

b) everyone who's not in a cop car (a vehicle that can do vigilante mode in sp) is automatically a robber.

a) would mean you can make any car the pursuit vehicle, b) would mean you could use vehicle changes to decide after the race starts who the robbers are.

Cops and robbers would have different coloured blips on the radar. The race would end as soon as all the cops, or all the robbers are dead. Checkpoints could be put in that only robbers can 'get', so that instead of being a race to the death, the robbers could win by reaching some checkpoint (or several). If the map designer didn't put any checkpoints in, it'd just be last man standing.

That's about all I can think of, other than; would it be possible to let people in cop cars listen to the regular radio?

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