Tokio Posted July 16, 2019 Share Posted July 16, 2019 Why not see another players my messages? And how to add built-in, and addCommandHandler commands to this chat system? Client: Spoiler local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() local chat = {} local chatTimer = nil chat.messages = {} chat.inputActive = false chat.maxShowedMessage = 11 chat.boxAlpha = 50 chat.input = '' smileys = { ['xd'] = 'xd.png', ['Xd'] = 'xd.png', ['XD'] = 'xd.png', ['xD'] = 'xd.png', [':D'] = 'd.png', [':d'] = 'd.png', ['D:'] = 'd.png', ['d:'] = 'd.png', ['<3'] = 'sziv.png', ['szia'] = 'szia.png', ['maci'] = 'maci.png', ['medve'] = 'maci.png', ['bocs'] = 'maci.png', ['bomba'] = 'bomba.png', ['bombi'] = 'bomba.png', ['mosoly'] = 'smiley.png', ['mosolyog'] = 'smiley.png', } badWords = { ['seemta'] = 'látás', ['hl'] = 'magyar élet', ['hungary life'] = 'hl', ['socialgaming'] = 'szociális közösség', ['social gaming'] = 'szociális közösség' --[''] } commands = { ['cc'] = { function() chat.messages = {} playSound('sounds/info.mp3') triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', root, 'info', 'Chatbox kiűrítve!') end }, } local oTip = 0 local tips = { {'info', 'tip1'}, } addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() createTipp() end ) function createTipp() local newTipp = math.random(1, #tips) if newTipp == oTip then createTipp() end local text = tips[newTipp] playSound('sounds/info2.mp3') triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', root, text[1], text[2]) end local seconds = 5 setTimer(createTipp, seconds * 10000, 0) local quest = {} = false quest.success = false = 0 quest.question = { {'szamologep', 'Mennyi #FF9A0010 #FFFFFF+ #FF9A0010 #FF9A00?', '20'}, } addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() generateQuestion() end ) function generateQuestion() = math.random(1, #quest.question) local text = quest.question[] = true triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', root, text[1], text[2]) end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() TwCen14 = dxCreateFont('TwCen.ttf', 14) showChat(false) end ) addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function() if chat.inputActive then chat.boxAlpha = chat.boxAlpha + 15 if chat.boxAlpha >= 100 then chat.boxAlpha = 100 end dxDrawRectangle(sx / 2 - 450 - 230, sy / 2 - 300 - 75, 650, 320, tocolor(0, 0, 0, chat.boxAlpha)) dxDrawRectangle(sx / 2 - 450 - 230, sy / 2 - 90, 650, 35, tocolor(0, 0, 0, chat.boxAlpha)) dxDrawText(chat.input, sx / 2 - 450 - 220, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + 25 * chat.maxShowedMessage, 450, 300, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, TwCen14) else chat.boxAlpha = 0 end local downY = 0 for k, v in pairs(chat.messages) do noHexText = v[2]:gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') if v[1] then local txtWithSmiley = nil local smileyIcon = nil for i, s in pairs(smileys) do i = string.lower(i) or string.upper(i) if string.find(noHexText, i) then txtWithSmiley = v[2]:gsub(i, '') smileyIcon = i end end dxDrawImage(sx / 2 - 450 - 220, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY, 16, 16, 'images/' .. v[1] .. '.png') dxDrawText(noHexText, sx / 2 - 450 - 200 - 1, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY - 5 + 1, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14) dxDrawText(noHexText, sx / 2 - 450 - 200 + 2, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY - 5 + 2, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14) dxDrawText(noHexText, sx / 2 - 450 - 200 - 1, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY - 5 + 1, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14) dxDrawText(noHexText, sx / 2 - 450 - 200 + 2, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY - 5 + 2, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14) dxDrawText(v[2], sx / 2 - 450 - 200, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY - 5, 450, 300, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) elseif not v[1] then local txtWithSmiley2 = nil local smileyIcon2 = nil for i, s in pairs(smileys) do if string.find(noHexText, i) then txtWithSmiley2 = noHexText:gsub(i, '') txtWithSmiley3 = v[2]:gsub(i, '') smileyIcon2 = i end end if txtWithSmiley2 ~= nil then dxDrawText(txtWithSmiley2, sx / 2 - 450 - 220 - 1, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 1, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(txtWithSmiley2, sx / 2 - 450 - 220 + 2, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 2, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(txtWithSmiley2, sx / 2 - 450 - 220 - 1, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 1, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(txtWithSmiley2, sx / 2 - 450 - 220 + 2, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 2, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(txtWithSmiley3, sx / 2 - 450 - 220, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY, 450, 300, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawImage(sx / 2 - 450 - 220 + dxGetTextWidth(txtWithSmiley2, 1, TwCen14, false) + 5, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 5, 16, 16, 'images/' .. smileys[smileyIcon2]) else dxDrawText(noHexText, sx / 2 - 450 - 220 - 1, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 1, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(noHexText, sx / 2 - 450 - 220 + 2, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 2, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(noHexText, sx / 2 - 450 - 220 - 1, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 1, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(noHexText, sx / 2 - 450 - 220 + 2, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY + 2, 450, 300, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) dxDrawText(v[2], sx / 2 - 450 - 220, sy / 2 - 300 - 60 + downY, 450, 300, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, TwCen14, _, _, false, false, false, true) end end downY = downY + 25 end end) addEvent('chat->NewMessage', true) addEventHandler('chat->NewMessage', root, function(icon, message) if #chat.messages >= chat.maxShowedMessage then table.remove(chat.messages, 1) end table.insert(chat.messages, {icon, message}) end) bindKey('t', 'down', function() chat.inputActive = true end) addEventHandler('onClientCharacter', getRootElement(), function(character) if chat.inputActive then chat.input = chat.input .. character playSound('sounds/write.wav') if string.len(chat.input) > 100 then chat.input = string.sub(chat.input, 0, string.len(chat.input) - 1) end end end) addEventHandler('onClientKey', getRootElement(), function(key, ePress) if chat.inputActive then if key == 'enter' and ePress then if string.find(string.sub(chat.input, 1, 1), '/') then for k, v in pairs(commands) do if k == chat.input:gsub('/', '') then v[1]() end end chat.inputActive = false chat.input = '' else if string.len(chat.input) > 0 then if then if string.find(chat.input, quest.question[][3]) then local randomCoin = math.random(200, 450) for i, v in pairs(getElementsByType('player')) do triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', v, 'info', getPlayerName(localPlayer) .. ' jól válaszolt a kérdésre! Ezért kapott #FF9A00' .. randomCoin .. ' #FFFFFFcoint!') end playSound('sounds/info2.mp3') = false quest.success = false setTimer(function() if not then generateQ() end end, 20 * 5000, 1) else playSound('sounds/info2.mp3') triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', localPlayer, 'hiba', 'Rossz válasz!') = false quest.success = false setTimer(function() if not quest.success and not then for i, v in pairs(getElementsByType('player')) do triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', v, quest.question[][1], '#ffffff[#FF9A00Teszt#ffffff] Senki nem tudta a helyes választ a kérdésre.') end generateQuestion() end end, 20 * 5000, 1) end end chat.input = getPlayerName(localPlayer) .. ': ' .. chat.input for k, v in pairs(badWords) do if string.find(chat.input, k) then chat.input = chat.input:gsub(k, v) end end for i, v in pairs(getElementsByType('player')) do triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', v, false, chat.input) end chat.inputActive = false chat.input = '' elseif string.len(chat.input) == 0 then chat.inputActive = false chat.input = '' end end end if key == 'backspace' and ePress then chat.input = string.sub(chat.input, 0, string.len(chat.input) - 1) end end end) function calculateChat(cmd, ...) local message = table.concat({...}, ' ') if string.len(message) > 0 then message = getPlayerName(localPlayer) .. ': ' .. message for i, v in pairs(getElementsByType('player')) do triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', v, false, message) playSound('sounds/info2.mp3') end end end addCommandHandler('say', calculateChat) addCommandHandler('saY', calculateChat) addCommandHandler('Say', calculateChat) addCommandHandler('SAY', calculateChat) addCommandHandler('SAY', calculateChat) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', getRootElement(), function() for k, v in pairs(getElementsByType('player')) do playSound('sounds/info.mp3') triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', v, 'csatlakozas', getPlayerName(source) .. ' csatlakozott!') end end) function createMessage(type, message) triggerEvent('chat->NewMessage', root, type, message) end Server: Spoiler addEventHandler('onPlayerChat', getRootElement(), function() cancelEvent() end) Thanks the help! Link to comment
Addlibs Posted July 17, 2019 Share Posted July 17, 2019 (edited) Individual clients don't have a peer-to-peer connection between each other, so you have to run everything via the server. When a client wants to send a message, relay it through the server via triggerServerEvent and then triggerClientEvent to all clients (with a single call). Anyway, if you're going to do something like that, as a kind of optimization, you may as well just have the /say handler on the serverside instead of the client if all the client does is send it to the server. If you want to play sounds/info2.mp3 when localPlayer uses /say you could just play the sound via chat->NewMessage if source == localPlayer Edited July 17, 2019 by MrTasty Link to comment
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