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[Linux]-[MTA-SA start/stop script]

Guest raging_bull

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I made a start/stop/restart script for mta server for linux only! You will need package screen for this script!! apt-get install screen


# MTA San Andreas Script by Raging_Bull-NL
# 27/01/2006 pwnt


# Edit if you like 
DESC="MTA San Andreas Dedicated Server" # Description
DIR="/home/cstrike/mta_sa/" # Install directory of mta_sa.
NAME="mtasa" # name used for screen running the server
PARAMS="" # parameters (maybe usefull for future 
DAEMON="$DIR/startserver" # Daemon
# Stop editing right now!

case "$1" in
  echo "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
  if [ -e $DIR ];
   cd $DIR
   screen -d -m -S $NAME $DAEMON $PARAMS
  else echo "No such directory: $DIR!"

  if [[ `screen -ls |grep $NAME` ]]
      echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
      kill `screen -ls |grep $NAME |awk -F . '{print $1}'|awk '{print $1}'`
      echo " ... done."
      echo "Coulnd't find a running $DESC"

  $0 stop
  $0 start

  echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  exit 1


You may need to change

DAEMON="$DIR/startserver" # Daemon

because on some servers you don´t need the startserver script.



export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

Well here is the fun part! You don´t need anymore to switch to another console by ctrl-alt-F1/4. Just do screen -x mtasa in you console and the server screen will popup. Ohw yea, you can start your server by doing /etc/init.d/mta_sa start

Ohw, and don´t forget to edit the paramters in the script!

Edited by Guest
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Nice one, someone should sticky this or put it somewhere prominent (providing it works of course)

Yea, sticky would be nice.. and it works offcourse! I use it myself!

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DIR="/home/cstrike/mta_sa/" # Install directory of srcds.

You ripped it from the srcds startscript didn't you? I did the same for mine, except I also have a script which checks every 10 seconds if the server is running, and if not, it starts it up again ;)

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DIR="/home/cstrike/mta_sa/" # Install directory of srcds.

You ripped it from the srcds startscript didn't you? I did the same for mine, except I also have a script which checks every 10 seconds if the server is running, and if not, it starts it up again ;)

Yea, i did... But so what? It is working! :P

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  • 2 months later...
Just do screen -x mtasa in you console and the server screen will popup.

Awesome! now, how do I get out of it, without closing down the server?

Anyways,wouldn't it be easier if they just added a -d switch for deamon mode??

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