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Created a table called "123" with columns "login, "name"

Created a table with dbQuery

How can I make a chat message from the column "name" ?

or just in label 

Smth like that 

outputToChat(" " ..getPlayerName(source).. " say: " ..message, v, 255, 100, 200, true)

but instead getPlayerName(source) need information from the column (name)

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4 minutes ago, slapz0r said:

Earlier I used elementData only values in numbers. Can this be used in words?

You can.

function playerLogin(player) -- or smth like that (this is your login function)
	dbquery ...
	local mysql_result = dbPoll(...)
 	local name_from_mysql = mysql_result[1].name
  	setElementData(player, "name", name_from_mysql)
outputToChat(" " ..(getElementData(source,"name") or "Unknown").. " say: " ..message, v, 255, 100, 200, true)

This is not the exact code, just a sketch.

Edited by stPatrick
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21 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

"SELECT `name` FROM `123` WHERE " .. accountName .. " = `login` LIMIT 1";


You want a @slapz0r, a query perhaps?

local accountName = getPlayerAccount(source)
local qh = dbQuery(dbSecurityConnection, "SELECT `fname` FROM `accountsSecurity` WHERE " ..accountName.. " = `login` LIMIT 1"  )
outputChatBox( 'Ваш ник: '..qh, source, 255, 0, 0, true   )

fname = name

accountsSecurity = 123


What am I doing wrong?

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connection = dbConnect("sqlite", "accs.db")
queryhandle = dbQuery( connection, 'SELECT * FROM accountsSecurity')
result = dbPoll(queryhandle, -1)
for rid, row in ipairs (result) do -- row represents the tables that are in 'result', which represent the rows
    for column, value in pairs (row) do -- column represents column name, value represents column value
        outputChatBox(column..', '..value)

I need it to work like this, just need to select a specific column, and not the whole table. 

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local dbSecurityConnection = dbConnect( 'sqlite', 'accs.db')
local getAnswerData = dbQuery( dbSecurityConnection, ' SELECT `fname` FROM `accountsSecurity` WHERE Login = ?  ', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) )
local checkAnswerValue = dbPoll( getAnswerData, -1 )
local getAnswerData2 = dbQuery( dbSecurityConnection, ' SELECT `sname` FROM `accountsSecurity` WHERE Login = ?  ', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) )
local checkAnswerValue2 = dbPoll( getAnswerData2, -1 )

for rid, row in ipairs (checkAnswerValue2) do -- row represents the tables that are in 'result', which represent the rows
    for column, value in pairs (row) do -- column represents column name, value represents column value

Did this way. In the chat, the column name is displayed and it contains .

How to make the chat displayed 2 columns at once?


Instead column.. need getAnswerData(fname) 

How it's correctly ?

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4 hours ago, slapz0r said:

Created a table called "123" with columns "login, "name"

Created a table with dbQuery

How can I make a chat message from the column "name" ?

or just in label 

Smth like that 

outputToChat(" " ..getPlayerName(source).. " say: " ..message, v, 255, 100, 200, true)

but instead getPlayerName(source) need information from the column (name)

Do you need to get a name from the table?

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addEvent("CheckName", true)
function OnPlayerCheck(name)
	qh_name = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM dbQuery WHERE name=?", rname) --Find the row in the table
	local result = dbPoll(qh_name, -1)
	if #result >= 1 then --if the result is correct
  	outputToChat(" " ..result.. " say: " ..message, v, 255, 100, 200, true)
	--endIf the "name" is incorrect
addEventHandler("CheckName", root, CheckName)


text = guiCreateEdit(0, 0, 0, 0, "", false)

function btn(button) --function if the player pressed the button.
    if button == "left" then
	local CheckName = guiGetText(text) --Get the name - from the edit field (guiCreateEdit)
	triggerServerEvent("CheckName", getLocalPlayer(), name) --Server



In this example, I get the name of the player that he enters in "guiCreateEdit" >> Find it in the database >> If found, output the text

Edited by Hugos
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local dbSecurityConnection = dbConnect( 'sqlite', 'accs.db')
local getAnswerData = dbQuery( dbSecurityConnection, ' SELECT `fname`,`sname` FROM `accountsSecurity` WHERE Login = ?  ', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) )
local result = dbPoll( getAnswerData, -1 )

if result then
    for rid, row in ipairs ( result) do
        for column, value in pairs ( row ) do
		local fname = row["fname"]
		local sname = row["sname"]
        outputChatBox (fname..'_'..sname, source, 0, 255, 0, true   )

How do I use this on the client side?

I mean, for example, I have a label on a client

And how to make "fname" from server side to client in this label?

smth like that

guiSetText ( myLabel, fname )


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