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Different map categories


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after some time of playing, you should notice that there are a few types

of maps. On most servers they are just mixed, and sooner or later some

players will complain because the maps that are voted arent the maps

they like. There already are some deathmatch servers, but I miss some

others, as I dont really like DM.

It would also be nice if you had so specify the map type when you upload

a map at center.mtavc.com, so you can easily get a map of your choice.

My suggestions are:

- Long race

- Short race

- Fun race

- Deathmatch

I tried to keep this list short, you could also add easy race, hard race,

fast race etc, but it would just be too coplex... But if I missed something,

just tell me ;)

If you know any servers that are specialising in a certain map type, feel

free to introduce them here :)

(I am looking for servers with short/fun races :oops: )

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Another category should be "concept map", for maps like "Island" that ships with the official map pack. This would be a nice feature though, although it may be hard to assign these categories to individual maps that are already in the database.

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an easy way of sorting out could be like:

all maps without any checkpoints -> deathmatch-maps

all maps with starting vehicles with guns -> deathmatch-maps

all maps not matching properties named above -> racing maps

i like that sorting-idea, sometimes its hard to guess what a map is all about by just the name =)

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all maps without any checkpoints -> deathmatch-maps

all maps with starting vehicles with guns -> deathmatch-maps

all maps not matching properties named above -> racing maps

If you did that then 7.4 out of 10 maps would be misleadingly named.

Freeroam isnt deathmatch yet it has no checkpoints. Hydra races arent deathmatch yet they have weapons..

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actually i would categorize both as dm-maps,

allthough hydra-races should be no dm

(freeroam on the other hand has not any other goal other then killing or well..."freeroaming").

it also was just a idea but improved is such a system the easiest and fastest way to categorize maps.

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