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Banned by MTA, reason: TRAINER

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I haven't been playing MTASA for months. Now I started MTASA and I can't connect to servers because it writes I was banned by MTA and the reason is "TRAINER".

My serial: 26A31367A4137ED3715BE96D7E740FF3

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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team

I feel your pain, because this time your "real" serial got banned instead of the many spoofed ones. We know it's you, Lazlow Jones - please pick another game for your cheat development/attempts of hackage and stop posing as regular user that got surprised by a ban. This is the second time you made a topic (the first one got removed and continued in PM with Lazlow Jones, in which you had no shame for your activities).

As you see, it won't work; we see right through these attempts.

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