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OK serioulsy what are your controls?

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When trying to use the weapons the only button that works is Left Ctrl on keyboard. anmd using that with W A S D and mouse all at same time well thats just hard work:)

Im guna uninstall my game cus i dont have any SFX (only when i spec someone in mode 2) and cant Horn lol but can hear everyone horn around me? My point is that im guna need a good control setup and as im installing GTA again i may aswell sort it at the same time

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i play on a laptop and the controls suck



Tab-nitro (but that's sadly the ping button in MTA :()

left, right- left, right

up, down-controlling planes up and down

F-hydra forward thrust

V-hydra backward thrust

but i have no special controls for choppers because my laptop has no numpad :(

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