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Not reading confing

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Hi, i've edited mtaserver.conf every thing is OK, it runs. Problem is it won't read the file anymore, i tried adding another admin and when using the remote admin tool it just says that its a invalind username/password. I re-edited the config file and left only one admin, restarted the server and tried the admin tool again.... nada it still says that the username/password is invalid, i tried the old admin login and it works(and its not even in the config anymore :roll: ), i then set a new max player count to see if that would change something in the config file, nada... still stays 32(i set it to 30 in the remote admin tool). So am i the only one having this problem?

PS.I've opened port 22003 TCP for the users and port 44003 UDP for admin login.

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WindowsXP SP2 with just hot fixes for WMF, i'm 100% sure 44003 should be UDP cuz thats what it says in the server itself. Yeah i have edited the config file in /mods/race :)

Edit: okay so i changed port 22003 to UDP, i also noticed that #AdminPass and #Admin are different :oops: so i tried using the AdminPass to connect the remote admin tool and it works now. My wrong guys sorry, another thing i noticed is that you can connect with any username and the right password via remote admin tool, that ain't a problem but its kinda strange having a username field and it being used for nothing.

MTA oWnz :)

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