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[SHOW] Horse


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Hi everyone :P I used animations from this mod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pf10A-_rS0. I loaded the animations with EngineLoadIFP (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineLoadIFP ). I replaced a skin with this horse, and i applied this animation to the skin. If you want to make this in serverside, trigger a serverevent which contains SetPedAnimation (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedAnimation ). This is the full cleo script, you can see the horse animations in this file: https://pastebin.com/F6kiSxBp. Bind the animation functions to keys (for example w, a, s, d). You can rotate the horse with https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementRotation


its an simple skin? or its a nice coded script?


both :P


That setElementRotation


not only.


i want create one as this but how ?


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Edited by MrZsemle
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  On 05/10/2018 at 14:57, MrZsemle said:

Hi everyone :P I used animations from this mod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pf10A-_rS0. I loaded the animations with EngineLoadIFP (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineLoadIFP ). I replaced a skin with this horse, and i applied this animation to the skin. If you want to make this in serverside, trigger a serverevent which contains SetPedAnimation (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedAnimation ). This is the full cleo script, you can see the horse animations in this file: https://pastebin.com/F6kiSxBp. Bind the animation functions to keys (for example w, a, s, d). You can rotate the horse with https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementRotation

both :P

not only.

You can find the reply above


celeo has removed 

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  On 06/10/2018 at 12:26, MrKAREEM said:

i do all things and now work

but how to move the hourse

i want when i press

w he move and when i hold up 

he stop how bro ??


Create a function which contains setPedAnimation, and bind this function to a key. For example:

--this is a clientside code!

-- load custom animations
local customBlockName = "HORSE_ANIMATION"
local IFP = engineLoadIFP( "horse_animations.ifp", customBlockName )

-- create horse, and bind keys
horse = createPed(id, x, y, z)
bindKey ( "w", "down", moveHorseForward )
bindKey ( "w", "up", stopHorse )

-- set default animations, and attach
function setAnimations()
setPedAnimation( horse, customBlockName, "HORSE_IDLE" )
setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, "SIT" )
attachElements ( localPlayer, horse, x, y, z )
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, setAnimations)

-- move forward, and stop
function moveHorseForward()
setPedAnimation( horse, customBlockName, "HORSE_RUN" )
setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, "SIT_RUN" )

function stopHorse()
setPedAnimation( horse, customBlockName, "HORSE_IDLE" )
setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, "SIT" )


Edited by MrZsemle
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  On 06/10/2018 at 12:47, MrZsemle said:

Create a function which contains setPedAnimation, and bind this function to a key. For example:

--this is a clientside code!

-- load custom animations
local customBlockName = "HORSE_ANIMATION"
local IFP = engineLoadIFP( "horse_animations.ifp", customBlockName )

-- create horse, and bind keys
horse = createPed(id, x, y, z)
bindKey ( "w", "down", moveHorseForward )
bindKey ( "w", "up", stopHorse )

-- set default animations, and attach
function setAnimations()
setPedAnimation( horse, customBlockName, "HORSE_IDLE" )
setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, "SIT" )
attachElements ( localPlayer, horse, x, y, z )
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, setAnimations)

-- move forward, and stop
function moveHorseForward()
setPedAnimation( horse, customBlockName, "HORSE_RUN" )
setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, "SIT_RUN" )

function stopHorse()
setPedAnimation( horse, customBlockName, "HORSE_IDLE" )
setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, "SIT" )



thnx bro sorry but i want to know how to let the horse back ward ??

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