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Vehicle Health or Health Vehicle?

Guest DJs_Dad

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Odd question...Is there a way to obtain the health of the LAST car driven?

Is there an equivilent to:




This is my script in the vehicle exit handler:

if ($readini($scriptdir $+ west.ini, isSold, $readini($scriptdir $+ west.ini, LastCar, $mta.name($1,$2))) != 1) {

if ($mta.health($1,$2).vehicle >= 40) {

mta.msg $1 $2 You could still go and sell that car to Sunshine Autos!!!




Once your out of a car, a script cannot access your car's health cause your not in it anymore. Your vehicle is 0 or foot.

I know i have used the wrong identifier in the second line, but that is where this question arises. I need to address the vehicle's health so I can see whether it is worth telling them to try sell the car. Cars with health less than 40 aren't accepted by Sunshine's! :?

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