Pedro001 Posted August 8, 2018 Share Posted August 8, 2018 This is my first time creating a MTA.SA Server, and I'm having trouble to find out how to add player's drift points to the scoreboard. I wanted it to show a "drift" column on the scoreboard, in a way that when a player get drift points it is added to the points he's got in other days too. The player would not lose the points when he logs out of the server, it would always keep adding the points, and showing them on the scoreboard. Could someone please help me to do that? I deeply thank you! Link to comment
Storm-Hanma Posted August 9, 2018 Share Posted August 9, 2018 You can get the resource from MTA community search there Link to comment
MTA Anti-Cheat Team Dutchman101 Posted August 9, 2018 MTA Anti-Cheat Team Share Posted August 9, 2018 You can add the stats to scoreboard like this; for _,v in ipairs({"Best Drift","Total Drift","Last Drift"}) do exports["scoreboard"]:addScoreboardColumn(v) end Calculate the drift scores on client, insert it to scoreboard and save the personal topscore to db (in this case preferably sqlite); connection = Connection("sqlite",":/drifttab.db") connection:exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS records (username TEXT, playername TEXT, score NUMBER)") Rather than a vast set of scripting functions, the code used to calculate/detect drifting is more utility-like. It's hard to point it out without looking at the complete picture, so I will just post the code of a recent drifting score resource; (you can study it to see how it calculates drifting scores) CLIENT: local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local score = 0 local combo = 0 local multiplier = 1 local failDrift = false local size = 0.9 local fps = getFPSLimit() local vehicle local inVehicle = false local multipliers = { {100000,5}, {50000,4}, {25000,3}, {10000,2}, {0,1}, } local textX = screenWidth/2 local textY = screenHeight/4 local lineY = 45 local textScale = 0.95 local red = tocolor(255,0,0) local green = tocolor(0,255,0) local font = "bankgothic" local alignX = "center" local alignY = "center" local gui = {} local allowedType = { ["Automobile"] = true, ["Quad"] = true, ["Monster Truck"] = true, } local forcedEvents = { ["onClientElementDestroy"] = true, ["onClientPlayerWasted"] = true, } local function convertNumber ( number ) local formatted = number while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1 %2') if ( k==0 ) then break end end return formatted end local function checkVehicleHandling() local flags = getVehicleHandling(vehicle)["handlingFlags"] if (bitAnd( flags, 32 ) == 32) or (bitAnd( flags, 64 ) == 64) then return true end end local function driftEnd (endscore,endcombo) local oldBestDrift = getElementData (localPlayer,"Best Drift") or 0 local oldTotalDrift = getElementData (localPlayer,"Total Drift") or 0 score = 0 combo = 0 if endscore ~= 0 then setElementData(localPlayer,"Total Drift",math.floor(endscore+oldTotalDrift)) setElementData(localPlayer,"Last Drift",math.floor(endscore)) end if endscore > oldBestDrift then setElementData(localPlayer,"Best Drift",endscore) end if endscore >= 2000 then triggerServerEvent("onDriftEnd",localPlayer,endscore) triggerEvent("onClientDriftEnd",localPlayer,endscore) end end local function calculateAngle () if not allowedType[vehicle.vehicleType] then return 0,0 end if not isVehicleOnGround(vehicle) then return 0,0 end if failDrift then return 0,0 end local vx,vy,vz = getElementVelocity(vehicle) local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(vehicle) local sn,cs = -math.sin(math.rad(rz)), math.cos(math.rad(rz)) local speed = (vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2)^(0.5) local modV = math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy) local cosX = (sn*vx + cs*vy)/modV if modV <= 0.2 then return 0,0 end if cosX > 0.966 or cosX < 0 then return 0,0 end return math.deg(math.acos(cosX))*0.5,speed end local function updateFPS(msSinceLastFrame) fps = (1 / msSinceLastFrame) * 1000 end local function resetFail() failDrift = false showScore=false end local function onCollide(attacker) if attacker or failDrift then return end failDrift = true driftEnd(0,0) setTimer(resetFail,2000,1) end local function drawMeter () if isWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled("hovercars") then return end if checkVehicleHandling() then return end if localPlayer.vehicle ~= vehicle then removeEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage",vehicle,onCollide) removeEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy",vehicle,checkVehicle) removeEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted",localPlayer,checkVehicle) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawMeter) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateFPS) vehicle=nil inVehicle=false checkVehicle() return end local angle,speed = calculateAngle() if isTimer (resetTimer) and angle ~= 0 then killTimer(resetTimer) showScore = true if comboReady then combo = combo + 1 comboReady = false end end if angle == 0 then if not isTimer(resetTimer) then comboReady = true resetTimer = setTimer (function() if score == 0 then return end driftEnd (score,combo) score = 0 combo = 0 showScore = false end,1300,1) end end local gameSpeed = getGameSpeed() for k,v in ipairs(multipliers) do local pointsNeeded,multi = unpack(multipliers[k]) if score > pointsNeeded then multiplier = multi break end end local fpsMultiplier = 100/fps local angleScore = angle/2 local speedScore = speed*3 local driftScore = angleScore*speedScore local addScore = math.floor(driftScore*multiplier) local gameSpeedFixedScore = math.floor(gameSpeed*addScore) score = score + math.floor(fpsMultiplier*gameSpeedFixedScore) if showScore then local color = (failDrift and red or green) dxDrawText ("Drift points x"..tostring(combo),textX,0,textX,textY-lineY,color,textScale,font,alignX,alignY) dxDrawText (score,textX,0,textX,textY,color,textScale,font,alignX,alignY) end end function checkVehicle(vehicleEntered) local isForcedFalse = forcedEvents[eventName] ~= true if localPlayer.inVehicle == inVehicle and isForcedFalse then return end local tempVehicle = vehicleEntered or getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(localPlayer) inVehicle = ((seat == 0 and allowedType[tempVehicle.vehicleType]) and (isForcedFalse and localPlayer.inVehicle or false) or false) if inVehicle and seat==0 then vehicle = tempVehicle addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage",vehicle,onCollide) addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy",vehicle,checkVehicle) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted",localPlayer,checkVehicle) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawMeter) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateFPS) elseif not inVehicle and vehicle then removeEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage",vehicle,onCollide) removeEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy",vehicle,checkVehicle) removeEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted",localPlayer,checkVehicle) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawMeter) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, updateFPS) vehicle=nil end end local function loadRecords(records,maxPosition,myAcc) guiSetText(gui.window,"Top "..tostring(maxPosition).." drifters") guiGridListClear(gui.list) local guestID = 0 for position,record in ipairs(records) do local player,score,name,isGuest = record.username,record.score,record.playername,record.isGuest if isGuest == "true" then guestID=guestID+1 if myAcc == "guest" then myAcc = hash("sha512",getPlayerSerial()) end end local row = guiGridListAddRow(gui.list,"#"..tostring(position).." ",(isGuest == "true" and "guest_"..tostring(guestID) or player),convertNumber(score)) if player == myAcc then guiGridListSetItemColor(gui.list,row,gui.namecolumn,0,255,0,255) guiGridListSetItemColor(gui.list,row,gui.usercolumn,0,255,0,255) guiGridListSetItemColor(gui.list,row,gui.scorecolumn,0,255,0,255) end end end local function toggleGUI() local isVisible = guiGetVisible(gui.window) if isVisible then guiSetVisible(gui.window,false) showCursor(false) else guiSetVisible(gui.window,true) showCursor(true) end end local function initScript() addEvent("onClientDriftEnd",false) addEvent("Drift:loadRecords",true) gui.window = guiCreateWindow(0.35,0.15,0.3,0.7,"",true) gui.list = guiCreateGridList(0,0.05,1,0.95,true,gui.window) gui.namecolumn = guiGridListAddColumn(gui.list,"Player",0.4) gui.usercolumn = guiGridListAddColumn(gui.list,"User",0.3) gui.scorecolumn = guiGridListAddColumn(gui.list,"Score",0.2) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(gui.list,false) guiSetVisible(gui.window,false) bindKey("F5","down",toggleGUI) checkVehicle() addEventHandler("Drift:loadRecords",localPlayer,loadRecords) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter",localPlayer,checkVehicle) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleExit",localPlayer,checkVehicle) triggerServerEvent("Drift:scriptLoaded",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,initScript) SERVER: local connection local driftRecords = {} local loadedClients = {} local recordListMaxPosition = 50 local excludedUsernames = -- Add accountnames of who you want to blacklist from ranking, like to prevent players tracking (undercover) admins through F5 (current nick + username) { ["Adminusername1"] = true, ["Test2"] = true, } local function comp(a,b) return a.score > b.score end local function checkDriftRecord(score) if not client.account then return end if excludedUsernames[] then return end local acc = ("guest" and or hash("sha512",client.serial)) local name = local oldJSON = toJSON(driftRecords) local isGuest = tostring(isGuestAccount(client.account)) if driftRecords[#driftRecords] == nil or (score > driftRecords[#driftRecords].score or #driftRecords < recordListMaxPosition) then local existingPosition = false for position,record in ipairs(driftRecords) do if record.username == acc then existingPosition = position break end end if existingPosition and score > driftRecords[existingPosition].score then driftRecords[existingPosition].score = score driftRecords[existingPosition].playername = name elseif not existingPosition then table.insert(driftRecords,{username=acc,score=score,playername=name,isGuest=isGuest}) end else return end table.sort(driftRecords,comp) if #driftRecords > recordListMaxPosition then for position=recordListMaxPosition+1,#driftRecords do driftRecords[position]=nil end end if oldJSON == toJSON(driftRecords) then return end for player,_ in pairs(loadedClients) do triggerClientEvent(player,"Drift:loadRecords",player,driftRecords,recordListMaxPosition, end connection:exec("DELETE FROM records") for position,record in ipairs(driftRecords) do connection:exec("INSERT INTO records VALUES (?,?,?,?)",record.username,record.playername,record.score,record.isGuest) end end local function recheckPlayer() triggerClientEvent(source,"Drift:loadRecords",source,driftRecords,recordListMaxPosition, end local function resetPlayer() loadedClients[source] = nil end local function clientLoaded() if source~=client then return end triggerClientEvent(client,"Drift:loadRecords",client,driftRecords,recordListMaxPosition, addEventHandler("onDriftEnd",client,checkDriftRecord) loadedClients[client] = true addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",client,recheckPlayer) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",client,recheckPlayer) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",client,resetPlayer) end local function initScript() connection = Connection("sqlite",":/drift.db") connection:exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS records (username TEXT, playername TEXT, score NUMBER, isGuest TEXT)") local handle = connection:query("SELECT * FROM records") driftRecords = handle:poll(-1) addEvent("Drift:scriptLoaded",true) addEvent("onDriftEnd",true) addEventHandler("Drift:scriptLoaded",root,clientLoaded) for _,v in ipairs({"Best Drift","Total Drift","Last Drift"}) do exports["scoreboard"]:addScoreboardColumn(v) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,initScript) The code originates from, and this resource is a little different from your wishes; it does not persistently store the scores to scoreboard, but to a GUI located in F5 rankings, and moreover it offers this storing system which you didn't mention at all. It should be easy to adapt the code a little so that it saves only to scoreboard, or you could just take out the core (calculation of drift) and write the rest from scratch to your desires. Even better it would be if you just looked at it so you know how to achieve something like that, and rewrite it. You could also review & decide that the resource fullfills most of your needs and just use it. However, I would recommend you to adapt it or reproduce the utility code so you can write your own resource, in which process you can return here with any issues you stumble upon while doing so. I hope this gave you some insights on how to achieve it 1 Link to comment
LilDawage Posted August 11, 2018 Share Posted August 11, 2018 if you already have Drift system scripts you just addEventHandler (onPlayerQuit , ..... MS = getElementData ("source", "drift points") setElementData ("source" ,"drift points" , MS) addEventHandler (onPlayerWasted the same codes and call(getResourceFromName("name of scoreboard resource"), "addScoreboardColumn", "drift points") bro this is just an exemple i dont know your script codes ( i mean about drift points ...) , i just give you an idea maybe help you , any problem contact me on dc 1 Link to comment
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