Dumper Posted April 1, 2018 Share Posted April 1, 2018 (edited) function showText() if not showing then if getKeyState('lalt') then showNearbyVehicleDescriptions() end return false end if not getKeyState('lalt') and getElementData(localPlayer, "enableOverlayDescriptionVehPin") ~= "1" then removeVD() return end for i = 1, #vehiculars, 1 do local theVehicle = vehiculars[i] if isElement(theVehicle) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(theVehicle) local cx,cy,cz = getCameraMatrix() if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cx,cy,cz,x,y,z) <= viewDistance then --Within radius viewDistance local px,py,pz = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x,y,z+heightOffset,0.05) if px and isLineOfSightClear(cx, cy, cz, x, y, z, true, false, false, true, true, false, false) then --FETCH FONT IN REAL TIME local fontString = getElementData(localPlayer, "cFontVeh") or "default" local fontElement = fontString if fontElement == "BizNoteFont18" then if not BizNoteFont18 then BizNoteFont18 = dxCreateFont ( ":resources/BizNote.ttf" , 18 ) end fontElement = BizNoteFont18 end --INITIAL :~ local toBeShowed = "" local fontWidth = 90 local toBeAdded = "" local lines = 0 local textColor = tocolor(255,255,255,255) if getElementData(theVehicle, "carshop") then local brand, model, year = false, false, false brand = getElementData(theVehicle, "brand") or false if brand then model = getElementData(theVehicle, "maximemodel") year = getElementData(theVehicle, "year") local line = year.." "..brand.." "..model local len = dxGetTextWidth(line) if len > fontWidth then fontWidth = len end if toBeShowed == "" then toBeShowed = toBeShowed..line.."\n" lines = lines + 1 else toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."-~-\n"..line.."\n" lines = lines + 2 end else if toBeShowed == "" then toBeShowed = toBeShowed..getVehicleName(theVehicle).."\n" lines = lines + 1 else toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."-~-\n"..getVehicleName(theVehicle).."\n" lines = lines + 2 end end local price = getElementData(theVehicle, "carshop:cost") or 0 local taxes = getElementData(theVehicle, "carshop:taxcost") or 0 toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."Price: $"..exports.global:formatMoney(price).."\n Taxes: $"..exports.global:formatMoney(taxes) lines = lines+ 2 else --GET DESCRIPTIONS + SIZE local descToBeShown = "" local job = getElementData(theVehicle, "job") if job == 1 then descToBeShown = "RS Haul - We'll dump your load." lines = lines + 1 elseif job == 2 then descToBeShown = "Yellow Cab Co.\nCall #8294 for a pickup!" lines = lines + 2 elseif job == 3 then descToBeShown = "Los Santos Bus" lines = lines + 1 else for j = 1, 5 do local desc = getElementData(theVehicle, "description:"..j) if desc and desc ~= "" and desc ~= "\n" and desc ~= "\t" then local len = dxGetTextWidth(desc) if len > fontWidth then fontWidth = len end descToBeShown = descToBeShown..desc.."\n" lines = lines + 1 end end end if descToBeShown ~= "" then descToBeShown = "-~-\n"..descToBeShown lines = lines + 1 end --GET BRAND, MODEL, YEAR local brand, model, year = false, false, false brand = getElementData(theVehicle, "brand") or false if brand then model = getElementData(theVehicle, "maximemodel") year = getElementData(theVehicle, "year") local line = year.." "..brand.." "..model local len = dxGetTextWidth(line) if len > fontWidth then fontWidth = len end toBeShowed = toBeShowed..line.."\n" lines = lines + 1 end --GET VIN+PLATE local fiyatt = getElementData(theVehicle, "fiyat") local plate = "" local vin = getElementData(theVehicle, "dbid") if vin < 0 then plate = getVehiclePlateText(theVehicle) else plate = getElementData(theVehicle, "plate") end --Following edited by Adams 27/01/14 to accomodate VIN/PLATE hiding. if not noPlateVehs[getElementModel(theVehicle)] then if getElementData(theVehicle, "show_plate") == 0 then if getElementData(localPlayer, "duty_admin") == 1 then toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."((Plate: "..fiyatt.."))\n" lines = lines + 1 else --toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."* NO PLATE *\n" end else toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."Plate: "..fiyatt.."\n" lines = lines + 1 end end if getElementData(theVehicle, "show_vin") == 0 then if getElementData(localPlayer, "duty_admin") == 1 then toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."((VIN: "..vin.."))" lines = lines + 1 else --toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."* NO VIN *" end else toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."VIN: "..vin lines = lines + 1 end --GET IMPOUND if (exports["vehicle-system"]:isVehicleImpounded(theVehicle)) then local days = getRealTime().yearday-getElementData(theVehicle, "Impounded") toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."\n".."Impounded: " .. days .. " days" lines = lines + 1 end local vowner = getElementData(theVehicle, "owner") or -1 local vfaction = getElementData(theVehicle, "faction") or -1 if vowner == getElementData(localPlayer, "account:id") or exports.global:isStaffOnDuty(localPlayer) or exports.integration:isPlayerScripter(localPlayer) or exports.integration:isPlayerVCTMember(localPlayer) then toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."\nShop ID: "..(getElementData(theVehicle, "vehicle_shop_id") or "None") lines = lines + 1 local ownerName = 'No-one' if vowner > 0 then ownerName = exports.cache:getCharacterNameFromID(vowner) elseif vfaction > 0 then ownerName = exports.cache:getFactionNameFromId(vfaction) end local line = "\nOwner: "..(ownerName or "Loading..") local len = dxGetTextWidth(line) if len > fontWidth then fontWidth = len end toBeShowed = toBeShowed..line lines = lines + 1 --Activity / MAXIME local protectedText, inactiveText = nil if vowner > 0 then local protected, details = exports['vehicle-system']:isProtected(theVehicle) if protected then textColor = tocolor(0, 255, 0,255) protectedText = "[Inactivity protection remaining: "..details.."]" local toBeAdded = "\n"..protectedText toBeShowed = toBeShowed..toBeAdded local len = dxGetTextWidth(toBeAdded) if len > fontWidth then fontWidth = len end lines = lines + 1 else local active, details2, secs = exports['vehicle-system']:isActive(theVehicle) if active and (powner == getElementData(localPlayer, "dbid") or exports.integration:isPlayerStaff(localPlayer)) then --textColor = tocolor(150,150,150,255) inactiveText = "[Active | " local owner_last_login = getElementData(theVehicle, "owner_last_login") if owner_last_login and tonumber(owner_last_login) then local owner_last_login_text, owner_last_login_sec = exports.datetime:formatTimeInterval(owner_last_login) inactiveText = inactiveText.." Owner last seen "..owner_last_login_text.." " else inactiveText = inactiveText.." Owner last seen is irrelevant | " end local lastused = getElementData(theVehicle, "lastused") if lastused and tonumber(lastused) then local lastusedText, lastusedSeconds = exports.datetime:formatTimeInterval(lastused) inactiveText = inactiveText.."Last used "..lastusedText.."]" else inactiveText = inactiveText.."Last used is irrelevant]" end local toBeAdded = "\n"..inactiveText toBeShowed = toBeShowed..toBeAdded local len = dxGetTextWidth(toBeAdded) if len > fontWidth then fontWidth = len end lines = lines + 1 elseif not active then textColor = tocolor(150,150,150,255) inactiveText = "["..details2.."]" local toBeAdded = "\n"..inactiveText toBeShowed = toBeShowed..toBeAdded local len = dxGetTextWidth(toBeAdded) if len > fontWidth then fontWidth = len end lines = lines + 1 end end end end toBeShowed = toBeShowed.."\n"..descToBeShown end if fontWidth < 90 then fontWidth = 90 end --START DRAWING local marg = 5 local oneLineHeight = dxGetFontHeight(1, fontElement) local fontHeight = oneLineHeight * lines fontWidth = fontWidth*fontType[fontString][2] --Fix custom fonts px = px-(fontWidth/2) if getElementData(localPlayer, "bgVeh") ~= "0" then dxDrawRectangle(px-marg, py-marg, fontWidth+(marg*2), fontHeight+(marg*2), tocolor(0, 0, 0, 10)) end if getElementData(localPlayer, "borderVeh") ~= "0" then dxDrawRectangleBorder(px-marg, py-marg, fontWidth+(marg*2), fontHeight+(marg*2), 1, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 10), true) end dxDrawText(toBeShowed, px, py, px + fontWidth, (py + fontHeight), textColor, 1, fontElement, "center") end end end end end Problem Line : 117 local fiyatt = getElementData(theVehicle, "fiyat") ERROR : attempt to concatenate loca 'fiyatt' (a boolean value) Helpme pls. Edited April 1, 2018 by Dumper Link to comment
ShayF Posted April 5, 2018 Share Posted April 5, 2018 fiyatt is read as unable to read, which means that the element data 'fiyat' either doesn't exist or just isn't working. Link to comment
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