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[ENHANCEMENT] client - Render events enchanting


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I noticed after applying Kenix his update that 1 of the loops wasn't inverted. Which is important for removing addRenderEvent's within the same process.



	-- for i = 1, len( targetFunctions ) do -- old
    for i = len( targetFunctions ), 1, -1 do


Just like with domino, when you take a domino out of the line, it will not work well...

Edited by IIYAMA
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On 16/05/2019 at 22:17, IIYAMA said:

I noticed after applying Kenix his update that 1 of the loops wasn't inverted. Which is important for removing addRenderEvent's within the same process.



	-- for i = 1, len( targetFunctions ) do -- old    for i = len( targetFunctions ), 1, -1 do


Just like with domino, when you take a domino out of the line, it will not work well...

In removeRenderEvent function?

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If the loop isn't invert, this will not work well:

-- This will go wrong
function theFunction () -- first function


-- add multiple functions, else the context isn't valid
for i=1, 9 do
  addRenderEvent(function () end)



1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Looping: from 1 t/m 10

| = index

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Deleting 1 during the loop:


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Going on:

   | > > > > > > > >

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, nothing





2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, nothing


If the loop is inverted, the loop will not have problems when items are removed.







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  • 5 weeks later...
On 19/05/2019 at 14:24, IIYAMA said:




If the loop isn't invert, this will not work well:

-- This will go wrongfunction theFunction () -- first function  removeRenderEvent(theFunction)endaddRenderEvent(theFunction)-- add multiple functions, else the context isn't validfor i=1, 9 do  addRenderEvent(function () end)end



1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Looping: from 1 t/m 10

| = index

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Deleting 1 during the loop:


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Going on:

   | > > > > > > > >

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, nothing





2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, nothing


If the loop is inverted, the loop will not have problems when items are removed.







@IIYAMA It cause another problem with render events, it starts call from end (which is not needed to us, because dx render events has "layers" and you need to call from 1 to table lenght)

If you're using table.remove function, everything should work fine after remove item from table.
Let me explain:

local a = {};

local func = function() end;

a[ #a + 1 ] = func;

for i = 1, #a do
 if a[ i ] == func then
  table.remove( a, i );

print( #( a ) ); -- 0

table.remove safely remove item from table, it's not contains a [1] index with nil value, it's clear


local a = {};

local func = function() end;

a[ #a + 1 ] = func;

for i = 1, #a do
 if a[ i ] == func then
  table.remove( a, i );

print( #( a ) ); -- 0

local func = function() end;

a[ #a + 1 ] = func;

print( #( a ) ); -- 1

Another example:

local a = { 1, 2 };

local func = function() end;

a[ #a + 1 ] = func;

for i = 1, #a do
 if a[ i ] == func then
  table.remove( a, i );

print( #( a ) ); -- 2

local func = function() end;

a[ #a + 1 ] = func;

for i = 1, #a do
 if a[ i ] == func then
  table.remove( a, i );

print( #( a ) ); -- 2

And finally (shows how another items is reordered): from { [1] = 1, [2] = func, [3] = 2} -> {[1] = 1, [2] = 2}

local func = function() end;

local a = { 1, func, 2 };

print( "before", #a ); -- 3

for i = 1, #a do
 if a[ i ] == func then
  table.remove( a, i );

print( "after", #a ); -- 2


test here: https://www.Lua.org/cgi-bin/demo

Edited by Kenix
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49 minutes ago, Kenix said:

It cause another problem with render events, it starts call from end

Agree, didn't thought about that one, but the counting up loop would still have the issue of skipping one(or more > context) of the items for that frame. The loop doesn't take into account that the index should stop increasing when an item is removed, as the array is collapsing.



Would this not cover all the issues?

local i = 1
	if a[ i ] == func then
		table.remove( a, i )
		i = i + 1
until not a[ i ]





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3 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

Agree, didn't thought about that one, but the counting up loop would still have the issue of skipping one(or more > context) of the items for that frame. The loop doesn't take into account that the index should stop increasing when an item is removed, as the array is collapsing.



Would this not cover all the issues?

local i = 1repeat 	if a[ i ] == func then		table.remove( a, i )	else		i = i + 1	enduntil not a[ i ]





I think it's good solution. Code updated.

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7 hours ago, Kenix said:

I think it's good solution. Code updated.

It should be applied on the render function.

The removeRenderEvent is fine as it was.



The problem:


<New frame>

Queue start < fix should be applied here

Func 1

removeRenderEvent (in func 1)

Func 2 (error)

Queue end


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  • 1 month later...
  • Scripting Moderators
On 19/06/2019 at 12:30, IIYAMA said:

It should be applied on the render function.

The removeRenderEvent is fine as it was.



The problem:


<New frame>

Queue start < fix should be applied here

Func 1

removeRenderEvent (in func 1)

Func 2 (error)

Queue end


This problem still exist? 

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I think the issue is now solved. Had to make some annoying adjustments, before it finally did work in all the different context/scenario's. Now it doesn't matter when and where an item gets remove at any index. When it is remove, it gets temporary replaced by a boolean and removed while iterating/rendering. The render order is correct as well. I know it is a bit of a dirty hack, but it does not :scrambleup: things up as it is in some of the known scenario's.


Let me know if there are no new issues occurring.


New version: (need some more testing, just in case)


-- Authors: IIYAMA and Kenix --

local addEventHandler 		= addEventHandler;
local removeEventHandler 	= removeEventHandler;
local table_remove			= table.remove;
local unpack				= unpack;
local len					= table.getn;
local root					= root;

local renderEvents = {

local allTargetFunctions = {} -- All attached functions will be stored in this table.

local acceptedRenderEventTypes = {} -- Is type in use? See: renderEvents.
local renderEventTypeStatus = {} -- Is the event in use? (so it doesn't have to be attached again)

	-- prepare the data
	for i=1, len( renderEvents ) do
		local event = renderEvents[i]
		allTargetFunctions[event] = {}
		acceptedRenderEventTypes[event] = true
		renderEventTypeStatus[event] = false

-- render all events here
local processTargetFunction = function ( timeSlice )
	local targetFunctions = allTargetFunctions[ eventName ]
	local i = 1
	local itemCount = len(targetFunctions)
		if targetFunctions[ i ] == true then -- remove = true
			table_remove( targetFunctions, i )
			itemCount = itemCount - 1
			local targetFunctionData = targetFunctions[i]
			local arguments = targetFunctionData[2]
			if not arguments then
				targetFunctionData[ 1 ]( timeSlice )
				if timeSlice then
					targetFunctionData[ 1 ]( timeSlice, unpack( arguments ) )
					targetFunctionData[ 1 ]( unpack( arguments ) )
			i = i + 1
	until i > itemCount

-- check if a function is already attached
function isRenderEventAdded (theFunction, event)
	if not event or not acceptedRenderEventTypes[event] then
		event = "onClientRender"
	local targetFunctions = allTargetFunctions[event]
	for i = 1, len( targetFunctions ) do
		if targetFunctions[i] and targetFunctions[i] ~= true and targetFunctions[i][1] == theFunction then
			return true
	return false

local isRenderEventAdded = isRenderEventAdded

-- add render event, default type is onClientRender
function addRenderEvent(theFunction, event, ...)
	if not event or not acceptedRenderEventTypes[event] then
		event = "onClientRender"
	if not isRenderEventAdded(theFunction) then
		local targetFunctions = allTargetFunctions[event]
		-- Don't pass an arguments if it not needed.
		local aArgs = { ... };
		local mArgs = len( aArgs ) > 0 and aArgs or nil;
		targetFunctions[ len( targetFunctions ) + 1 ] = { theFunction, mArgs }
		-- attach an event
		if not renderEventTypeStatus[event] then
			addEventHandler (event, root, processTargetFunction, false, "high")
			renderEventTypeStatus[event] = true
		return true
	return false

-- remove a render event
function removeRenderEvent(theFunction, event)
	if not event or not acceptedRenderEventTypes[event] then
		event = "onClientRender"
	local targetFunctions = allTargetFunctions[event]
	for i = 1, len( targetFunctions ) do
		if targetFunctions[i] and targetFunctions[i] ~= true and targetFunctions[i][1] == theFunction then
			targetFunctions[i] = true -- true = remove
			if len( targetFunctions ) == 0 then
				if renderEventTypeStatus[event] then
					removeEventHandler (event, root, processTargetFunction)
					renderEventTypeStatus[event] = false
			return true
	return false




Edited by IIYAMA
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3 hours ago, IIYAMA said:




I think the issue is now solved. Had to make some annoying adjustments, before it finally did work in all the different context/scenario's. Now it doesn't matter when and where an item gets remove at any index. When it is remove, it gets temporary replaced by a boolean and removed while iterating/rendering. The render order is correct as well. I know it is a bit of a dirty hack, but it does not :scrambleup: things up as it is in some of the known scenario's.


Let me know if there are no new issues occurring.


New version: (need some more testing, just in case)

  Reveal hidden contents

      -------------------------------- Authors: IIYAMA and Kenix --------------------------------local addEventHandler 		= addEventHandler;local removeEventHandler 	= removeEventHandler;local table_remove			= table.remove;local unpack				= unpack;local len					= table.getn;local root					= root;local renderEvents = {	"onClientRender",	"onClientPreRender",	"onClientHUDRender"}local allTargetFunctions = {} -- All attached functions will be stored in this table.local acceptedRenderEventTypes = {} -- Is type in use? See: renderEvents.local renderEventTypeStatus = {} -- Is the event in use? (so it doesn't have to be attached again)do	-- prepare the data	for i=1, len( renderEvents ) do		local event = renderEvents[i]		allTargetFunctions[event] = {}		acceptedRenderEventTypes[event] = true		renderEventTypeStatus[event] = false	endend-- render all events herelocal processTargetFunction = function ( timeSlice )	local targetFunctions = allTargetFunctions[ eventName ]		local i = 1	local itemCount = len(targetFunctions)		repeat		if targetFunctions[ i ] == true then -- remove = true			table_remove( targetFunctions, i )			itemCount = itemCount - 1		else			local targetFunctionData = targetFunctions[i]			local arguments = targetFunctionData[2]						if not arguments then				targetFunctionData[ 1 ]( timeSlice )			else				if timeSlice then					targetFunctionData[ 1 ]( timeSlice, unpack( arguments ) )				else					targetFunctionData[ 1 ]( unpack( arguments ) )				end			end						i = i + 1		end	until i > itemCountend-- check if a function is already attachedfunction isRenderEventAdded (theFunction, event)	if not event or not acceptedRenderEventTypes[event] then		event = "onClientRender"	end		local targetFunctions = allTargetFunctions[event]		for i = 1, len( targetFunctions ) do		if targetFunctions[i] and targetFunctions[i] ~= true and targetFunctions[i][1] == theFunction then			return true		end	end		return falseendlocal isRenderEventAdded = isRenderEventAdded-- add render event, default type is onClientRenderfunction addRenderEvent(theFunction, event, ...)	if not event or not acceptedRenderEventTypes[event] then		event = "onClientRender"	end		if not isRenderEventAdded(theFunction) then		local targetFunctions = allTargetFunctions[event]				-- Don't pass an arguments if it not needed.		local aArgs = { ... };		local mArgs = len( aArgs ) > 0 and aArgs or nil;				targetFunctions[ len( targetFunctions ) + 1 ] = { theFunction, mArgs }				-- attach an event		if not renderEventTypeStatus[event] then			addEventHandler (event, root, processTargetFunction, false, "high")			renderEventTypeStatus[event] = true		end				return true	end		return falseend-- remove a render eventfunction removeRenderEvent(theFunction, event)	if not event or not acceptedRenderEventTypes[event] then		event = "onClientRender"	end		local targetFunctions = allTargetFunctions[event]		for i = 1, len( targetFunctions ) do		if targetFunctions[i] and targetFunctions[i] ~= true and targetFunctions[i][1] == theFunction then			targetFunctions[i] = true -- true = remove						if len( targetFunctions ) == 0 then				if renderEventTypeStatus[event] then					removeEventHandler (event, root, processTargetFunction)					renderEventTypeStatus[event] = false				end			end						return true		end	end		return falseend




Thanks, i will let you know, if something will not work.

Besides, what do does in this case?


Edited by majqq
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4 hours ago, majqq said:

Thanks, i will let you know, if something will not work.

Besides, what do does in this case?


It is just an extra block, which runs 1 time. Similar to:

if true then


And no it is not required, but it makes it very clear that some action are happening there.

You more often see those be used to enclose reused variables, without overwrite the original.

local base = 1
if 1 == base then
    local base = 2
    print(base) -- 2
    local base = 3
    print(base) -- 3
  print(base) -- 1


Or delete unused variables:

local a
  local b = 100
  a = b * b * b


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Updated the topic to latest version.


P.s. if you are interested in always receive notifications when the newest version comes out. There is a feature on the forum called: following. This allows you to keep track of updates from a selected topic. It is located on the right + top corner of where the topic starts.

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On 14/08/2019 at 23:27, Einheit-101 said:

I find it ridiculous that this isnt a basic thing of Lua itself, it should not eat less performance when functions are stored as local variables...

It is indeed a little bit strange. But on the other side, it does provide a way to optimise access for variables manually. It is just a pity that it can't optimise itself based on patterns of variable requests.

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  • 7 months later...
  • IIYAMA changed the title to [ENHANCEMENT] client - Render events enchanting
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