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Yo BROs, I have big problem,I'm in a Lan and I want to make a server on internet, but I use a remote computer Gateway to connect myself on internet,it has got modem to connect lan in internet, so I tried to create a server on internet and post its Ip on ASE(all seeing eyes)but when in my lan i'm a remote client of my gateway I can't see that server and other people too, but If I connect modem to my computer,and I become gateway of my internet Lan I can see my server on ase and people can join there,why this fucking problem? Can I bypass it by using a router in my Internet Lan? answer me plz

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You have a problem with the shift key on your keyboard as well.. seens to the be stuck in one position in the topic...

If you're using a gateway, that gateway has to be configured to route incoming requests to your pc. You can only fix this forwarding ports. You can ry to do that on your gateway.

Some ISP use some strage kind of gateways that block incoming requests. You can never bypass that. Adding a router will make it even more difficult.

You could try to set up a VPN to a server that has direct access.. but that will require a lot of configging. Just join one of the many good public inet servers and youll be fine!

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